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  31. There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money . A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness ?


  32. Some months ago , a friend of mine was killed in a tragic automobile accident involving a drunk driver . The incident was far from rare , and was in fact typical of thousands of cases involving people dricing under the influence of alcohol .


  33. I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse . The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide .


  34. Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child ? Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely . Some view strict discipline as nothing more than a form of abuse , while others argue it is an essential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior .


  35. What do you think of the increasing openness accompanying the ongoing sexual revolution ? Do you ever fantasize ? Answers to these questions should be based on a determination between appropriate and inappropriate behavior .


  36. Why do some governments persist in spending billions of dollars on space exploration when starvation and poverty continue to grip many countries throughout the world ? This particular question is being raised by an ever increasing number of people .


  37. Judging from the reams of evidence presented , we can safely conclude that the Three Gorges Project will change the lives of an untold number of people forever .


  38. The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude that the scourge of AIDS will be brought under control in the foreseeable future .


  39. We must seek immediate solutions for problems leading to the rapid depletion of the earths ozone layer . If allowed to proceed unchecked , the problem will undoubtedly exacerbate global warming and threaten life as we know it today .


  40. Quite obviously , immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability .



  31. There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money . A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness ?


  32. Some months ago , a friend of mine was killed in a tragic automobile accident involving a drunk driver . The incident was far from rare , and was in fact typical of thousands of cases involving people dricing under the influence of alcohol .


  33. I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse . The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide .


  34. Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child ? Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely . Some view strict discipline as nothing more than a form of abuse , while others argue it is an essential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior .


  35. What do you think of the increasing openness accompanying the ongoing sexual revolution ? Do you ever fantasize ? Answers to these questions should be based on a determination between appropriate and inappropriate behavior .


  36. Why do some governments persist in spending billions of dollars on space exploration when starvation and poverty continue to grip many countries throughout the world ? This particular question is being raised by an ever increasing number of people .


  37. Judging from the reams of evidence presented , we can safely conclude that the Three Gorges Project will change the lives of an untold number of people forever .


  38. The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude that the scourge of AIDS will be brought under control in the foreseeable future .


  39. We must seek immediate solutions for problems leading to the rapid depletion of the earths ozone layer . If allowed to proceed unchecked , the problem will undoubtedly exacerbate global warming and threaten life as we know it today .


  40. Quite obviously , immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability .



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