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  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Road Accidents. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:  1)道路事故会给人们的生命和财产带来很大的损失  2)分析道路事故发生的主要原因  3)如何降低事故发生率  Road Accidents  _______________________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________  行文思路  本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点提出一个问题,提纲第2点要求分析造成该问题的原因,提纲第3点要求说明解决该问题的方法,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。  根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出道路事故的严重性及主要危害;分析导致道路事故的主要原因;说明应该如何降低道路事故的发生率。  高分范文  Road Accidents  Road accidents, [1]as one of the important social problems, have always been paid great concern. In most of the big cities, every day, there happen quite a few road accidents. In these accidents, many people suffer great property losses and some of them even lose their lives.  The following reasons contribute to road accidents. Above all, traffic is becoming heavier and heavier, especially in big cities. More and more vehicles on road increase the chances of accidents. In addition, many drivers lack safety awareness and even dont comply with the traffic regulations. For example, some drivers run the red light or drive after being drunk. Besides, the weak supervision and management of traffic control sectors is a noticeable reason.  Considering the seriousness of the traffic problem, it is high time for us to take more effective measures to solve it. Firstly, the government should invest more money to improve public transportation and provide more transportation ways for people to choose. Secondly, stricter laws and regulations should be made to punish those who break traffic regulations. Finally, drivers should enhance safety awareness and develop good driving manners. Only in this way could road accidents be avoided successfully.  亮点点评  [1]插入语,as意为作为。  表递进。  用于引出原因。  过渡衔接词语,使文章条理清晰、衔接紧密。  增加了的机会或可能性。  监管不力,weak的使用准确地道。  考虑到,鉴于,介词。  用于引出解决办法,表示解决问题的紧迫性,常译为早该是的时候了。  only+状语位于句首,引起句子部分倒装。  佳句临摹  佳句:In these accidents, many people suffer great property losses and some of them even lose their lives.  临摹:一些人失败后可能会变得灰心丧气,甚至会放弃成功的希望。  ___________________________________________________________________________.  2.佳句:More and more vehicles on road increase the chances of accidents.  临摹:许多学生认为考取的证书可以增加他们找工作的机会。  ___________________________________________________________________________.  3.佳句:It is high time for us to take more effective measures to solve it.  临摹:因此,我们早该关注一下人口过剩问题了。  ___________________________________________________________________________.  KEY:  Some people, after a failure, may become discouraged and even give up their hope for success. Many students believe that more certificates may increase the chances of their being employed. Therefore, it is high time we paid special attention to the problem of overpopulation.


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Road Accidents. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:  1)道路事故会给人们的生命和财产带来很大的损失  2)分析道路事故发生的主要原因  3)如何降低事故发生率  Road Accidents  _______________________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________  行文思路  本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点提出一个问题,提纲第2点要求分析造成该问题的原因,提纲第3点要求说明解决该问题的方法,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。  根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出道路事故的严重性及主要危害;分析导致道路事故的主要原因;说明应该如何降低道路事故的发生率。  高分范文  Road Accidents  Road accidents, [1]as one of the important social problems, have always been paid great concern. In most of the big cities, every day, there happen quite a few road accidents. In these accidents, many people suffer great property losses and some of them even lose their lives.  The following reasons contribute to road accidents. Above all, traffic is becoming heavier and heavier, especially in big cities. More and more vehicles on road increase the chances of accidents. In addition, many drivers lack safety awareness and even dont comply with the traffic regulations. For example, some drivers run the red light or drive after being drunk. Besides, the weak supervision and management of traffic control sectors is a noticeable reason.  Considering the seriousness of the traffic problem, it is high time for us to take more effective measures to solve it. Firstly, the government should invest more money to improve public transportation and provide more transportation ways for people to choose. Secondly, stricter laws and regulations should be made to punish those who break traffic regulations. Finally, drivers should enhance safety awareness and develop good driving manners. Only in this way could road accidents be avoided successfully.  亮点点评  [1]插入语,as意为作为。  表递进。  用于引出原因。  过渡衔接词语,使文章条理清晰、衔接紧密。  增加了的机会或可能性。  监管不力,weak的使用准确地道。  考虑到,鉴于,介词。  用于引出解决办法,表示解决问题的紧迫性,常译为早该是的时候了。  only+状语位于句首,引起句子部分倒装。  佳句临摹  佳句:In these accidents, many people suffer great property losses and some of them even lose their lives.  临摹:一些人失败后可能会变得灰心丧气,甚至会放弃成功的希望。  ___________________________________________________________________________.  2.佳句:More and more vehicles on road increase the chances of accidents.  临摹:许多学生认为考取的证书可以增加他们找工作的机会。  ___________________________________________________________________________.  3.佳句:It is high time for us to take more effective measures to solve it.  临摹:因此,我们早该关注一下人口过剩问题了。  ___________________________________________________________________________.  KEY:  Some people, after a failure, may become discouraged and even give up their hope for success. Many students believe that more certificates may increase the chances of their being employed. Therefore, it is high time we paid special attention to the problem of overpopulation.


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