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  in no case 决不

  in order to 为了

  catch on 理解、明白

  in order that 以便

  catch up with追上、赶上

  out of order 发生故障、混乱

  by chance 偶然、碰巧

  put in order 整理、检修

  take a chance 冒险一试

  every other 每隔一个

  in charge of 负责、主管

  other than 除了

  take charge of担任、负责

  over and over 一再、再三

  check in 办理登记手续

  owing to 由于

  check out 结账后离开、

  on ones own 独自的、独立的

  check on 校对、检查、

  keep pace with 跟上、与同步

  cheer up 使高兴、使振奋、高兴起来、

  take pains 尽力、煞费苦心

  in chorus 一齐、一致、共同

  play a role 起作用

  clear away扫除、收拾

  take part in 参加

  clear up 整理、收拾、清除、澄清、

  in particular 特别的、尤其

  around/round the clock昼夜不停的

  pass away 去世、逝世

  come off实现、成功、奏效

  pass off 中止、停止

  come on 请、来吧、发展、

  pass out 失去知觉、昏倒

  come out 出版、出现、显露、结局是、

  in the past 在过去

  come round / around来访、苏醒、

  pay back 偿还、回报

  come through 经历、脱险

  pay off 使得益、有报偿

  come to 总计、达到、

  pay up 全部付清

  come true实现、达到

  pick out 选出、挑出

  come up 走近、发生、

  pick up 拣起、搭人、获得

  come up to达到、符合

  in place 在适当的位置

  come up with提出、提供

  in place of 代替

  in common 共同、共有、

  in the first place起初、首先

  keep company with 与交往、与结伴

  in the last place 最后

  compareto / with 把比作

  out of place 不得其所的、不适当的

  by comparison 比较起来

  take place 发生

  as far asbe concerned 就而言

  take the place of 代替




  in no case 决不

  in order to 为了

  catch on 理解、明白

  in order that 以便

  catch up with追上、赶上

  out of order 发生故障、混乱

  by chance 偶然、碰巧

  put in order 整理、检修

  take a chance 冒险一试

  every other 每隔一个

  in charge of 负责、主管

  other than 除了

  take charge of担任、负责

  over and over 一再、再三

  check in 办理登记手续

  owing to 由于

  check out 结账后离开、

  on ones own 独自的、独立的

  check on 校对、检查、

  keep pace with 跟上、与同步

  cheer up 使高兴、使振奋、高兴起来、

  take pains 尽力、煞费苦心

  in chorus 一齐、一致、共同

  play a role 起作用

  clear away扫除、收拾

  take part in 参加

  clear up 整理、收拾、清除、澄清、

  in particular 特别的、尤其

  around/round the clock昼夜不停的

  pass away 去世、逝世

  come off实现、成功、奏效

  pass off 中止、停止

  come on 请、来吧、发展、

  pass out 失去知觉、昏倒

  come out 出版、出现、显露、结局是、

  in the past 在过去

  come round / around来访、苏醒、

  pay back 偿还、回报

  come through 经历、脱险

  pay off 使得益、有报偿

  come to 总计、达到、

  pay up 全部付清

  come true实现、达到

  pick out 选出、挑出

  come up 走近、发生、

  pick up 拣起、搭人、获得

  come up to达到、符合

  in place 在适当的位置

  come up with提出、提供

  in place of 代替

  in common 共同、共有、

  in the first place起初、首先

  keep company with 与交往、与结伴

  in the last place 最后

  compareto / with 把比作

  out of place 不得其所的、不适当的

  by comparison 比较起来

  take place 发生

  as far asbe concerned 就而言

  take the place of 代替