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  241. Perhaps theres no better example of high-level corruption than the case of former Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong .


  242. The airliner crash is seen as merely the tip of an iceberg .


  243. The importance of exercise to good health is only one example of aspects of life people most often take for granted .


  244. Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman .


  245. Suppose were on a ship that hits an iceberg . Do we flip a coin to see who gets the seat on the lifeboat , or do we resort to violence to ensure our self-preservation ?


  246. Lets just assume that weve been lifelong friends and while you have food , I have none . Would you share your good fortune with me , or would you let me starve ?


  247. Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another .


  248. There are many avenues to explore before we reach a final decision .


  249. It is rare to find a person willing to totally abandon the comforts of life simply to help others .


  250. We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial .


  251. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence .


  252. We have to accept the facts no matter how astonishing they might sound .


  253. We must point out that feigning ignorance of the plight of poverty-stricken people is simply an irresponsible act on the part of ignorance .


  254. The apparent success of this summers flood control effort doesnt alter the fact a massive effort will be required to complete the reconstruction program .


  255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organizations 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .


  255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organizations 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .


  256. The continuing wanton loss of life provides ample justification for NATO intervention in Kosovo .


  257. Ample evidence exists to prove that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism .


  258. There is every reason to believe that Chinas resumption of sovereignty over Macao in 1999 will proceed smoothly .


  259. There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate .


  260. All reliable information points to the fact that the Y2K Virus will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century .



  241. Perhaps theres no better example of high-level corruption than the case of former Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong .


  242. The airliner crash is seen as merely the tip of an iceberg .


  243. The importance of exercise to good health is only one example of aspects of life people most often take for granted .


  244. Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman .


  245. Suppose were on a ship that hits an iceberg . Do we flip a coin to see who gets the seat on the lifeboat , or do we resort to violence to ensure our self-preservation ?


  246. Lets just assume that weve been lifelong friends and while you have food , I have none . Would you share your good fortune with me , or would you let me starve ?


  247. Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another .


  248. There are many avenues to explore before we reach a final decision .


  249. It is rare to find a person willing to totally abandon the comforts of life simply to help others .


  250. We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial .


  251. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence .


  252. We have to accept the facts no matter how astonishing they might sound .


  253. We must point out that feigning ignorance of the plight of poverty-stricken people is simply an irresponsible act on the part of ignorance .


  254. The apparent success of this summers flood control effort doesnt alter the fact a massive effort will be required to complete the reconstruction program .


  255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organizations 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .


  255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organizations 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .


  256. The continuing wanton loss of life provides ample justification for NATO intervention in Kosovo .


  257. Ample evidence exists to prove that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism .


  258. There is every reason to believe that Chinas resumption of sovereignty over Macao in 1999 will proceed smoothly .


  259. There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate .


  260. All reliable information points to the fact that the Y2K Virus will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century .



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