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  四级级词汇词根联想记忆法乱序版,从起源透析单词释义的演变,加深理解;打破常规字母顺序,仿真环境应用,直观   Word List 1-10   1.torment n.痛苦,折磨;令人痛苦或烦恼的人或物 vt.使痛苦,使烦恼;折磨   【记】词根记忆:tor+ment--扭曲的状态--折磨   【例】 Soon afterwards suffering great pain in his stomach.he said, I deserve all this tormeJrt. for my folly in thinking that everything round must be an egg.   在胃部的剧痛过去后,他说道: 我就应谊接受这样的折磨,谁让我荒唐地认为只要是圆形的就是鸡蛋呢,   【辨】torment,torture   二者都有 折磨,痛苦 的意思。torment指精神上处于长期的烦恼或痛苦中;tormre指身体或精神受到巨大痛苦。   2.venture n.(尤指有风险的)企业,商业,经营项目让冒险:敢于,胆敢   【记】词根记忆:vem+ure-+带来危险的事物一冒险   【例】PepsiCo will provide the distribution networks in the joint venture.   百事公司将为该合资公司提供产品销售网络。(2006听力)   //Nothing veutured,nothing gained.   不入虎穴,焉得虎子。   3.contract n.契约,合同 v.订立合约,签订合同;(使)收缩;得病,感染疾病   【记】词根记忆:con+tract(拉,拽)--合同将双方利益拉到一起--签订合同   【例】58 million people worldwide have corUracted the rnv virus which causes AIDS, while 22 million have died from related illness.   全世界有5800万人患艾滋病,其中2200万人死于艾滋病引起的其他疾病。(2003听力)   //We have to contract with you for this business.   我们必须和你签订这笔交易的合约。   //Family members of infeaed people and medical workers who care for them have been most Iikely toconOuct the illness.   受到感染的病人家属和照料他们的医护人员最有可能感染该疾病:   【用】contract 收缩,缩小 这个意思不常见,主要指内部收紧,使尺寸、体积、范围逐渐减小。 签订合同 可以用sign a contract表示,也可用makea contract with sb.表示。   【派】contraction;contractor   4.interrupt v.打断,打扰;中止,中断,阻碍   【记】词根记忆:inter+rupt--在中间断裂--中断,中止   【例】How canI ever concentrate if you are continually interrupting me with sijly questions?   如果你一直用愚蠢的问题来打断我,我又怎么能集中精力呢?   【辨】interrupt, bother,disturb, interfere   四个词都有 打扰,干扰 的意思。interrupt指中途打断,如:interrupt the conversation; bother指扰乱某人,使其不能专心,常用句式为bother sb. with sth.;disturb指情感因素使人心绪不宁,语气强烈;interfere指通过一系列手段干扰某人,后面常接介词with和in。   5.stoop v.俯身,弯腰;降格,卑屈九,弯腰,曲背;降格,卑屈   【例】Oh, when shall Iarrive again at my home, where I shall no longer have to stoop-shall no longer have to stoop before the small ones.   哦,我什么时候才能再次回家,在那里我就不用再卑躬屈膝 再也不用对那些小人物点头哈腰了,   6.shallow adj.浅的;浅薄的,肤浅的   【例】Stephen looked at them with an acrid smile as the two girls had a shallow talk.   这两个女孩的谈话很肤浅,吏蒂芬面带讽刺的微笑看着她们。   7.rid vt.使摆脱,使去掉,使获自由   【例】get rid of We must get rid of all the bad habits.   我们必须改正所有的坏习惯。   【用】get rid of比较常见,意思是 摆脱,解脱;赶走,清除   8.frequency n.次数,频率;频繁,屡次;周率   【例】Rail bosses acted after Lake District residents complained about the frequency of loud train homs.   英国湖区居民抱怨足车汽笛声过于频繁,铁路大亨们随即采取了措施。   9.enchant vt.用魔法迷惑,使着魔:使入迷,使陶醉   【记】词根记忆:en+chant一完全进入了唱歌的状态一使陶醉   【例】Linda was plainly enchanted by the view.   琳达显然被这种景色陶醉了。   【用】cnchant多指由于喜悦或魔法而着迷,   10.comment n./v.评价,评论   【记】词根记忆:com+ment一带有意见一评论   【例】Judy and other Sun Cruisers officials could not immediately be reached for further commmt as they were away in Indonesia.   朱蒂和太阳巡洋舰的其他工作人员不能立即作出进一步评论,因为他们去了印度尼西亚。(2001听力)   【用】comment作名词时一般与动词make搭配,组成词组make comments;作动词时,与on/upon搭配,表示 对 作评论 。   【派】commentarym(对书籍等的)评语,评注,评论:实况报道];commentator


