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第十二单元 组织段落方法时间顺序法和空间顺序法



段落内组织细节的最简单最常见的方法是时间顺序法(time order organization)。时间顺序通常用于叙述和过程分析先发生什么,然后怎样,再然后怎样,等等。正如我们在示范段落9-1和示范段落11-1所看到的一样。其实在你的生活中你经常运用这种方法。你也许曾经告诉你父母在学校里发生的事情。你也许向老师或同学叙述过你是怎样做一个实验的。这些用的都是时间顺序。





4)使用first,then,the next step等等列举符号把细节连接起来


段落组织的另一方法是空间顺序法(space order organization)。空间顺序主要用于描述,正如我们在示范段落10-1和示范段落10-2所看到的。空间顺序和时间顺序一样,是生活中经常使用的方法。你也许曾在信中向你父母描述你的学院,或向你的同学描述一个风景区。






We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassans house,perched high up on a hill.Walking up the long driveway,we approached the huge bronze door.A butler was standing in the open doorway,ushering guests into the house.Going in,we passed the oak-pannelled library and the formal dining room before we arrived at the ballroom,where the reception was being held.Under three sparkling chandeliers,more than a hundred people were enjoying champagne,hors doeuvres and good conversation.


主题句:We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassans house.


Exercise 12-1

Directions:Arrange the sentences into a paragraph,using the time order and adding the necessary listing signals.

She never had a birthday party and she was twenty-one year sold.

The party was really a successful one.

We planned to serve fruit punch and coffee.

We planned entertainment.

We carefully made a guest list.

We planned a surprise party for Mary recently.

We included many of her friends from school,a few of her friends from her neighbourhood,and all of her brothers and sisters.

A boy did mayic tricks skillfully;another boy played the guitar well.

We also wanted chicken sandwiches,a birthday cake with twenty-one candles,and ice cream.

We especially enjoyed the group singing.

Exercise 12-2

Directions:Narrate an incident from your own childhood in which you behave in a way you later regretted,using time order.

Exercise 12-3

Directions:Narrate one of your trip,either by bike,by bus or bytrain,combining time order and space order.

第十二单元 组织段落方法时间顺序法和空间顺序法



段落内组织细节的最简单最常见的方法是时间顺序法(time order organization)。时间顺序通常用于叙述和过程分析先发生什么,然后怎样,再然后怎样,等等。正如我们在示范段落9-1和示范段落11-1所看到的一样。其实在你的生活中你经常运用这种方法。你也许曾经告诉你父母在学校里发生的事情。你也许向老师或同学叙述过你是怎样做一个实验的。这些用的都是时间顺序。





4)使用first,then,the next step等等列举符号把细节连接起来


段落组织的另一方法是空间顺序法(space order organization)。空间顺序主要用于描述,正如我们在示范段落10-1和示范段落10-2所看到的。空间顺序和时间顺序一样,是生活中经常使用的方法。你也许曾在信中向你父母描述你的学院,或向你的同学描述一个风景区。






We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassans house,perched high up on a hill.Walking up the long driveway,we approached the huge bronze door.A butler was standing in the open doorway,ushering guests into the house.Going in,we passed the oak-pannelled library and the formal dining room before we arrived at the ballroom,where the reception was being held.Under three sparkling chandeliers,more than a hundred people were enjoying champagne,hors doeuvres and good conversation.


主题句:We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassans house.


Exercise 12-1

Directions:Arrange the sentences into a paragraph,using the time order and adding the necessary listing signals.

She never had a birthday party and she was twenty-one year sold.

The party was really a successful one.

We planned to serve fruit punch and coffee.

We planned entertainment.

We carefully made a guest list.

We planned a surprise party for Mary recently.

We included many of her friends from school,a few of her friends from her neighbourhood,and all of her brothers and sisters.

A boy did mayic tricks skillfully;another boy played the guitar well.

We also wanted chicken sandwiches,a birthday cake with twenty-one candles,and ice cream.

We especially enjoyed the group singing.

Exercise 12-2

Directions:Narrate an incident from your own childhood in which you behave in a way you later regretted,using time order.

Exercise 12-3

Directions:Narrate one of your trip,either by bike,by bus or bytrain,combining time order and space order.

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