A New York state of mind
Urban brains behave differently from rural ones
Shelley contemplates urban decay
HELL is a city much like London, opined Percy ByssheShelley in 1819. Modern academics agree. Last year Dutchresearchers showed that city dwellers have a 21% higherrisk of developing anxiety disorders than do their calmerrural countrymen, and a 39% higher risk of developingmood disorders. But exactly how the inner workings of theurban and rural minds cause this difference has remainedobscureuntil now. A study just published in Nature byAndreas Meyer-Lindenberg of the University of Heidelbergand his colleagues has used a scanning technique calledfunctional magnetic-resonance imaging toexamine the brains of city dwellers and country bumpkinswhen they are under stress.
1819 年,波比?雪莱认为伦敦市更像一个地狱。现代学者同意这个观点。荷兰研究人员研究表明,城市居民相对稳定的乡村同胞来说,得焦虑症的概率高出21%,得心理障碍疾病的概率高出39%。但是直到现在,城市思想和乡村思想是如何引起这方面差异的确切原因仍旧是不清楚的。最近海德尔堡大学的学者安德烈亚斯? 迈耶-林登贝格和他的同事在《自然》杂志上发表了一个研究,该研究使用称为机能性磁共振图像的扫描技术测试了在压力下城市居民和乡村居民的大脑活动情况。
In Dr Meyer-Lindenbergs first experiment, participants lying with their heads in a scanner tookmaths tests that they were doomed to fail . To make the experience still more humiliating, the team provided negativefeedback through headphones, all the while checking participants for indications of stress, suchas high blood pressure.
The urbanites general mental health did not differfrom that of their provincial counterparts. However,their brains dealt with the stress imposed by theexperimenters in different ways. These differenceswere noticeable in two regions: the amygdalas andthe perigenual anterior cingulate cortex . Theamygdalas are a pair of structures, one in eachcerebral hemisphere, that are found deep inside thebrain and are responsible for assessing threats andgenerating the emotion of fear. The pACC is part ofthe cerebral cortex that regulates the amygdalas.
People living in the countryside had the lowest levels of activity in their amygdalas. Those livingin towns had higher levels. City dwellers had the highest. Not that surprising, to those of aShelleyesque disposition. In the case of the pACC, however, what mattered was not wheresomeone was living now, but where he or she was brought up. The more urban a personschildhood, the more active his pACC, regardless of where he was dwelling at the time of theexperiment.
The amygdalas thus seem to respond to the here-and-now whereas the pACC is programmedearly on, and does not react in the same, flexible way as the amygdalas. Second-to-secondchanges in its activity might, though, be expected to be correlated with changes in theamygdalas, because of its role in regulating them. fMRI allows such correlations to bemeasured.
虽然扣带皮层部位控制着杏仁核,但似乎杏仁核是此时此刻的及时回应,扣带皮层部位并没有像杏仁核那样做出相同,柔性的反应。扣带皮层部位接下来每秒钟活动的变化,也许与杏仁核的变化有关,因为扣带皮层部位控制着杏仁核。 fMRI 显示了这样的测量关系。
In the cases of those brought up in the countryside, regardless of where they now live, thecorrelations were as expected. For those brought up in cities, however, these correlations brokedown. The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite, in other words, seems to be out ofkilter. Further evidence, then, for Shelleys point of view. Moreover, it is also known that thepACC-amygdala link is often out of kilter in schizophrenia, and that schizophrenia is morecommon among city dwellers than country folk. Dr Meyer-Lindenberg is careful not to claim thathis results show the cause of this connection. But they might.
Dr Meyer-Lindenberg and his team conducted severalsubsequent experiments to check their findings.They asked participants to complete more mathstestsand also tests in which they mentally rotatedan objectwhile investigators chided them abouttheir performance. The results matched those ofthe first test. They also studied another group ofvolunteers, who were given stress-free tasks tocomplete. These experiments showed no activity ineither the amygdalas or the pACC, suggesting thatthe earlier results were indeed the result of socialstress rather than mental exertion.
As is usually the case in studies of this sort, the sample size was small and the result showed an association, rather than a definite,causal relationship. That association is, nevertheless, interesting. Living in cities brings manybenefits, but Dr Meyer-Lindenbergs work suggests that Shelley and his fellow Romantics had atleast half a point.
