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  1.We are quite sure that we can ________ our present difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.

  A) get across

  B) get over

  C) get away

  D) get off

  2.________ recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.

  A) In view of

  B) In favor of

  C) In case of

  D) In memory of

  3.Jessica was ________ from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.

  A) delivered

  B) exchanged

  C) transferred

  D) transformed

  4.Mr. Smith asked his secretary to ________ a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.

  A) inject

  B) install

  C) invade

  D) insert

  5.Theres the living room still to be ________, so thats my next project.

  A) abandoned

  B) decorated

  C) dissolved

  D) assessed

  6.The old paper mill has been ________ to make way for a new shopping centre.

  A) held down

  B) kept down

  C) cut down

  D) torn down

  7.It may be necessary to stop ________ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.

  A) at a distance

  B) at intervals

  C) at case

  D) at length

  8.You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually youll have to pay a ________.

  A) deposit

  B) deal

  C) fare

  D) fond

  9.My grandfather had always taken a ________ interest in my work, and I had an equal admiration for the stories of his time.

  A) splendid

  B) weighty

  C) vague

  D) keen

  10.________ quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.

  A) Excessive

  B) Extensive

  C) Extreme

  D) Exclusive


  1)翻译:________ (不懂法律)is not accepted as an excuse for breaking the law.

  2)翻译:The victim ________ (本来会有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.


  get across :解释清楚;使人了解;通过

  get over:克服;复元;恢复

  get away:逃脱;离开;出发

  get off:下(车等);逃脱惩罚


  in view of:鉴于;考虑到

  in favor of:赞成...;支持...;有利于...

  in case of:如果发生

  in memory of:纪念


  deliver:v. 递送,陈述,释放

  exchange:n. 交换,汇兑,交易所;v. 交换,交易,兑换


  transform:vt. 使改观,使改变



  inject:vt. 注射,注入,插进(话),引入

  install:vt. 安装,安置任命,使就职

  invade: v. 侵入,拥入

  insert:vt. 插入,嵌入


  abandon:v. 放弃,沉溺

  decorate:v. 装饰

  dissolve:v. 溶解,解散

  assess:v. 估定,评定


  hold down:抑制;压制

  keep down:控制;减少

  cut down: 砍倒;删减

  tear down:v.推倒(尤指建筑物),拆毁


  at a distance:有相当距离;不很近

  at intervals:不时;到处;每隔...时间(或距离)

  at case:无此词(我没有查到这个词的意思,知道的朋友来补充)

  at length:终於;详尽地


  hire:n. 租金,租用,雇用;v. 雇请,出租

  deposit:vt. 安置,使沉淀,储蓄;vi. 沉淀,存储;n. 沉积物;储蓄;押金,定金

  deal:n. 交易,协定,份量;v. 处理,应付,分配

  fare:n. 费用,旅客,食物;v. 进展,进步,经营

  fond:a. 喜欢的


  splendid:a. 壮丽的,辉煌的,好极了的


  vague:a. 模糊的,不明确的,说话含糊不清的

  keen:a. 渴望的,热心的,理解力强的,敏锐的,敏捷的


  quantity:n. 量,数量,(pl.)大量

  excessive:a. 过多的,过分的,极度的

  extensive:a. 广的,广泛的,多方面的

  extreme:n. 极端,末端;a. 极端的,尽头的,偏激的

  exclusive:a. 独占的,唯一的,排外的


  1.We are quite sure that we can ________ our present difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.

  A) get across

  B) get over

  C) get away

  D) get off

  2.________ recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.

  A) In view of

  B) In favor of

  C) In case of

  D) In memory of

  3.Jessica was ________ from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.

  A) delivered

  B) exchanged

  C) transferred

  D) transformed

  4.Mr. Smith asked his secretary to ________ a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.

  A) inject

  B) install

  C) invade

  D) insert

  5.Theres the living room still to be ________, so thats my next project.

  A) abandoned

  B) decorated

  C) dissolved

  D) assessed

  6.The old paper mill has been ________ to make way for a new shopping centre.

  A) held down

  B) kept down

  C) cut down

  D) torn down

  7.It may be necessary to stop ________ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.

  A) at a distance

  B) at intervals

  C) at case

  D) at length

  8.You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually youll have to pay a ________.

  A) deposit

  B) deal

  C) fare

  D) fond

  9.My grandfather had always taken a ________ interest in my work, and I had an equal admiration for the stories of his time.

  A) splendid

  B) weighty

  C) vague

  D) keen

  10.________ quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.

  A) Excessive

  B) Extensive

  C) Extreme

  D) Exclusive


  1)翻译:________ (不懂法律)is not accepted as an excuse for breaking the law.

  2)翻译:The victim ________ (本来会有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.


  get across :解释清楚;使人了解;通过

  get over:克服;复元;恢复

  get away:逃脱;离开;出发

  get off:下(车等);逃脱惩罚


  in view of:鉴于;考虑到

  in favor of:赞成...;支持...;有利于...

  in case of:如果发生

  in memory of:纪念


  deliver:v. 递送,陈述,释放

  exchange:n. 交换,汇兑,交易所;v. 交换,交易,兑换


  transform:vt. 使改观,使改变



  inject:vt. 注射,注入,插进(话),引入

  install:vt. 安装,安置任命,使就职

  invade: v. 侵入,拥入

  insert:vt. 插入,嵌入


  abandon:v. 放弃,沉溺

  decorate:v. 装饰

  dissolve:v. 溶解,解散

  assess:v. 估定,评定


  hold down:抑制;压制

  keep down:控制;减少

  cut down: 砍倒;删减

  tear down:v.推倒(尤指建筑物),拆毁


  at a distance:有相当距离;不很近

  at intervals:不时;到处;每隔...时间(或距离)

  at case:无此词(我没有查到这个词的意思,知道的朋友来补充)

  at length:终於;详尽地


  hire:n. 租金,租用,雇用;v. 雇请,出租

  deposit:vt. 安置,使沉淀,储蓄;vi. 沉淀,存储;n. 沉积物;储蓄;押金,定金

  deal:n. 交易,协定,份量;v. 处理,应付,分配

  fare:n. 费用,旅客,食物;v. 进展,进步,经营

  fond:a. 喜欢的


  splendid:a. 壮丽的,辉煌的,好极了的


  vague:a. 模糊的,不明确的,说话含糊不清的

  keen:a. 渴望的,热心的,理解力强的,敏锐的,敏捷的


  quantity:n. 量,数量,(pl.)大量

  excessive:a. 过多的,过分的,极度的

  extensive:a. 广的,广泛的,多方面的

  extreme:n. 极端,末端;a. 极端的,尽头的,偏激的

  exclusive:a. 独占的,唯一的,排外的

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