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  Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up.A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris,as part of the UNESCO Nations Development Decade,and an international conference on the subject has also been held.UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim.People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship:the ability to read notices,newpapers,timetables,letters,pricelists,to keep simple records and accounts,to sort out the significance of the information gathered,and to fill in forms.

  The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia,Africa,and Central and South America there are at least one hundred million illiterates,comprising eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population.In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million,most of them in Southern Europe,with Spain,Italy,Portugal,and Yugoslavia heading the list.

  1.The figure of world illiteracy was obtained by _____.

  a.an committee of UNESCO

  b.experts in Paris

  c.an international organization

  d.none of these

  2.Studying carefully the clues in the passage,we learn that the total population of Africa is _____.

  a.approximately seven hundred million

  b.approximately one hundred and twenty-five million

  c.approximately eight or eight point five thousand million

  d.exactly twenty-four million

  3.The figure of illiteracy in Britain comprises _____.

  a.zero point one per cent of that of illiteracy in the world

  b.zero point tow per cent of the world adult population

  c.thirty-five per cent of Europes population

  d.three point five per cent of that of the illiteracy in Southern Europe.

  4.It is obvious that UNESOO _____.

  a.is a company in France

  b.is a world organization attached to the U.N.

  c.works mainly at combating illiteracy

  d.has many experts whose level of attainment is far from literacy.

  5.A world plan mentioned in the passage aims at _____.

  a.training responsible citizens

  b.enforcing the functions of UNESCO

  c.helping illiterates learn how to read and write

  d.urging Southern European countries to take the lead in attacking illiteracy

  6.The author implies that this world plan is to _____.

  a.be carried out in the mayor areas of illiteracy like Africa

  b.be realized in ten years

  c.be drawn up by Parician experts

  d.be debted at an international conference




  Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up.A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris,as part of the UNESCO Nations Development Decade,and an international conference on the subject has also been held.UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim.People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship:the ability to read notices,newpapers,timetables,letters,pricelists,to keep simple records and accounts,to sort out the significance of the information gathered,and to fill in forms.

  The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia,Africa,and Central and South America there are at least one hundred million illiterates,comprising eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population.In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million,most of them in Southern Europe,with Spain,Italy,Portugal,and Yugoslavia heading the list.

  1.The figure of world illiteracy was obtained by _____.

  a.an committee of UNESCO

  b.experts in Paris

  c.an international organization

  d.none of these

  2.Studying carefully the clues in the passage,we learn that the total population of Africa is _____.

  a.approximately seven hundred million

  b.approximately one hundred and twenty-five million

  c.approximately eight or eight point five thousand million

  d.exactly twenty-four million

  3.The figure of illiteracy in Britain comprises _____.

  a.zero point one per cent of that of illiteracy in the world

  b.zero point tow per cent of the world adult population

  c.thirty-five per cent of Europes population

  d.three point five per cent of that of the illiteracy in Southern Europe.

  4.It is obvious that UNESOO _____.

  a.is a company in France

  b.is a world organization attached to the U.N.

  c.works mainly at combating illiteracy

  d.has many experts whose level of attainment is far from literacy.

  5.A world plan mentioned in the passage aims at _____.

  a.training responsible citizens

  b.enforcing the functions of UNESCO

  c.helping illiterates learn how to read and write

  d.urging Southern European countries to take the lead in attacking illiteracy

  6.The author implies that this world plan is to _____.

  a.be carried out in the mayor areas of illiteracy like Africa

  b.be realized in ten years

  c.be drawn up by Parician experts

  d.be debted at an international conference




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