[娱乐时尚] 09全球青年富翁榜前五位

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[娱乐时尚] 09全球青年富翁榜前五位

From Beyonce to Taylor Swift, these young stars collectively banked 410 million in the last year.


In addition to topping charts, winning matches and luring fans, the top 12 highest-earning celebrities under 30 collectively pulled in 410 million over the last year.


With an average age of 23, the cadre of talented--and rich--upstarts consists of athletes, singers, actors etc.


The Queen B raked in an estimated 87 million between June 1, 2008 and June 1, 2009, thanks to a diversified portfolio of music, film, fashion and so on.


The 27-year-old songstress turned actress turned global brand found time to release a double album (I Am...Sasha Fierce), star in two films (Cadillac Records and Obsessed), perform at both the Academy Awards and a presidential inaugural ball and embark on a 110-date international tour.

这位27岁的女歌手继触电成功之后,开创了自己的全球性品牌,还抽空推出一张双碟专辑(I Am...Sasha Fierce),出演了《蓝调传奇》与《纠缠》两部电影,参加了奥斯卡金像奖颁奖晚会,在奥巴马的就职典礼上引吭高歌,并积极筹备她的110天国际巡回演唱会。

She also added Crystal Geyser and Nintendo DSi to a lengthy list of endorsement deals that already included American Express, L'Oreal and Samantha Thavasa handbags.

另外,碧昂斯还签下了大批代言合约,其中包括日本矿泉水品牌Crystal Geyser、任天堂DS主机游戏、美国运通卡、化妆品牌欧莱雅以及萨曼莎·撒乌萨高级手袋等。

From Beyonce to Taylor Swift, these young stars collectively banked 410 million in the last year.


In addition to topping charts, winning matches and luring fans, the top 12 highest-earning celebrities under 30 collectively pulled in 410 million over the last year.


With an average age of 23, the cadre of talented--and rich--upstarts consists of athletes, singers, actors etc.


The Queen B raked in an estimated 87 million between June 1, 2008 and June 1, 2009, thanks to a diversified portfolio of music, film, fashion and so on.


The 27-year-old songstress turned actress turned global brand found time to release a double album (I Am...Sasha Fierce), star in two films (Cadillac Records and Obsessed), perform at both the Academy Awards and a presidential inaugural ball and embark on a 110-date international tour.

这位27岁的女歌手继触电成功之后,开创了自己的全球性品牌,还抽空推出一张双碟专辑(I Am...Sasha Fierce),出演了《蓝调传奇》与《纠缠》两部电影,参加了奥斯卡金像奖颁奖晚会,在奥巴马的就职典礼上引吭高歌,并积极筹备她的110天国际巡回演唱会。

She also added Crystal Geyser and Nintendo DSi to a lengthy list of endorsement deals that already included American Express, L'Oreal and Samantha Thavasa handbags.

另外,碧昂斯还签下了大批代言合约,其中包括日本矿泉水品牌Crystal Geyser、任天堂DS主机游戏、美国运通卡、化妆品牌欧莱雅以及萨曼莎·撒乌萨高级手袋等。