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  1. 所有的答案都不用大写,专有名词除外。

  一句话的第一个字母需要大写,我们的答案大部分都是词或短语,都不是一句话,所以不用大写。但答案中的专有名词,如人名和地名需要大写。例如:Australian taxpayer,不能答为:australian taxpayer。

  2. 绝大部分的答案来自原文原词,极少一部分需要自己写答案。


  原文: if your iron produces droplets of water instead of giving off steam, your

  temperature control is set too low.

  题目:What should you do if our iron starts to drip water?

  答案及解释:原文说:如果你的熨斗产生水滴而不是放出水蒸气,是以为你把温度设置的过低。题目问:如果你的熨斗开始滴水,你应该做什么?答案应该是升高温度的意思,但原文中并没有相应的原词,需要自己写出来。最好的答案是根据your temperature control is set too low改为set temperature high/higher。同样正确的答案为:increase the temperature或turn up temperature。


  题目问how many/how much/what proportion时,答案一般是数词,这时最好写阿拉伯数字,这样一来最保险,不用拼写成英文。

  4. 答案涉及数字的,一般要有简单的四则运算。

  题目问how many/how much/what proportion/what is the cost时,答案一般不会直接是原文中出现的数字,而要涉及到简单的四则运算,通常是加减法。

  原文:All major cities there have high car ownership, but well-developed bus and rail systems are available, and overall public transport typically

  accounts for between 20 and 30 percent of passenger-kilometers.

  题目:What proportion of passenger kilometer is undertaken by private automobile in Western Europe.


  5. 答案涉及钱币的,在数字前一定要有货币符号,在数字后可能会有单位。

  原文:There may have been some consolation in the fact that the bid came in $1 million below the revised budget and $5 million below the original budget of $29 million formulated in mid-1991.

  题目:What was the cost of the revised budget for the Sydney bid?

  答案及解释:根据注意事项4,会有简单的四则运算,此题应该是考过的题目中运算最复杂的。费用比修改后的预算少1 million,比最初的预算少5 million,最初的预算是29 million,所以,修改后的预算应为$25 million。注意,这三个词,25、$25、25 million都是错误的答案。



  原文:You iron is designed to function using tap water. However, it will last longer if you use distilled water.

  题目:What sort of water are you advised to use?

  答案及解释:题目问:建议你使用什么样的水?有的同学从原文的第一句中的出答案:tap water,但原文中马上就有一个转折词however,正确答案为:distilled water。

  7. 满足字数限制的方法。


   冠词:a /an /the



   如果有必要,将A of B改为BA:这里A和B都是名词,如type of fabric,可改为fabric type,省掉一个字。

  大家注意,在去掉多余的字的时候,不要去得太厉害。在满足字数要求的前提下,应尽可能多保留一些原文中的词句。有时去得太厉害,会造成错误。例如正确答案为:Australian taxpayer,如果答成taxpayer,是不对的。

  原文: the amount of steam being given off depending upon the type of fabric being ironed.

  题目:What factor makes you decide on the quantity of steam to use?

  答案及解释:如果没有字数限制,可以答为:the type of fabric或the type of fabric being ironed。现在,字数限制为NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS,答案应先去掉冠词the,再去掉分词短语being ironed,正确答案为type of fabric。



  1. 所有的答案都不用大写,专有名词除外。

  一句话的第一个字母需要大写,我们的答案大部分都是词或短语,都不是一句话,所以不用大写。但答案中的专有名词,如人名和地名需要大写。例如:Australian taxpayer,不能答为:australian taxpayer。

  2. 绝大部分的答案来自原文原词,极少一部分需要自己写答案。


  原文: if your iron produces droplets of water instead of giving off steam, your

  temperature control is set too low.

  题目:What should you do if our iron starts to drip water?

  答案及解释:原文说:如果你的熨斗产生水滴而不是放出水蒸气,是以为你把温度设置的过低。题目问:如果你的熨斗开始滴水,你应该做什么?答案应该是升高温度的意思,但原文中并没有相应的原词,需要自己写出来。最好的答案是根据your temperature control is set too low改为set temperature high/higher。同样正确的答案为:increase the temperature或turn up temperature。


  题目问how many/how much/what proportion时,答案一般是数词,这时最好写阿拉伯数字,这样一来最保险,不用拼写成英文。

  4. 答案涉及数字的,一般要有简单的四则运算。

  题目问how many/how much/what proportion/what is the cost时,答案一般不会直接是原文中出现的数字,而要涉及到简单的四则运算,通常是加减法。

  原文:All major cities there have high car ownership, but well-developed bus and rail systems are available, and overall public transport typically

  accounts for between 20 and 30 percent of passenger-kilometers.

  题目:What proportion of passenger kilometer is undertaken by private automobile in Western Europe.


  5. 答案涉及钱币的,在数字前一定要有货币符号,在数字后可能会有单位。

  原文:There may have been some consolation in the fact that the bid came in $1 million below the revised budget and $5 million below the original budget of $29 million formulated in mid-1991.

  题目:What was the cost of the revised budget for the Sydney bid?

  答案及解释:根据注意事项4,会有简单的四则运算,此题应该是考过的题目中运算最复杂的。费用比修改后的预算少1 million,比最初的预算少5 million,最初的预算是29 million,所以,修改后的预算应为$25 million。注意,这三个词,25、$25、25 million都是错误的答案。



  原文:You iron is designed to function using tap water. However, it will last longer if you use distilled water.

  题目:What sort of water are you advised to use?

  答案及解释:题目问:建议你使用什么样的水?有的同学从原文的第一句中的出答案:tap water,但原文中马上就有一个转折词however,正确答案为:distilled water。

  7. 满足字数限制的方法。


   冠词:a /an /the



   如果有必要,将A of B改为BA:这里A和B都是名词,如type of fabric,可改为fabric type,省掉一个字。

  大家注意,在去掉多余的字的时候,不要去得太厉害。在满足字数要求的前提下,应尽可能多保留一些原文中的词句。有时去得太厉害,会造成错误。例如正确答案为:Australian taxpayer,如果答成taxpayer,是不对的。

  原文: the amount of steam being given off depending upon the type of fabric being ironed.

  题目:What factor makes you decide on the quantity of steam to use?

  答案及解释:如果没有字数限制,可以答为:the type of fabric或the type of fabric being ironed。现在,字数限制为NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS,答案应先去掉冠词the,再去掉分词短语being ironed,正确答案为type of fabric。