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  第八单元 推展段落方法之一事实与数据法



  事实(a fact)是可以客观证实的事情。例如:The sunrises in the east.是个事实。Oil and water do not mix.也是个事实。两者都可以通过实验证明是真实的。但是Eating carrots improves eyesight.也许是真实也许是不真实的。这不是个事实,是一种看法(opinion)。数据(a statistic)是一个数字事实(a numeral fact),用于给某一主题提供有意义的信息。例如:

  There are twenty-five students in the class.是一个数据。


  The term population explosion is usually applied to the rapid growth of population over the last three centuries.In the two hundred years from 1650 to 1850,world population doubled and reached its first billion.In the next eighty years,it doubled again,and by 1975,it had doubled once more to a total of 4 billion.By the year 2000,it is estimated that it will exceed 6 billion and possibly approach 7 billion unless there is a major reduction in birth rates or amajor increase in death rates.


  主题句:The term population explosion is usually applied to the rapid growth of population over the last three centuries.


  数据1:1650-1850;double,reach 1 billion

  数据2:1850-1930;double again,reach 2 billion

  数据3:1930-1975;double again,reach 4 billion

  数据4:1975-2000;exceed 6 billion,approach 7 billion


  A snake is a strange animal.It walks on its ribs and it smells with its tongue.Since its teeth are sharp like needles and not good for chewing,it swallows its food whole.


  主题句:A snake is a strange animal.

  事实1:walks with its ribs and smells with its tongue

  事实2:swallows its food whole






  Exercise 8-1

  Directions:Write a paragraph with statistics as supporting details,using the given topic sentence and statistics.

  Statistic:blood pressure before the exam115/55

  Statistic:at the end of the exam155/115

  Statistic:ten minutes after the exam150/110

  Exams apparently have a marked effect on the blood pressure of the students taking them.

  Exercise 8-2

  Directions:Write a paragraph with facts as supporting details using the given topic sentence and facts.

  Fact:William is the second most common boys name used in English(the first being John)

  Fact:History is full of Williams.

  a.William of Nor manyconquerer of England in 1066

  b.William Shakespearewriter

  c.William Codya hero of the Wild West

  Is your name William?If so, you have company.





  第八单元 推展段落方法之一事实与数据法



  事实(a fact)是可以客观证实的事情。例如:The sunrises in the east.是个事实。Oil and water do not mix.也是个事实。两者都可以通过实验证明是真实的。但是Eating carrots improves eyesight.也许是真实也许是不真实的。这不是个事实,是一种看法(opinion)。数据(a statistic)是一个数字事实(a numeral fact),用于给某一主题提供有意义的信息。例如:

  There are twenty-five students in the class.是一个数据。


  The term population explosion is usually applied to the rapid growth of population over the last three centuries.In the two hundred years from 1650 to 1850,world population doubled and reached its first billion.In the next eighty years,it doubled again,and by 1975,it had doubled once more to a total of 4 billion.By the year 2000,it is estimated that it will exceed 6 billion and possibly approach 7 billion unless there is a major reduction in birth rates or amajor increase in death rates.


  主题句:The term population explosion is usually applied to the rapid growth of population over the last three centuries.


  数据1:1650-1850;double,reach 1 billion

  数据2:1850-1930;double again,reach 2 billion

  数据3:1930-1975;double again,reach 4 billion

  数据4:1975-2000;exceed 6 billion,approach 7 billion


  A snake is a strange animal.It walks on its ribs and it smells with its tongue.Since its teeth are sharp like needles and not good for chewing,it swallows its food whole.


  主题句:A snake is a strange animal.

  事实1:walks with its ribs and smells with its tongue

  事实2:swallows its food whole






  Exercise 8-1

  Directions:Write a paragraph with statistics as supporting details,using the given topic sentence and statistics.

  Statistic:blood pressure before the exam115/55

  Statistic:at the end of the exam155/115

  Statistic:ten minutes after the exam150/110

  Exams apparently have a marked effect on the blood pressure of the students taking them.

  Exercise 8-2

  Directions:Write a paragraph with facts as supporting details using the given topic sentence and facts.

  Fact:William is the second most common boys name used in English(the first being John)

  Fact:History is full of Williams.

  a.William of Nor manyconquerer of England in 1066

  b.William Shakespearewriter

  c.William Codya hero of the Wild West

  Is your name William?If so, you have company.





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