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  A: I think we have an obligation to protect our natural habitat.

  B: I agree. That is why I promote recycling.



  A: How did he get your personal details?

  B: He hacked into my computer and stole them.

  hack vt. 1. 劈,砍;2. 骑缓行

  vi. 1. 劈,砍;2. 开出租车;3. 骑马缓行

  n. 1. 蹩脚文人,雇佣文人;2. 出租车,出租车司机;3. 劈,砍;4. 骑用马,供出租的马

  hack into 私自存取或篡改

  hack through 在...中开路

  A: Is it snowing?

  B: No, I think it is hail.

  hail n. 1. 雹;2. 一阵

  vi. 下雹

  vt. 1. 招呼,高呼;2. 热情赞扬,为喝彩

  hail from 来自,出生于

  A: Would you like to have a hamburger?

  B: No thanks. Im a vegetarian.

  hamburger n. 1. 汉堡包;2. 牛肉糜

  A: I won a hamper in the raffle.

  B: Well done. Can I have a share of your winnings!

  hamper vt. 妨碍,束缚,限制

  n. 大篮子

  A: Do you know when our summer holidays are from university?

  B: Im not sure of the dates, but if you look in the handbook they are printed on the second page.

  handbook n. 手册,便览

  A: Your injury must have been a severe handicap.

  B: At the time it was, but now I have adapted.

  handicap n. 1.缺陷;2. 障碍,不利条件

  vt. 妨碍,使不利

  A: There was a case of harassment in my workplace.

  B: Sounds serious. What was the outcome?

  harassment n. 1. 骚扰,扰乱;2. 烦恼,烦乱

  A: Will I be able to leave these plants outdoors during the winter?

  B: Yes, they are hardy and will survive the cold weather.

  hardy a. 1. 能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的;2. 耐寒的

  A: Do you play any musical instruments?

  B: Yes, I play the harp.

  harp n. 竖琴

  vi. 唠叨,喋喋不休地说

  A: That was a hasty retreat he made from the room.

  B: I dont think that he wanted to be here.

  hasty a. 1. 草率的,轻率的;2. 急速的,匆忙的,仓促完成的

  A: Have the chicks hatched yet?

  B: No, perhaps they will in a couple more days.

  hatch vt. 1. 孵出,孵;2. 筹划,图谋,策划

  vi. 出壳,孵出

  n. 1. 舱门;2. 开口;3. 孵化

  A: I had to haul the coal indoor every day during the winter when I was a child.

  B: Oh you poor thing, what a hard life!

  haul vt. 1. 拖,拉;2. 托运,运送

  n. 1. 拖,拉,拖运;2. 一次获得的数量



  A: I think we have an obligation to protect our natural habitat.

  B: I agree. That is why I promote recycling.



  A: How did he get your personal details?

  B: He hacked into my computer and stole them.

  hack vt. 1. 劈,砍;2. 骑缓行

  vi. 1. 劈,砍;2. 开出租车;3. 骑马缓行

  n. 1. 蹩脚文人,雇佣文人;2. 出租车,出租车司机;3. 劈,砍;4. 骑用马,供出租的马

  hack into 私自存取或篡改

  hack through 在...中开路

  A: Is it snowing?

  B: No, I think it is hail.

  hail n. 1. 雹;2. 一阵

  vi. 下雹

  vt. 1. 招呼,高呼;2. 热情赞扬,为喝彩

  hail from 来自,出生于

  A: Would you like to have a hamburger?

  B: No thanks. Im a vegetarian.

  hamburger n. 1. 汉堡包;2. 牛肉糜

  A: I won a hamper in the raffle.

  B: Well done. Can I have a share of your winnings!

  hamper vt. 妨碍,束缚,限制

  n. 大篮子

  A: Do you know when our summer holidays are from university?

  B: Im not sure of the dates, but if you look in the handbook they are printed on the second page.

  handbook n. 手册,便览

  A: Your injury must have been a severe handicap.

  B: At the time it was, but now I have adapted.

  handicap n. 1.缺陷;2. 障碍,不利条件

  vt. 妨碍,使不利

  A: There was a case of harassment in my workplace.

  B: Sounds serious. What was the outcome?

  harassment n. 1. 骚扰,扰乱;2. 烦恼,烦乱

  A: Will I be able to leave these plants outdoors during the winter?

  B: Yes, they are hardy and will survive the cold weather.

  hardy a. 1. 能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的;2. 耐寒的

  A: Do you play any musical instruments?

  B: Yes, I play the harp.

  harp n. 竖琴

  vi. 唠叨,喋喋不休地说

  A: That was a hasty retreat he made from the room.

  B: I dont think that he wanted to be here.

  hasty a. 1. 草率的,轻率的;2. 急速的,匆忙的,仓促完成的

  A: Have the chicks hatched yet?

  B: No, perhaps they will in a couple more days.

  hatch vt. 1. 孵出,孵;2. 筹划,图谋,策划

  vi. 出壳,孵出

  n. 1. 舱门;2. 开口;3. 孵化

  A: I had to haul the coal indoor every day during the winter when I was a child.

  B: Oh you poor thing, what a hard life!

  haul vt. 1. 拖,拉;2. 托运,运送

  n. 1. 拖,拉,拖运;2. 一次获得的数量



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