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1. 去夏令营

2. 买一些特别的东西

3. 为考试准备

4. 跟某人外出

5. 去纽约市

6. 好久不见

7. 度假

8. 去某个有趣的地方

9. 大多数时间

10. 给母鸡喂食

11. 除外一无所有

12. 当然,自然

13. 似乎有点无聊

14. 记日记

15. 令人愉快地活动

16. 到达

17. 决定去海边

18. 尝试滑翔伞运动

19. 感觉像一只小鸟

20. 想要骑车

21. 中国商人的房子

22. 在过去

23. 许多古老的建筑

24. 步行到山顶

25. 开始下雨

26. 等了一个多小时的火车

27. 下大雨

28. 忘记带一把雨伞

29. 又湿又冷

30. 因为恶劣的天气

31. 带着足够的钱

32. 足够大

33. 好像有点饿

34. 与一样好

35. 不如----好

36. 照了相当多的相片

37. 停下来喝水

38. 继续前进

39. 激动地跳跃

40. 二十分钟后

41. 如此以至于

42. 升起

43. 发现

44. 尝起来很好吃

45. 尽力去做某事

46. 停止做某事

47. 不喜欢做某事

48. 继续做某事

49. 一碗米饭

50. 为某人买某物


study for a test of course feel like in the past take photos have fun on vacation

1.Excuse me. Is it okay to of the paintings in the gallery?

2.With these people he a fish out of water.

3.You will reading about the world we live in.

4.I have to go to doctor and today.

5. , I don't always sleep in the afternoons.

6.Bob and his family are ; they've gone to Hawaii.

7. this district was very hard to get to.


1. Alice ate n but some water at the party last night.

2. She didnt take an u so I got wet in the rain.

3. You must w when the traffic light is red.

4. Her father t many photos in Shanghai last October.

5. Her mother didnt have e money,so she couldnt buy the coat.

6. I want to go on vacation but I cant d when to go.

7. We must keep d to improve our writing skills(写作技巧).

8.I d the sweater because it is out of the style(过时).

9. Can you find some d between the twin brothers?

10. There are many outdoor(户外的) a in spring.

Part3 Sentences


1. Did you enjoy yourself last night?(同义句转换)

2. We rode bicycles to Gegetwon.(同义句转换)

3. I wonder what life was like here in the past.(同义句转换)

4. He did some sports last week.(改为否定句)

5. Why dont you come to join us?(同义句)













Part 4 Language Points


1. Monday afternoon we rode bicycle to Gegetown.

A. On

B. In

C. At

D. Of

2. I had useful umbrella when it rained.

A. a

B. an


D. the

3. Our teacher often keeps us classroom every day,so we must keep our classroom .

A. clean, clean

B. cleaning, cleaning

C. cleaning, clean

D. clean, cleaning

4. The only problem was there was nothing much to do in the evening read.

A. and

B. so

C. then

D. but

5. She is new here,so she has friends at school.

A. much

B. Few

C. little

D. A little

6. ---I am going to London for a holiday next month.

--- !

A. Have a good time

B. Its terrible

C. Good job

D. What a pity

7. Youd better not read todays newspaper because there is in it.

A. nothing special

B. anything new

C. Everything important

D. Something interesting

8. We are going to Beijing. Can you ____________when the train will leave ?

A. look for

B. find for

C. find out

D. to see

9.He had to retire(退休)early poor health.

A. as a result

B. because

C. so

D. because of

10. What bad weather it was! We decided .

A. to go out

B. not to go out

C. to not go out

D. not going out

11. I felt _____________when I heard the __________ news.

A. exciting; excited

B. excited; exciting

C. exciting; exciting

D. excited; excited

12. ---I feel tired and sleepy.

---Why not stop for a while?

A. rest

B. to rest

C. resting

D. rested

13. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook for me during my stay in Canada.

A. something different

B. different something

C. nothing different

D. different everything

14. He did not write _________, though(尽管)he had ___________.

A. careful enough; enough time

B. carefully enough; enough time

C. enough careful; enough time

D. enough carefully; time enough

15. Everyone in my class __________the poor boy without parents.

A. want to help

B. want helping

C. wants to help

D. wants helping

16. At first she __________ like maths, but now she ______________.

A. didn did

B. doesn does

C. doesn did

D. didn does

17. When I at the hotel,it was very late.

A. got

B. reached

C. arrived

D. reach for

18. ---Why dont you go out to play, Rose?

---Im afraid I cant. I have much homework .

A. do

B. does

C. doing

D. to do

19. The problems _________ difficult ________ students can solve them.

A. so; and few

B. so; that little

C. so; that few

D, so; that a little

20. I have ____________ homework to do and Im _______ tired now.

A. much too; too much

B. too much; to

C. much too; much too

D. too much; much too

Part5 Conversation

一、完成对话,在对话空格中填上适 当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。

M: How was your day off, Tina?