  四级级词汇词根联想记忆法乱序版,从起源透析单词释义的演变,加深理解;打破常规字母顺序,仿真环境应用,直观   Word List 1-10   1.torment n.痛苦,折磨;令人痛苦或烦恼的人或物 vt.使痛苦,使烦恼;折磨   【记】词根记忆:tor+ment--扭曲的状态--折磨   【例】 Soon afterwards suffering great pain in his stomach.he said, I deserve all this tormeJrt. for my folly in thinking that everything round must be an egg.   在胃部的剧痛过去后,他说道: 我就应谊接受这样的折磨,谁让我荒唐地认为只要是圆形的就是鸡蛋呢,   【辨】torment,torture   二者都有 折磨,痛苦 的意思。torment指精神上处于长期的烦恼或痛苦中;tormre指身体或精神受到巨大痛苦。   2.venture n.(尤指有风险的)企业,商业,经营项目让冒险:敢于,胆敢   【记】词根记忆:vem+ure-+带来危险的事物一冒险   【例】PepsiCo will provide the distribution networks in the joint venture.   百事公司将为该合资公司提供产品销售网络。(2006听力)   //Nothing veutured,nothing gained.   不入虎穴,焉得虎子。   3.contract n.契约,合同 v.订立合约,签订合同;(使)收缩;得病,感染疾病   【记】词根记忆:con+tract(拉,拽)--合同将双方利益拉到一起--签订合同   【例】58 million people worldwide have corUracted the rnv virus which causes AIDS, while 22 million have died from related illness.   全世界有5800万人患艾滋病,其中2200万人死于艾滋病引起的其他疾病。(2003听力)   //We have to contract with you for this business.   我们必须和你签订这笔交易的合约。   //Family members of infeaed people and medical workers who care for them have been most Iikely toconOuct the illness.   受到感染的病人家属和照料他们的医护人员最有可能感染该疾病:   【用】contract 收缩,缩小 这个意思不常见,主要指内部收紧,使尺寸、体积、范围逐渐减小。 签订合同 可以用sign a contract表示,也可用makea contract with sb.表示。   【派】contraction;contractor   4.interrupt v.打断,打扰;中止,中断,阻碍   【记】词根记忆:inter+rupt--在中间断裂--中断,中止   【例】How canI ever concentrate if you are continually interrupting me with sijly questions?   如果你一直用愚蠢的问题来打断我,我又怎么能集中精力呢?   【辨】interrupt, bother,disturb, interfere   四个词都有 打扰,干扰 的意思。interrupt指中途打断,如:interrupt the conversation; bother指扰乱某人,使其不能专心,常用句式为bother sb. with sth.;disturb指情感因素使人心绪不宁,语气强烈;interfere指通过一系列手段干扰某人,后面常接介词with和in。   5.stoop v.俯身,弯腰;降格,卑屈九,弯腰,曲背;降格,卑屈   【例】Oh, when shall Iarrive again at my home, where I shall no longer have to stoop-shall no longer have to stoop before the small ones.   哦,我什么时候才能再次回家,在那里我就不用再卑躬屈膝 再也不用对那些小人物点头哈腰了,   6.shallow adj.浅的;浅薄的,肤浅的   【例】Stephen looked at them with an acrid smile as the two girls had a shallow talk.   这两个女孩的谈话很肤浅,吏蒂芬面带讽刺的微笑看着她们。   7.rid vt.使摆脱,使去掉,使获自由   【例】get rid of We must get rid of all the bad habits.   我们必须改正所有的坏习惯。   【用】get rid of比较常见,意思是 摆脱,解脱;赶走,清除   8.frequency n.次数,频率;频繁,屡次;周率   【例】Rail bosses acted after Lake District residents complained about the frequency of loud train homs.   英国湖区居民抱怨足车汽笛声过于频繁,铁路大亨们随即采取了措施。   9.enchant vt.用魔法迷惑,使着魔:使入迷,使陶醉   【记】词根记忆:en+chant一完全进入了唱歌的状态一使陶醉   【例】Linda was plainly enchanted by the view.   琳达显然被这种景色陶醉了。   【用】cnchant多指由于喜悦或魔法而着迷,   10.comment n./v.评价,评论   【记】词根记忆:com+ment一带有意见一评论   【例】Judy and other Sun Cruisers officials could not immediately be reached for further commmt as they were away in Indonesia.   朱蒂和太阳巡洋舰的其他工作人员不能立即作出进一步评论,因为他们去了印度尼西亚。(2001听力)   【用】comment作名词时一般与动词make搭配,组成词组make comments;作动词时,与on/upon搭配,表示 对 作评论 。   【派】commentarym(对书籍等的)评语,评注,评论:实况报道];commentator