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  英语四级经典必背500句:听力口语关键句40   40.Most have worked their way up from sales representatives,and they are very proud of the role they played in the companys growth.   四级词汇讲解:   work ones way up是口语中经常用到的搭配,意为 往上爬 ,是非常形象的表达。be proud of意为 为 而骄傲、自豪 。they played in the companys growth作role的定语从句,其中短语play a role in意为 在 中发挥作用 。   英语四级考点归纳:   短语work up在口语中经常出现,还可细化为如下搭配:   work sth. up意为 逐步发展;努力改进 。如:   I cant work up any appetite.我怎么也无法增加食欲。   work sb./oneself up意为 使激动;使发怒 。如:   What are they so worked up about?他们为了什么那么激动啊?   work sth. up into sth.意为 使完好,修整 。如:   You should work your notes up into an esay.你应该把你的笔记整理成论文。