对为何要离开你以前的公司而对新的公司产生兴趣之类的问题时,应该谨慎回答。 这样的问题(以及它们的答案)的意图在于证实你对新公司确有读音,而不是由于你被解雇或者在以前的工作岗位上犯了严重的错误。如果考官很尖锐地问你:“你为什么被解雇?回答要简单扼要。譬如“那里的环境不和睦,许多人都被迫离开就是个很好的回答。
Be on the lookout for questions about why you left your old company and why you are interested in the new one. These questions(or their offspring) are designed to make sure your interest in the new company is sincere and not due to you being fired and/or having the interviewer throws at you:“Why were you fired?keep the answer simple and brief.“It was a hostile environment in which many people were let go,is a good way to handle it.