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  131. Language and cultural ______ have prevented many people from moving easily in American society.

  A. barriers

  B. similarities

  C. problems

  D. disagreement

  132. He wrote against people who would not show _____ to all religions.

  A. complacency

  B. mercy

  C. incompetency

  D. persistency

  133. The painting is thought to be _____. There is not another one like it in the world.

  A. peculiar

  B. unique

  C. single

  D. sterile

  134. The school _____ to him missing classes without permission.

  A. objected

  B. adjusted

  C. appealed

  D. conformed

  135. His car is a much older _____ than ours.

  A. model

  B. pattern

  C. manufacture

  D. form


  131. A

  barrier 障碍物, 栅栏, 屏障

  similarity 类似, 类似处

  problem 问题, 难题

  disagreement 意见不同, 不调和, 争执, 不和, 争论

  132. B

  complacency 满足, 安心

  mercy 仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯

  incompetency 无能力, 不适当

  persistency 固执, 持续

  133. B

  peculiar 奇特的, 罕见的, 特殊的

  unique 唯一的, 独特的

  single 单一的, 单身的, 单纯的, 孤独的, 专一的, 个别的

  sterile 贫脊的, 不育的, 不结果的, 消过毒的, 毫无结果的

  134. A

  object to 反对

  adjust to 适应, 调节

  appeal to 呼吁, 要求, 诉诸, 上诉, 有吸引力

  conform to 符合, 遵照

  135. A

  model 样式, 型, 模范, 典型, 模型, 原型, 模特儿

  pattern 模范, 式样, 模式, 样品, 格调, 图案

  manufacture 制造, 制造业, 产品

  form 形状, 形态, 外形, 表格, 形式

  词义辨析:model example pattern

  model 常用作褒义;

  example 可指好的或坏的榜样、例子

  pattern 常指某种特定的式样,作模范解时,可与model互换


  131. Language and cultural ______ have prevented many people from moving easily in American society.

  A. barriers

  B. similarities

  C. problems

  D. disagreement

  132. He wrote against people who would not show _____ to all religions.

  A. complacency

  B. mercy

  C. incompetency

  D. persistency

  133. The painting is thought to be _____. There is not another one like it in the world.

  A. peculiar

  B. unique

  C. single

  D. sterile

  134. The school _____ to him missing classes without permission.

  A. objected

  B. adjusted

  C. appealed

  D. conformed

  135. His car is a much older _____ than ours.

  A. model

  B. pattern

  C. manufacture

  D. form


  131. A

  barrier 障碍物, 栅栏, 屏障

  similarity 类似, 类似处

  problem 问题, 难题

  disagreement 意见不同, 不调和, 争执, 不和, 争论

  132. B

  complacency 满足, 安心

  mercy 仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯

  incompetency 无能力, 不适当

  persistency 固执, 持续

  133. B

  peculiar 奇特的, 罕见的, 特殊的

  unique 唯一的, 独特的

  single 单一的, 单身的, 单纯的, 孤独的, 专一的, 个别的

  sterile 贫脊的, 不育的, 不结果的, 消过毒的, 毫无结果的

  134. A

  object to 反对

  adjust to 适应, 调节

  appeal to 呼吁, 要求, 诉诸, 上诉, 有吸引力

  conform to 符合, 遵照

  135. A

  model 样式, 型, 模范, 典型, 模型, 原型, 模特儿

  pattern 模范, 式样, 模式, 样品, 格调, 图案

  manufacture 制造, 制造业, 产品

  form 形状, 形态, 外形, 表格, 形式

  词义辨析:model example pattern

  model 常用作褒义;

  example 可指好的或坏的榜样、例子

  pattern 常指某种特定的式样,作模范解时,可与model互换