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  1._____ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.

  A. To save

  B. Saved

  C. Saving

  D. Having saved

  2.If you go to the West Lake in Hangzhou, you will find it more attractive than commonly_____.

  A. supposing

  B. to suppose

  C. supposed

  D. being supposed

  3.The Smiths have three sons, one a baby, ____ twins of thirteen.

  A. another

  B. other

  C. the other

  D. the others

  4.Papa made a ____ of agreement though his face clouded at the mention of Grandmas name.

  A. point

  B. sign

  C. example

  D. mark

  5.How I wish I could _____ my ideas in simple and wonderful English when chatting on the Internet!

  A. set off

  B. set out

  C. set over

  D. set up

  6.After playing for a while, the children were made to _____ all the toys they had taken out.

  A. put off

  B. put away

  C. put down

  D. put up

  7. How did it _____ that all the flowers died?

   I had forgotten to water them.

  A. come about

  B. come back

  C. come down

  D. come to

  8.It took them a long time to _____ the disappointment of losing the match.

  A. get down

  B. get over

  C. get through

  D. get in

  1.A.不定式表示目的,相当于In order to save...。

  2.C.than supposed相当于than it is supposed。

  3.D.注意该句的省略,one a baby = one son is a baby, the others twins of thirteen = the other sons are twins of thirteen。

  4.B.sign 此处意为表示;手势。

  5.B.set out陈述;阐明;提出;出发; set off出发;使爆炸;使开始做;使发火。

  6.B.put away收起来;储蓄; put off延期; put down写下;镇压;put up举起;张贴;公布;为提供食宿。

  7.A.come about发生;产生。

  8.B.get over克服;从复元,恢复。


  1._____ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.

  A. To save

  B. Saved

  C. Saving

  D. Having saved

  2.If you go to the West Lake in Hangzhou, you will find it more attractive than commonly_____.

  A. supposing

  B. to suppose

  C. supposed

  D. being supposed

  3.The Smiths have three sons, one a baby, ____ twins of thirteen.

  A. another

  B. other

  C. the other

  D. the others

  4.Papa made a ____ of agreement though his face clouded at the mention of Grandmas name.

  A. point

  B. sign

  C. example

  D. mark

  5.How I wish I could _____ my ideas in simple and wonderful English when chatting on the Internet!

  A. set off

  B. set out

  C. set over

  D. set up

  6.After playing for a while, the children were made to _____ all the toys they had taken out.

  A. put off

  B. put away

  C. put down

  D. put up

  7. How did it _____ that all the flowers died?

   I had forgotten to water them.

  A. come about

  B. come back

  C. come down

  D. come to

  8.It took them a long time to _____ the disappointment of losing the match.

  A. get down

  B. get over

  C. get through

  D. get in

  1.A.不定式表示目的,相当于In order to save...。

  2.C.than supposed相当于than it is supposed。

  3.D.注意该句的省略,one a baby = one son is a baby, the others twins of thirteen = the other sons are twins of thirteen。

  4.B.sign 此处意为表示;手势。

  5.B.set out陈述;阐明;提出;出发; set off出发;使爆炸;使开始做;使发火。

  6.B.put away收起来;储蓄; put off延期; put down写下;镇压;put up举起;张贴;公布;为提供食宿。

  7.A.come about发生;产生。

  8.B.get over克服;从复元,恢复。


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