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  Section 1 版本号 场景 题型 V09120 S1 Fitness Club Completion/Multiple Choice 详细说明 1 small gym only for:women 2 health check 3 further meeting with instructor:every 6 weeks 4 programme/program 5 开的课程:yoga 6 还有的设施:caf 7 massage 8 Gold Membership off-peak不能什么时候用: A in the evenings of weekdays 9 Silver membership has to pay extra $5: A every time using the facility 10 Gold membership: B $57 per month Section 2 版本号 场景 题型 New Social Activity Multiple Choice /Completion 详细说明 介绍一个叫Connection的scheme 1有收入吗:选 receive no payment 2 为哪些外国人设立的?选those difficult to make friends 3 guest在那里干什么: 选discuss about personal interests 4 他们以后有什么好处:选 in different communities 如何加入 5 two photos,one for vetting,the other one for host family 6 identity 7 have an interview with sb. 8 receive acknowledgement within 7 days 9 confirm 10 decision Section 3 版本号 场景 题型 V06141 S3 Activity completion 详细说明 一个日本访问学者的活动安排 1 subject:microchip 2 contact: Peter Smith(John Green是干扰信息) 3 first day: lab 4 meet :teaching staff 5 postgraduates and third year undergraduates 6 Seminar Room 7 with secretary present 8 research 9 Monday:golf 10 have dinner at the Riverside restaurant Section 4 版本号 场景 题型 New Environment Completion 详细说明 英国绿色生态的建筑 1 Commission by a lawyer 2 shape like a cigar 3 on top known as footprint 4 allows light into the building 5 a layer of grass 6 link nature with the working place 7 less relies on air conditioning to control the temperature than other similar buildings 8 out-break of the building known as lung 9 a place for entertainment called clubroom at the top of the building 10 the firm will design an entire city 综合点评 两旧两新,难度中等


  Section 1 版本号 场景 题型 V09120 S1 Fitness Club Completion/Multiple Choice 详细说明 1 small gym only for:women 2 health check 3 further meeting with instructor:every 6 weeks 4 programme/program 5 开的课程:yoga 6 还有的设施:caf 7 massage 8 Gold Membership off-peak不能什么时候用: A in the evenings of weekdays 9 Silver membership has to pay extra $5: A every time using the facility 10 Gold membership: B $57 per month Section 2 版本号 场景 题型 New Social Activity Multiple Choice /Completion 详细说明 介绍一个叫Connection的scheme 1有收入吗:选 receive no payment 2 为哪些外国人设立的?选those difficult to make friends 3 guest在那里干什么: 选discuss about personal interests 4 他们以后有什么好处:选 in different communities 如何加入 5 two photos,one for vetting,the other one for host family 6 identity 7 have an interview with sb. 8 receive acknowledgement within 7 days 9 confirm 10 decision Section 3 版本号 场景 题型 V06141 S3 Activity completion 详细说明 一个日本访问学者的活动安排 1 subject:microchip 2 contact: Peter Smith(John Green是干扰信息) 3 first day: lab 4 meet :teaching staff 5 postgraduates and third year undergraduates 6 Seminar Room 7 with secretary present 8 research 9 Monday:golf 10 have dinner at the Riverside restaurant Section 4 版本号 场景 题型 New Environment Completion 详细说明 英国绿色生态的建筑 1 Commission by a lawyer 2 shape like a cigar 3 on top known as footprint 4 allows light into the building 5 a layer of grass 6 link nature with the working place 7 less relies on air conditioning to control the temperature than other similar buildings 8 out-break of the building known as lung 9 a place for entertainment called clubroom at the top of the building 10 the firm will design an entire city 综合点评 两旧两新,难度中等


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