六级高频词组详解 1

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六级高频词组详解 1

  1. able后面可以接to do, in, for但是不能接of

  to enable sb to do;使...能做 to disable sb from doing sth使...不能做

  2. be absorbed in全神贯注于...She is completely absorbed in her book . 她在专心致志地看书.

  3. be abundant/rich in sth...丰富,富于...; an abundance of大量的,丰富的,其后可以接可数或不可数名词,但是总体是当一个可数单数形式使用;The tree yields an

  aBundance of fruit. 这树结果甚多.in abundance丰富,充裕:But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. 但是今天这种可口的海味已不


  4. make the acquaintance of sb= make sbs acquaintance主要表示结识,做一个短暂的动词

  I made his acquaintance two years ago.


  I have acquainted myself with their customs.

  I have been acquainted with their customs.

  5. be active in work工作积极

  Activity意思是活跃;所以activity in trade商业活跃;其复数activities才表示种种活动campus activities校园活动

  By/through agency of经...介绍,通过...之手;place/put sth on the agenda把某事提到日程上来

  Agitation for/against:

  agitation against the big department stores 煽动反对大百货公司

  women leading the agitation for equal rights 为争取男女平等而带头辩论的妇女们.

  6、 add既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,在表示添加,加的时候addto把...加到...上是及物动词

  在表示增添increase的时候是一个不及物动词add to; The bad weather added to our difficulties.

  In addition=as well; in addition to=as well as, besides此外,除此之外

  7. advance growth促进增长;

  have an advantage over胜过,优于:A man who can think will always have an advantage over others. 能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人.

  Take advantage of因利乘便,趁...zhiji机,利用---a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of . 易受骗并且容易利用的人.

  8. adventure是一个名词,主要指一些使人心振奋,寻求刺激性的冒险;venture是动词也是名词,主要指生命危险或经济风险;the business venture

  Nothing venture, nothing gain不入虎穴,焉得虎子

  9. take ones advice接受忠告或建议,advice是不可数名词


  I advise that he leave now.

  It is advisable that he leave now.

  10. make allowance for=allow for考虑到,顾及,体谅,原谅

  You should make allowance for his youth= You should allow for his youth.

  11. alternately轮流地; alternatively,另一方面,要不然

  It may have been because of the weather, or alternatively it may have been the result of indigestion.

  Be alien to---与...不相容,与性质不同---Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him. 残忍的行为与他的本性格格不入.

  12. be angry with sb---生某人的气; be angry at/about sth---因某事生气;be angry生气; get angry发怒

  anger既是动词也是名词,in anger---He hit the boy in anger.他生气而揍了这小子.

  13. judge by appearance从外表上判断

  14. answer for对...负有责任---You must answer for her safty.

  Swear的过去式,过去分词是swore,sworn,其在做宣誓,发誓的时候使用swear to...

  He swore to keep the secret.

  Swear在做诅咒,咒骂的时候,使用 swear at...

  She swore at the boy.


  1. able后面可以接to do, in, for但是不能接of

  to enable sb to do;使...能做 to disable sb from doing sth使...不能做

  2. be absorbed in全神贯注于...She is completely absorbed in her book . 她在专心致志地看书.

  3. be abundant/rich in sth...丰富,富于...; an abundance of大量的,丰富的,其后可以接可数或不可数名词,但是总体是当一个可数单数形式使用;The tree yields an

  aBundance of fruit. 这树结果甚多.in abundance丰富,充裕:But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. 但是今天这种可口的海味已不


  4. make the acquaintance of sb= make sbs acquaintance主要表示结识,做一个短暂的动词

  I made his acquaintance two years ago.


  I have acquainted myself with their customs.

  I have been acquainted with their customs.

  5. be active in work工作积极

  Activity意思是活跃;所以activity in trade商业活跃;其复数activities才表示种种活动campus activities校园活动

  By/through agency of经...介绍,通过...之手;place/put sth on the agenda把某事提到日程上来

  Agitation for/against:

  agitation against the big department stores 煽动反对大百货公司

  women leading the agitation for equal rights 为争取男女平等而带头辩论的妇女们.

  6、 add既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,在表示添加,加的时候addto把...加到...上是及物动词

  在表示增添increase的时候是一个不及物动词add to; The bad weather added to our difficulties.

  In addition=as well; in addition to=as well as, besides此外,除此之外

  7. advance growth促进增长;

  have an advantage over胜过,优于:A man who can think will always have an advantage over others. 能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人.

  Take advantage of因利乘便,趁...zhiji机,利用---a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of . 易受骗并且容易利用的人.

  8. adventure是一个名词,主要指一些使人心振奋,寻求刺激性的冒险;venture是动词也是名词,主要指生命危险或经济风险;the business venture

  Nothing venture, nothing gain不入虎穴,焉得虎子

  9. take ones advice接受忠告或建议,advice是不可数名词


  I advise that he leave now.

  It is advisable that he leave now.

  10. make allowance for=allow for考虑到,顾及,体谅,原谅

  You should make allowance for his youth= You should allow for his youth.

  11. alternately轮流地; alternatively,另一方面,要不然

  It may have been because of the weather, or alternatively it may have been the result of indigestion.

  Be alien to---与...不相容,与性质不同---Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him. 残忍的行为与他的本性格格不入.

  12. be angry with sb---生某人的气; be angry at/about sth---因某事生气;be angry生气; get angry发怒

  anger既是动词也是名词,in anger---He hit the boy in anger.他生气而揍了这小子.

  13. judge by appearance从外表上判断

  14. answer for对...负有责任---You must answer for her safty.

  Swear的过去式,过去分词是swore,sworn,其在做宣誓,发誓的时候使用swear to...

  He swore to keep the secret.

  Swear在做诅咒,咒骂的时候,使用 swear at...

  She swore at the boy.