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  36. Telling myse lf that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endings for her tales.

  分析 主干:I offered suggestions

  句首的 Telling 是现在分词,作状语,表示伴随动作曰它带了一个宾语从句,从句的 表语 writer 后接了一个作定语的现在分词 guiding...。 主句部分的介词 for 带有三个名词 作宾语,与 suggestion 连用,表示 对...的建议 。

  译文 我对自己说,我只是一个有经验的作家,在指导身边的一位年轻作家。 我对她的那 些故事中的人物、冲突及结局提出建议。

  37. Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment of emailing would make it easier to lie.

  分析 主干:Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars...

  不定式 to be the biggest liars 在句中作宾语 emailers 的补语。 现在分词 reasoning 在句中作伴随状语,that 引导从句作 reasoning 的宾语。 该宾语从句又包含一个原因状语 从句,由 because 引导。

  译文 有些心理学家原以为人们在电子邮件中最容易撒谎,理由是:欺骗使人感到不舒 服,所以电子邮件这种非直接接触的媒介能让人的谎言更容易说出口。

  38. Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a green labeling study published by Consumers International Friday.

  分析 主干:Consumers are being confused and misled by...

  本句用了现在进行时的被动语态,含两个谓语动词 confused 和 misled。 过去分词 短语 made by...和 published by...分别修饰前面的名词 claims 和 study。

  译文 根据消费者国际组织在星期五发表的 绿色商标 研究报告,消费者受到了各种家 居产品五花八门的环保声明的误导,都被搞糊涂了。

  39. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent s intentional and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play.

  分析 主干:I have witnessed a player reacting

  reacting 在句中是现在分词,作宾语 a player 的补语曰by... hitting...是 reacting 的 方式状语,hitting 作介词 by 的宾语。 as hard as he could 是比较结构,表示 尽力 。

  译文 还有一次我看到过一个球员在比赛中因为对方的一个有意犯规阻挡,而故意使足 了力气把球砸向对方。

  40. Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.

  分析 主干:someone will glance...

  本句是个简单句,谓语动词 glance 后接介词短语 through purchases or bills。 不定 式短语 to find out...在句中作状语,表示 无意中一瞥 的结果。

  译文 或者有人会随意翻阅你的信用卡购物单或手机话费单,以此来了解你的购物喜好 或通话习惯。


  36. Telling myse lf that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endings for her tales.

  分析 主干:I offered suggestions

  句首的 Telling 是现在分词,作状语,表示伴随动作曰它带了一个宾语从句,从句的 表语 writer 后接了一个作定语的现在分词 guiding...。 主句部分的介词 for 带有三个名词 作宾语,与 suggestion 连用,表示 对...的建议 。

  译文 我对自己说,我只是一个有经验的作家,在指导身边的一位年轻作家。 我对她的那 些故事中的人物、冲突及结局提出建议。

  37. Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment of emailing would make it easier to lie.

  分析 主干:Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars...

  不定式 to be the biggest liars 在句中作宾语 emailers 的补语。 现在分词 reasoning 在句中作伴随状语,that 引导从句作 reasoning 的宾语。 该宾语从句又包含一个原因状语 从句,由 because 引导。

  译文 有些心理学家原以为人们在电子邮件中最容易撒谎,理由是:欺骗使人感到不舒 服,所以电子邮件这种非直接接触的媒介能让人的谎言更容易说出口。

  38. Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a green labeling study published by Consumers International Friday.

  分析 主干:Consumers are being confused and misled by...

  本句用了现在进行时的被动语态,含两个谓语动词 confused 和 misled。 过去分词 短语 made by...和 published by...分别修饰前面的名词 claims 和 study。

  译文 根据消费者国际组织在星期五发表的 绿色商标 研究报告,消费者受到了各种家 居产品五花八门的环保声明的误导,都被搞糊涂了。

  39. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent s intentional and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play.

  分析 主干:I have witnessed a player reacting

  reacting 在句中是现在分词,作宾语 a player 的补语曰by... hitting...是 reacting 的 方式状语,hitting 作介词 by 的宾语。 as hard as he could 是比较结构,表示 尽力 。

  译文 还有一次我看到过一个球员在比赛中因为对方的一个有意犯规阻挡,而故意使足 了力气把球砸向对方。

  40. Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.

  分析 主干:someone will glance...

  本句是个简单句,谓语动词 glance 后接介词短语 through purchases or bills。 不定 式短语 to find out...在句中作状语,表示 无意中一瞥 的结果。

  译文 或者有人会随意翻阅你的信用卡购物单或手机话费单,以此来了解你的购物喜好 或通话习惯。


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