A New York state of mind
Urban brains behave differently from rural ones
Shelley contemplates urban decay
HELL is a city much like London, opined Percy ByssheShelley in 1819. Modern academics agree. Last year Dutchresearchers showed that city dwellers have a 21% higherrisk of developing anxiety disorders than do their calmerrural countrymen, and a 39% higher risk of developingmood disorders. But exactly how the inner workings of theurban and rural minds cause this difference has remainedobscureuntil now. A study just published in Nature byAndreas Meyer-Lindenberg of the University of Heidelbergand his colleagues has used a scanning technique calledfunctional magnetic-resonance imaging toexamine the brains of city dwellers and country bumpkinswhen they are under stress.
1819 年,波比?雪莱认为伦敦市更像一个地狱。现代学者同意这个观点。荷兰研究人员研究表明,城市居民相对稳定的乡村同胞来说,得焦虑症的概率高出21%,得心理障碍疾病的概率高出39%。但是直到现在,城市思想和乡村思想是如何引起这方面差异的确切原因仍旧是不清楚的。最近海德尔堡大学的学者安德烈亚斯? 迈耶-林登贝格和他的同事在《自然》杂志上发表了一个研究,该研究使用称为机能性磁共振图像的扫描技术测试了在压力下城市居民和乡村居民的大脑活动情况。
In Dr Meyer-Lindenbergs first experiment, participants lying with their heads in a scanner tookmaths tests that they were doomed to fail . To make the experience still more humiliating, the team provided negativefeedback through headphones, all the while checking participants for indications of stress, suchas high blood pressure.
The urbanites general mental health did not differfrom that of their provincial counterparts. However,their brains dealt with the stress imposed by theexperimenters in different ways. These differenceswere noticeable in two regions: the amygdalas andthe perigenual anterior cingulate cortex . Theamygdalas are a pair of structures, one in eachcerebral hemisphere, that are found deep inside thebrain and are responsible for assessing threats andgenerating the emotion of fear. The pACC is part ofthe cerebral cortex that regulates the amygdalas.
People living in the countryside had the lowest levels of activity in their amygdalas. Those livingin towns had higher levels. City dwellers had the highest. Not that surprising, to those of aShelleyesque disposition. In the case of the pACC, however, what mattered was not wheresomeone was living now, but where he or she was brought up. The more urban a personschildhood, the more active his pACC, regardless of where he was dwelling at the time of theexperiment.
The amygdalas thus seem to respond to the here-and-now whereas the pACC is programmedearly on, and does not react in the same, flexible way as the amygdalas. Second-to-secondchanges in its activity might, though, be expected to be correlated with changes in theamygdalas, because of its role in regulating them. fMRI allows such correlations to bemeasured.
虽然扣带皮层部位控制着杏仁核,但似乎杏仁核是此时此刻的及时回应,扣带皮层部位并没有像杏仁核那样做出相同,柔性的反应。扣带皮层部位接下来每秒钟活动的变化,也许与杏仁核的变化有关,因为扣带皮层部位控制着杏仁核。 fMRI 显示了这样的测量关系。
In the cases of those brought up in the countryside, regardless of where they now live, thecorrelations were as expected. For those brought up in cities, however, these correlations brokedown. The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite, in other words, seems to be out ofkilter. Further evidence, then, for Shelleys point of view. Moreover, it is also known that thepACC-amygdala link is often out of kilter in schizophrenia, and that schizophrenia is morecommon among city dwellers than country folk. Dr Meyer-Lindenberg is careful not to claim thathis results show the cause of this connection. But they might.
Dr Meyer-Lindenberg and his team conducted severalsubsequent experiments to check their findings.They asked participants to complete more mathstestsand also tests in which they mentally rotatedan objectwhile investigators chided them abouttheir performance. The results matched those ofthe first test. They also studied another group ofvolunteers, who were given stress-free tasks tocomplete. These experiments showed no activity ineither the amygdalas or the pACC, suggesting thatthe earlier results were indeed the result of socialstress rather than mental exertion.
As is usually the case in studies of this sort, the sample size was small and the result showed an association, rather than a definite,causal relationship. That association is, nevertheless, interesting. Living in cities brings manybenefits, but Dr Meyer-Lindenbergs work suggests that Shelley and his fellow Romantics had atleast half a point.