监狱餐厅入选英国十佳就餐地 由犯人服务的餐厅你会去吗?

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监狱餐厅入选英国十佳就餐地 由犯人服务的餐厅你会去吗?

A restaurant run by prisoners at a tough jail has been voted one of Britain's top 10 fine dining venues.




The Clink Restaurant, staffed by inmates from Cardiff and Prescoed prisons, beat establishments run by celebrity chefs including Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver to take 10th place.

The Clink餐厅的服务人员是来自加的夫(Cardiff)和普莱斯各(Prescoed)的监狱的囚犯。这家监狱餐厅打败了包括戈登•拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)和杰米·奥利弗(Jamie Oliver)等名厨经营的餐厅,夺得了榜单的第十名。

Included in the top 10 was michelin-starred Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons in Great Milton, Oxfordshire, which came third.

其他上榜餐厅还有位于牛津郡(Oxfordshire)大弥尔顿(Great Milton)的四季农庄餐厅(Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons),这家米其林星级餐厅在榜单上位列第三。

Reviews on website TripAdvisor were used to decide who should win the 2023 Travellers' Choice Restaurants awards.

猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)网站上的用户评论被用于决定谁能赢得2023年旅行者首选餐厅奖(the 2023 Travellers' Choice Restaurants awards)。

Customers said the "friendly and informative staff" put other waiters to shame.

顾客说,The Clink餐厅“友好且善于提供有用信息的员工让别处的侍应相形见绌。



The 96-seat restaurant, serving breakfast and lunch, opened to the public in 2023. Thirty inmates are each paid £14 for a 40-hour week.


The Clink has been credited with helping to slash reoffending rates. Latest figures show it has reduced the rate of the released prisoners who worked there to 12.5 per cent.

The Clink餐厅被认为有助于降低再犯率。最新数据显示,该餐厅把曾在此工作的囚犯获释后的再犯率降低至12.5%。

TripAdvisor spokesman James Kay said: "Given how competitive the UK restaurant industry is, the fact that The Clink Restaurant is the only winning Welsh restaurant demonstrates the incredibly high standard of food and service that the team consistently delivers to customers."

猫途鹰的发言人詹姆斯·凯伊(James Kay)称:“The Clink餐厅是威尔士唯一一家上榜的餐厅。考虑到英国餐饮业竞争的激烈程度,这无疑显示了这家餐厅的员工们坚持带给顾客的高水准饮食及服务。



It was also named top spot in Cardiff out of 946 restaurants in the city.


Opened in 2023, The Clink Cardiff is now one of four restaurants run by prisoners across the UK through The Clink Charity.

卡的夫的The Clink餐厅于2023年开张,是慈善机构The Clink Charity在英国国内开的由囚犯提供服务的四家餐厅之一。

The charity also has restaurants at HMPs Brixton, High Down and Styal and aims to reduce reoffending through projects that train and give practical skills to prisoners to aid their rehabilitation.

该慈善机构也在布里克斯顿(Brixton)监狱(HMP,即Her Majesty's Prison)、高唐(High Down)监狱和斯蒂亚尔(Styal )监狱开了餐厅,旨在通过这些项目,培训囚犯并授予他们实用技能,帮助他们改过自新,以降低再犯罪率。



Chris Moore, chief executive of The Clink Charity, said: "The whole team is delighted to have made it into the top 10 restaurants in the UK by TripAdvisor users, and to be ranked so highly against almost 1,000 restaurants in the city of Cardiff is a huge achievement for us."

The Clink Charity的首席执行官克里斯·摩尔(Chris Moore)表示:“餐厅的所有员工都为餐厅被猫途鹰网友评选入围英国十佳餐厅榜单而高兴。打败了卡的夫市近1000家餐厅,并 得到这么高的评价,对我们来说是一项巨大成就。

On the menu


Loin of venison with venison tortellini, textures of artichoke and confit potato - £14.95


Pan-fried fillet of cod with leek and potato rosti, sauté savoy cabbage and vanilla butter sauce - £13.75


Maple syrup baked fig with almond sponge and cinnamon ice cream - £5.95



put to shame:使自愧不如,使相形见绌












savoy cabbage:皱叶甘蓝




A restaurant run by prisoners at a tough jail has been voted one of Britain's top 10 fine dining venues.




