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  A: Stop! You are not authorized to enter this section of the building.

  B: Oh, I m sorry, I didn t realize that I needed special permission.


  vt. 授权,批准

  A: What are you reading?

  B: Nelson Mandela s autobiography , I highly recommend it.


  n. 自传

  A: Is that dog over there real?

  B: No, I think that it is just an automation


  n. 自动化(技术),自动操作

  A: I am moving to an autonomous region of the country.

  B: Gosh, that will be an interesting experience.


  a. 1.自治的;2.独立自主的

  A: You are very independent.

  B: My autonomy is protected by the law.


  n. 1.自治,自治权;2.人身自由,自主权

  A: Where you able to get through to the ticket office when you telephoned?

  B: I tried several times, but to no avail.


  n. 效用,利益,帮助

  A: What was the film about?

  B: A guy trying to avenge the killing of his brother. It was quite violent.


  vt. 1.为 复仇,报 之仇;2.向 报仇

  A: Let s turn left down the next road.

  B: Good idea, that way we can avert the traffic jam.


  vt. 1.防止,避免;2.转移(目光、注意力等)


  A: Stop! You are not authorized to enter this section of the building.

  B: Oh, I m sorry, I didn t realize that I needed special permission.


  vt. 授权,批准

  A: What are you reading?

  B: Nelson Mandela s autobiography , I highly recommend it.


  n. 自传

  A: Is that dog over there real?

  B: No, I think that it is just an automation


  n. 自动化(技术),自动操作

  A: I am moving to an autonomous region of the country.

  B: Gosh, that will be an interesting experience.


  a. 1.自治的;2.独立自主的

  A: You are very independent.

  B: My autonomy is protected by the law.


  n. 1.自治,自治权;2.人身自由,自主权

  A: Where you able to get through to the ticket office when you telephoned?

  B: I tried several times, but to no avail.


  n. 效用,利益,帮助

  A: What was the film about?

  B: A guy trying to avenge the killing of his brother. It was quite violent.


  vt. 1.为 复仇,报 之仇;2.向 报仇

  A: Let s turn left down the next road.

  B: Good idea, that way we can avert the traffic jam.


  vt. 1.防止,避免;2.转移(目光、注意力等)