奇葩工作大盘点 看有没有你的菜

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奇葩工作大盘点 看有没有你的菜

One of the world's most remote inhabited islands is on the lookout for a new farmer, but with just one village and a population of only 265 people moving there may not be everyone's cup of tea.


Tristan da Cunha, which is located in the South Atlantic Ocean between Brazil and South Africa, posted an advert for the role of 'agricultural adviser' on the National Farmers' Union website with the hopes of attracting a candidate who can help advise on development of livestock and agriculture.


According to the posting " the island would benefit from reducing its reliance on imported foodstuffs to become more self sufficient" and needs someone with "knowledge and expertise to assist in increasing the production of fruit and vegetables and the development of livestock".


Unique as the role may sound though it is not the first time an unusual job has come up for grabs, in the past there have been adverts for everything from a chocolate taster to a paintball tester.


Here we take a look at some of the more weird and wonderful jobs out there for adventurous candidates:


1. Chocolate taster


Scottish firm Mackie's advertised for a chief taster in November with the promise of monthly supplies of chocolate for the successful candidate to "taste, test, lick and sook on the couch at home".


2. Paintball tester


A rather unusual job advert for a paintball tester received more than 10,000 applicants in January 2023 with people from all across the globe wanting to try their hand at the job.


3. Island caretaker


Touted as the "best job in the world" a six-month job opportunity came up on Queensland's Hamilton Island offered a live-in position which involved exploring the area and reporting back on what it had to offer.


4. Christmas tree light untangler


Supermarket chain Tesco found themselves in need of a Christmas tree light untangler this festive season and promptly advertised for someone with "a friendly helpful demeanour, oodles of patience and of course, the innate knack to be able to untangle even the most scrambled of wires".


5. Wookey Hole witch


The owners of Wookey Hole caves in Somerset were so keen to get a perfect replacement for their resident witch they even advertised the job in Eastern Europe.


6. Mars mission candidates


Ever fancied going into space but not sure how to get there, well turns out thousands of others feel the same as over 10,000 applied for a one way mission to Mars that was advertised by NASA.


7. Water slide tester


Those with a love of water were encouraged to apply for the role of water slide tester back in 2023 as travel company First Choice looks for an employee who would be happy to accept a post "where 'going to work' means donning your swimming gear and hurtling down waterslides".


8. Australia's Chief Funster


Wannabe adventurers, rangers and photographers were advertised for as part of a promotion by Tourism Australia to get people into the so-called best jobs in the world. The key draw was the 'chief funster' position which involved being a "professional party-goer and VIP: planning and attending concerts and parties".

澳大利亚旅游局曾经发布过所谓的 “世界上最佳职位”,包括探险家、护林员、摄影师等。而其中最吸引人眼球的岗位莫过于首席娱乐策划,工作内容涉及策划和参加音乐会、聚会等,可谓专业的派对狂人、派对贵宾。

9. John O'Groats signpost photographer


The owners of the iconic signs at Land’s End and John O’Groats launched a frantic search for an official photographer to take pictures of tourists with the famous signposts last year after their snapper of 16 years retired.


10. Police officer on the quiet Scilly Isles


An advert for a job on the very quiet Scilly Isles peaked the interest of many a bobby after the previous holder of the post boasted it was "one of the most enviable policing post in the UK or even the world".

曾在无人问津的锡利群岛上工作过的前“岛警”夸耀说, 这是“全英国、甚至全世界最让人羡慕的警察工作”,导致前来应聘这一职位的求职者爆满。

One of the world's most remote inhabited islands is on the lookout for a new farmer, but with just one village and a population of only 265 people moving there may not be everyone's cup of tea.


Tristan da Cunha, which is located in the South Atlantic Ocean between Brazil and South Africa, posted an advert for the role of 'agricultural adviser' on the National Farmers' Union website with the hopes of attracting a candidate who can help advise on development of livestock and agriculture.


According to the posting " the island would benefit from reducing its reliance on imported foodstuffs to become more self sufficient" and needs someone with "knowledge and expertise to assist in increasing the production of fruit and vegetables and the development of livestock".


Unique as the role may sound though it is not the first time an unusual job has come up for grabs, in the past there have been adverts for everything from a chocolate taster to a paintball tester.


Here we take a look at some of the more weird and wonderful jobs out there for adventurous candidates:


1. Chocolate taster


Scottish firm Mackie's advertised for a chief taster in November with the promise of monthly supplies of chocolate for the successful candidate to "taste, test, lick and sook on the couch at home".


2. Paintball tester


A rather unusual job advert for a paintball tester received more than 10,000 applicants in January 2023 with people from all across the globe wanting to try their hand at the job.


3. Island caretaker


Touted as the "best job in the world" a six-month job opportunity came up on Queensland's Hamilton Island offered a live-in position which involved exploring the area and reporting back on what it had to offer.


4. Christmas tree light untangler


Supermarket chain Tesco found themselves in need of a Christmas tree light untangler this festive season and promptly advertised for someone with "a friendly helpful demeanour, oodles of patience and of course, the innate knack to be able to untangle even the most scrambled of wires".


5. Wookey Hole witch


The owners of Wookey Hole caves in Somerset were so keen to get a perfect replacement for their resident witch they even advertised the job in Eastern Europe.


6. Mars mission candidates


Ever fancied going into space but not sure how to get there, well turns out thousands of others feel the same as over 10,000 applied for a one way mission to Mars that was advertised by NASA.


7. Water slide tester


Those with a love of water were encouraged to apply for the role of water slide tester back in 2023 as travel company First Choice looks for an employee who would be happy to accept a post "where 'going to work' means donning your swimming gear and hurtling down waterslides".


8. Australia's Chief Funster


Wannabe adventurers, rangers and photographers were advertised for as part of a promotion by Tourism Australia to get people into the so-called best jobs in the world. The key draw was the 'chief funster' position which involved being a "professional party-goer and VIP: planning and attending concerts and parties".

澳大利亚旅游局曾经发布过所谓的 “世界上最佳职位”,包括探险家、护林员、摄影师等。而其中最吸引人眼球的岗位莫过于首席娱乐策划,工作内容涉及策划和参加音乐会、聚会等,可谓专业的派对狂人、派对贵宾。

9. John O'Groats signpost photographer


The owners of the iconic signs at Land’s End and John O’Groats launched a frantic search for an official photographer to take pictures of tourists with the famous signposts last year after their snapper of 16 years retired.


10. Police officer on the quiet Scilly Isles


An advert for a job on the very quiet Scilly Isles peaked the interest of many a bobby after the previous holder of the post boasted it was "one of the most enviable policing post in the UK or even the world".

曾在无人问津的锡利群岛上工作过的前“岛警”夸耀说, 这是“全英国、甚至全世界最让人羡慕的警察工作”,导致前来应聘这一职位的求职者爆满。

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