The Clink Restaurant, staffed by inmates from Cardiff and Prescoed prisons, beat establishments run by celebrity chefs including Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver to take 10th place.

The Clink餐厅的服务人员是来自加的夫(Cardiff)和普莱斯各(Prescoed)的监狱的囚犯。这家监狱餐厅打败了包括戈登•拉姆齐(Gordon Ramsay)和杰米·奥利弗(Jamie Oliver)等名厨经营的餐厅,夺得了榜单的第十名。

Included in the top 10 was michelin-starred Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons in Great Milton, Oxfordshire, which came third.

其他上榜餐厅还有位于牛津郡(Oxfordshire)大弥尔顿(Great Milton)的四季农庄餐厅(Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons),这家米其林星级餐厅在榜单上位列第三。

Reviews on website TripAdvisor were used to decide who should win the 2023 Travellers' Choice Restaurants awards.

猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)网站上的用户评论被用于决定谁能赢得2023年旅行者首选餐厅奖(the 2023 Travellers' Choice Restaurants awards)。

Customers said the "friendly and informative staff" put other waiters to shame.

顾客说,The Clink餐厅“友好且善于提供有用信息的员工让别处的侍应相形见绌。



The 96-seat restaurant, serving breakfast and lunch, opened to the public in 2023. Thirty inmates are each paid £14 for a 40-hour week.


The Clink has been credited with helping to slash reoffending rates. Latest figures show it has reduced the rate of the released prisoners who worked there to 12.5 per cent.

The Clink餐厅被认为有助于降低再犯率。最新数据显示,该餐厅把曾在此工作的囚犯获释后的再犯率降低至12.5%。

TripAdvisor spokesman James Kay said: "Given how competitive the UK restaurant industry is, the fact that The Clink Restaurant is the only winning Welsh restaurant demonstrates the incredibly high standard of food and service that the team consistently delivers to customers."

猫途鹰的发言人詹姆斯·凯伊(James Kay)称:“The Clink餐厅是威尔士唯一一家上榜的餐厅。考虑到英国餐饮业竞争的激烈程度,这无疑显示了这家餐厅的员工们坚持带给顾客的高水准饮食及服务。



It was also named top spot in Cardiff out of 946 restaurants in the city.


Opened in 2023, The Clink Cardiff is now one of four restaurants run by prisoners across the UK through The Clink Charity.

卡的夫的The Clink餐厅于2023年开张,是慈善机构The Clink Charity在英国国内开的由囚犯提供服务的四家餐厅之一。

The charity also has restaurants at HMPs Brixton, High Down and Styal and aims to reduce reoffending through projects that train and give practical skills to prisoners to aid their rehabilitation.

该慈善机构也在布里克斯顿(Brixton)监狱(HMP,即Her Majesty's Prison)、高唐(High Down)监狱和斯蒂亚尔(Styal )监狱开了餐厅,旨在通过这些项目,培训囚犯并授予他们实用技能,帮助他们改过自新,以降低再犯罪率。



Chris Moore, chief executive of The Clink Charity, said: "The whole team is delighted to have made it into the top 10 restaurants in the UK by TripAdvisor users, and to be ranked so highly against almost 1,000 restaurants in the city of Cardiff is a huge achievement for us."

The Clink Charity的首席执行官克里斯·摩尔(Chris Moore)表示:“餐厅的所有员工都为餐厅被猫途鹰网友评选入围英国十佳餐厅榜单而高兴。打败了卡的夫市近1000家餐厅,并 得到这么高的评价,对我们来说是一项巨大成就。

On the menu


Loin of venison with venison tortellini, textures of artichoke and confit potato - £14.95


Pan-fried fillet of cod with leek and potato rosti, sauté savoy cabbage and vanilla butter sauce - £13.75


Maple syrup baked fig with almond sponge and cinnamon ice cream - £5.95



put to shame:使自愧不如,使相形见绌












savoy cabbage:皱叶甘蓝




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