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  1)肯定句(Affirmative Sentence)

  Example: The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before.

  2)反诘句(Rhetorical Sentence)

  Example: How do you think people will solve the problem of wildlife protection?


  Example: And the workingman?




  1)段首(At the beginning)


  2)段末(At the end)


  3)段中(In the middle)




  Exercise 2-1

  Directions: Read the following paragraphs and identify the topic sentence. If it is implied, summarize it yourself.


  But no matter what it is called, all polyester has certain good points. It does not wrinkle easily. It dries quickly after it is washed. It holds its shape. It is strong and keeps its colors well.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________



  Black is the colour of mourning. Red symbolizes danger,violence,or bloodshed. If you are afraid, you are yellow. None of these sayings is true outside the English speaking world. In China and Korea, white is the color of mourning. In Russia red stands for beauty and life. In Italy and Germany you are yellow with anger,not with fear.

  Topic Sentence:_____________________________________________



  Our chief source of fresh water is rainfall that collects in lakes,rivers, and reservoirs. Recently, however, we have discovered anew source, aquifers, which are rock formations containing water.Even under deserts, vast aquifers may be waiting to be tapped.Companies drilling for oil in the Middle East have sometimes struck aquifers, which provide unexpected water supplies for arid regions.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________



  Suppose youre playing a game. You make a silly mistake and lose. Do you become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinner.You accidentally spill some food.Why keep worrying about how clumsy you look?Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself anyway?If you can, its good sign youve really grown up.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________



  Young men sometimes bring edelweiss back for their girlfriends. The girls think of the flowers as a proof of true love.Mountain climbers, guides, and hunters pick edelweiss too.They wear it on their hats. To them it is a sign of courage and daring.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________








  1)肯定句(Affirmative Sentence)

  Example: The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before.

  2)反诘句(Rhetorical Sentence)

  Example: How do you think people will solve the problem of wildlife protection?


  Example: And the workingman?




  1)段首(At the beginning)


  2)段末(At the end)


  3)段中(In the middle)




  Exercise 2-1

  Directions: Read the following paragraphs and identify the topic sentence. If it is implied, summarize it yourself.


  But no matter what it is called, all polyester has certain good points. It does not wrinkle easily. It dries quickly after it is washed. It holds its shape. It is strong and keeps its colors well.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________



  Black is the colour of mourning. Red symbolizes danger,violence,or bloodshed. If you are afraid, you are yellow. None of these sayings is true outside the English speaking world. In China and Korea, white is the color of mourning. In Russia red stands for beauty and life. In Italy and Germany you are yellow with anger,not with fear.

  Topic Sentence:_____________________________________________



  Our chief source of fresh water is rainfall that collects in lakes,rivers, and reservoirs. Recently, however, we have discovered anew source, aquifers, which are rock formations containing water.Even under deserts, vast aquifers may be waiting to be tapped.Companies drilling for oil in the Middle East have sometimes struck aquifers, which provide unexpected water supplies for arid regions.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________



  Suppose youre playing a game. You make a silly mistake and lose. Do you become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinner.You accidentally spill some food.Why keep worrying about how clumsy you look?Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself anyway?If you can, its good sign youve really grown up.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________



  Young men sometimes bring edelweiss back for their girlfriends. The girls think of the flowers as a proof of true love.Mountain climbers, guides, and hunters pick edelweiss too.They wear it on their hats. To them it is a sign of courage and daring.

  Topic Sentence:____________________________________________




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