W: Oh, it was .

M: Really? What happened?

W: Well, we went camping and the was awf ul. It rained and rained all day long.

M: Oh, thats bad.

W: Ugh! So at last, we had to go for a in big caves (山洞) . It was really boring.

M: Sounds terrible, Tina.

W: How about day off, Tony?

M: It was terrible too! I studied very for my math exam last week, so I slept . Can you believe it? When I woke up, it was already 12 oclock. I up and went to my friend Daves house. But he there. He was at the beach!

W: So what did you do?

M: I got home and helped my mom and dad clean the yard.

W: Sounds like a busy day off!



A: Hi, Vera. How was your vacation?

B: It was great.

A: Where did you go?

B: 1

A: Really? Wow! What did you do there?

B: Well, we went to a lot of museums.

A: Oh, how were they?

B: They were really interesting. 2

A: Did you go shopping?

B: Yeah, I did.

A: 3

B: Oh, they were very expensive.

A: And how were the people? 4

B: Yeah, the people were really friendly. My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their house.

A: 5

B: It was delicious. I love Japanese food!

Part6 Cloze


1. We decided (go) to the beach near our hotel.

2. I really enjoy (walk) around the town.

3. We wanted (walk) up to the top.

4. My family (go) to the beach every summer.

5. Did you have a great time (talk) in groups?

6. Lucy usually (go)to school early. But today she (go)to school late.

7. ---Where did you (study) last night?

---No, I (help)my mother (clean) the room.

8. Do you feel like (drink) some orange?

9. Our teacher often keeps us (read) English in the morning.

10. Its very interesting ( feed) the pets.



Last Sunday we had a great trip .My father, my mother and I 1 to summer camp .We went to the mountains .First we 2 to the foot of the mountain 3 bus .In the middle of the mountain there was a river .The water was clean and clear .I washed my face 4 the water .It was warm .There 5 some fishes in the river .In the mountain there were flowers .They were 6 . At noon, many people got together, and they were very 7 We made our meal in the mountain .The food was very 8 , and we liked it very much .After meal ,we went on our trip . We felt 9 . It was really 10 .

1. A. go B. goes C. went D. to go

2. A. get B. got C. got to D. arrived

3. A. by B. on C. in D. took

4. A. on B. with C. in D. into

5. A. is B. was C. were D. are

6. A. ugly B. beautiful C. awful D. delicious

7. A. friendly B. friends C. busy D. tired

8. A. nice B. terrible C. bad D. great

9. A. happy B. unhappy C. friendly D. interesting

10. A. cold B. hot C. fun D. funny


John had a(n) 1 weekend. On Saturday morning, he 2 to the library. He 3 math. 4 Saturday afternoon he went to the park. He played tennis 5 his friend, Lea. Lisa was busy on Saturday, too. She 6 her room in the morning. In the afternoon she 7 her friend, Kim. They played computer games.

On Sunday morning John and Lisa played 8 tennis. They had 9 . In the afternoon Lisa was busy. She studied math and science in the library. But John was 10 . He watched TV.

1. A. busy

B. exciting

C. free

D. quiet

2. A. go

B. goes

C. goed

D. went

3. A. study

B. studies

C. studied

D. studyed

4. A. On

B. In

C. At

D. For

5. A. and

B. with

C. during

D. or

6. A. is cleaning

B. clean

C. cleans

D. cleaned

7. A. visited

B. called

C. phoned

D. saw

8. A. the

B. a

C. an

D. /

9. A. a fun

B. fun

C. funny

D. funs

10. A. interesting

B. interested

C. boring

D. bored


travel come play slow wonder sun work they eye make take spend

I often travel by train to some place of interest. This summer I decided a train trip to the countryside.

Then one day, I got on a train and took a seat by the window. At first, the train moved along and gradually gained its speed. We went through a number of tunnels, crossed some bridges and in the countryside.

It was a day and the scenery outside was . There were green fields everywhere. We could see farmers busily in the fields and some children under the trees. They waved to us as the train went by. The train ran across a bridge. Under the bridge a group of ducks enjoyed . They heard the noise of the train and hurried off.

I looked out of the window. After a while, I closed my and started plans for my next vacation.

Part7 Reading Comprehension


Martin told me something interesting about him. He was on vacation in the United States last summer. He stayed in a hotel and there was a big fire(火)in the room next to his room. He thought he heard a baby crying, so he ran into the room with fire. When he got in, he saw that the TV was on and found that the baby was on TV. So Martin took the television and ran out of the room. Then the firemen came and put out(扑灭)the fire.

( )1. Martin went to America on vacation.