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  1. We can say a lot of things about those _______________ (毕生致力于诗歌的人): they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.

  2. Mary couldnt have received my letter, _______________ (否则她上周就该回信了).

  3. Nancy is supposed to _______________ (做完化学实验)at least two weeks ago.

  4. Never once _____________ (老两口互相争吵)since they were married 40 years ago.

  5. ____________________ (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于)the quality of education of its people.


  1.who have devoted/dedicated their lives/themselves to poetry

  本句是一个定语从句,先行词是those指代人,因此用who引导; 致力于:devote/dedicate ones life/oneself to sth.

  2.or/otherwise she should/would have written back last week.

  此题考查考生对虚拟语气的掌握情况。对过去的虚拟我们要使用would/should have done。

  3.have finished the chemical experiment

  此题考查的是现在完成时。be supposed to do sth. 是固定用法,但考虑到实验是 two weeks ago 完成的动作,此处应该用动词不定式的完成时。

  4.have the old couple quarreled with each other

  此题考查倒装句的使用。英语中表示否定含义的词never, little, seldom, not until, hardly,no sooner等, 置于句首时主谓结构要用倒装语序,又在since+时间点的句型中,主句要使用完成时。

  5.The future prosperity of a nation depends/rests largely/mainly on/upon

  注意高频词:prosperity;此句的考点是主谓一致。 很大程度上 可译作largely, mainly 或to a large/great extent, 有赖于 是 depend/rest on/upon ,这一词组在2007年12月的翻译中也出现过。


  1. We can say a lot of things about those _______________ (毕生致力于诗歌的人): they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.

  2. Mary couldnt have received my letter, _______________ (否则她上周就该回信了).

  3. Nancy is supposed to _______________ (做完化学实验)at least two weeks ago.

  4. Never once _____________ (老两口互相争吵)since they were married 40 years ago.

  5. ____________________ (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于)the quality of education of its people.


  1.who have devoted/dedicated their lives/themselves to poetry

  本句是一个定语从句,先行词是those指代人,因此用who引导; 致力于:devote/dedicate ones life/oneself to sth.

  2.or/otherwise she should/would have written back last week.

  此题考查考生对虚拟语气的掌握情况。对过去的虚拟我们要使用would/should have done。

  3.have finished the chemical experiment

  此题考查的是现在完成时。be supposed to do sth. 是固定用法,但考虑到实验是 two weeks ago 完成的动作,此处应该用动词不定式的完成时。

  4.have the old couple quarreled with each other

  此题考查倒装句的使用。英语中表示否定含义的词never, little, seldom, not until, hardly,no sooner等, 置于句首时主谓结构要用倒装语序,又在since+时间点的句型中,主句要使用完成时。

  5.The future prosperity of a nation depends/rests largely/mainly on/upon

  注意高频词:prosperity;此句的考点是主谓一致。 很大程度上 可译作largely, mainly 或to a large/great extent, 有赖于 是 depend/rest on/upon ,这一词组在2007年12月的翻译中也出现过。