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  A: My skin is too dry, it must be because of the hot weather.

  B: Here is some lotion , rub it on to help.


  n. 洗液,洗济,护肤液

  A: Whether I win or lose is a lottery .

  B: Are you sure there is nothing you can do to increase your chances of winning?


  n. 1.抽彩给奖法;2.碰运气的事,难于算计的事

  A: This is an unusual dish, what is the main ingredient?

  B: It is made from lotus leaves.


  n. 莲,莲花

  A: They will announce the match results over the loudspeaker .

  B: We had better pay more attention then.


  n. 扬声器,喇叭

  A: Did you see my scarf, Dad?

  B: Yes, it is the lounge , near the TV.


  n. 休息厅,休息室

  vi. 1.(懒洋洋地)倚,(懒散地)躺;2.闲逛,闲荡

  A: The brakes on my bike are not working.

  B: Perhaps you need to lubricate them.


  vt. 使润滑

  A: I just landed a new lucrative job.

  B: Great, would you like to share some of your hard earned cash with me?


  a. 赚钱的,可获利的

  A: I had to close my shop. Business had lulled .

  B: That is such a shame.


  vt. 1.使安静,使入睡;2.缓和,减轻,哄骗

  n. 暂时的平息(或平静)


  A: My skin is too dry, it must be because of the hot weather.

  B: Here is some lotion , rub it on to help.


  n. 洗液,洗济,护肤液

  A: Whether I win or lose is a lottery .

  B: Are you sure there is nothing you can do to increase your chances of winning?


  n. 1.抽彩给奖法;2.碰运气的事,难于算计的事

  A: This is an unusual dish, what is the main ingredient?

  B: It is made from lotus leaves.


  n. 莲,莲花

  A: They will announce the match results over the loudspeaker .

  B: We had better pay more attention then.


  n. 扬声器,喇叭

  A: Did you see my scarf, Dad?

  B: Yes, it is the lounge , near the TV.


  n. 休息厅,休息室

  vi. 1.(懒洋洋地)倚,(懒散地)躺;2.闲逛,闲荡

  A: The brakes on my bike are not working.

  B: Perhaps you need to lubricate them.


  vt. 使润滑

  A: I just landed a new lucrative job.

  B: Great, would you like to share some of your hard earned cash with me?


  a. 赚钱的,可获利的

  A: I had to close my shop. Business had lulled .

  B: That is such a shame.


  vt. 1.使安静,使入睡;2.缓和,减轻,哄骗

  n. 暂时的平息(或平静)