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  1.敷衍搪塞 give someone the runaround


  Dont give us the runaround. Wed just like to know whether you agree or not.

  2.哭穷 to poor-mouth


  Dont poor-mouth to me. I have your number.

  3.白吃白喝 a freeloader


  I wouldnt freeload .Im not a freeloader.

  4.牵线搭桥 pull the strings


  I hear theres an opening in your company and I would like to fill it. But will you pull some strings for me?

  5.甩掉 palm of f


  He urged you palm off all the shoddy goods immediately.

  6.得罪某人get in Dutch with someone


  Zhang Ming got in Dutch with his boss and in a few months he was sacked.

  7.说别人的闲话dish the dirt about


  She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others.

  8.挂个电话 give a buzz


  Give me a buzz before coming so that you wont come to a locked door.

  9.写封信 drop me a line


  Drop me a line when you have time.

  10.榨干血汗 bleed one white


  They are trying to bleed you white.

  11.结伙对付某人 gang up on somebody


  Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us, trying t force us out of that business.

  12.无言以对 not find ones tongue


  He was arrogant at the beginning, but the moment when the police showed the documents he had doctored and asked him what the matter was, he could not find his tongue.

  13.把人逼疯send somebody the loony bin

  别再问了! 你想把你妈妈逼疯么?

  Dont ask her! Do you want to send your mum to the loony bin.

  14.反手一击turn the tables


  They turned the tables on her.

  15.瞧一眼 give someone the once-over


  Hearing that the actress had arrived everyone went out and gave her the once-over.

  16.对牛弹琴cast pearls before swine


  Trying to explain to them the importance of body language in communication is just like casting pearls before swine

  17.拆了东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul


  whats the sense in borrowing from Zhang just to pay Li?Thats meant to rob Peter to pay Paul.

  18.我只是私下跟你随便说说。Only between you and me and the gatepost.


  Its only between you and me and the gatepost, I hear that the manager is on very familiar terms with that girl.

  19.参与某事 have a finger in the pie


  I dont like you to have a finger in the pie, You are no good at such a deal.

  20.顺手牵羊to walk away with


  That day after our chat, he walked away with both my pen and the lighter.

  21.把打发走 to fob off


  Theres no need to worry, for your husband knows how to fob the gang off.

  22.偷看make a stealthy glance at


  He made a stealthy glance at the girl and put on sort of airs of starting to read.

  23.刁难某人make it hot for someone


  I dont want to make it hot for you. But I wont tell you the true story of that till you return the letter to me.

  24.横穿马路 jaywalk


  Anyone who jaywalks in this street will be fined.

  25.咬紧牙关bite the bullet


  The president asked the board to bite the bullet to the crisis.


  1.敷衍搪塞 give someone the runaround


  Dont give us the runaround. Wed just like to know whether you agree or not.

  2.哭穷 to poor-mouth


  Dont poor-mouth to me. I have your number.

  3.白吃白喝 a freeloader


  I wouldnt freeload .Im not a freeloader.

  4.牵线搭桥 pull the strings


  I hear theres an opening in your company and I would like to fill it. But will you pull some strings for me?

  5.甩掉 palm of f


  He urged you palm off all the shoddy goods immediately.

  6.得罪某人get in Dutch with someone


  Zhang Ming got in Dutch with his boss and in a few months he was sacked.

  7.说别人的闲话dish the dirt about


  She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others.

  8.挂个电话 give a buzz


  Give me a buzz before coming so that you wont come to a locked door.

  9.写封信 drop me a line


  Drop me a line when you have time.

  10.榨干血汗 bleed one white


  They are trying to bleed you white.

  11.结伙对付某人 gang up on somebody


  Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us, trying t force us out of that business.

  12.无言以对 not find ones tongue


  He was arrogant at the beginning, but the moment when the police showed the documents he had doctored and asked him what the matter was, he could not find his tongue.

  13.把人逼疯send somebody the loony bin

  别再问了! 你想把你妈妈逼疯么?

  Dont ask her! Do you want to send your mum to the loony bin.

  14.反手一击turn the tables


  They turned the tables on her.

  15.瞧一眼 give someone the once-over


  Hearing that the actress had arrived everyone went out and gave her the once-over.

  16.对牛弹琴cast pearls before swine


  Trying to explain to them the importance of body language in communication is just like casting pearls before swine

  17.拆了东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul


  whats the sense in borrowing from Zhang just to pay Li?Thats meant to rob Peter to pay Paul.

  18.我只是私下跟你随便说说。Only between you and me and the gatepost.


  Its only between you and me and the gatepost, I hear that the manager is on very familiar terms with that girl.

  19.参与某事 have a finger in the pie


  I dont like you to have a finger in the pie, You are no good at such a deal.

  20.顺手牵羊to walk away with


  That day after our chat, he walked away with both my pen and the lighter.

  21.把打发走 to fob off


  Theres no need to worry, for your husband knows how to fob the gang off.

  22.偷看make a stealthy glance at


  He made a stealthy glance at the girl and put on sort of airs of starting to read.

  23.刁难某人make it hot for someone


  I dont want to make it hot for you. But I wont tell you the true story of that till you return the letter to me.

  24.横穿马路 jaywalk


  Anyone who jaywalks in this street will be fined.

  25.咬紧牙关bite the bullet


  The president asked the board to bite the bullet to the crisis.


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