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  Science and Technology Greenhouse-gas monitoring Not hot air

  温室气体监测 而非热空气

  A new, private initiative should help show which gases come from where


  IN 1955 a young man called David Keeling started to measure the level of carbon dioxide inthe Californian air. It seemed of little practical value, but he liked designing and building theequipmentand driving back and forth along the Pacific Coast Highway to his sampling siteat Big Sur was fun. Scientists with a new-found interest in the world s carbon-dioxide levelssoon learned of his work and gave him a job setting up monitoring stations in Hawaii andAntarctica for the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, in La Jolla. He continued to work therefor almost 50 years, devoting his life to the monitoring effort. His son, Ralph, runs thecarbon-dioxide programme at Scripps to this day.

  1955年,一个名为David Keeling的年轻人开始测量加利福尼亚空气中的二氧化碳含量。当时他的这一举动看起来没什么实际价值,但这个年轻人喜欢设计和制造设备乐此不疲的往返于太平洋海岸的高速公路和位于大苏尔的采样点间。新近对全球二氧化碳含量产生兴趣的科学家们得知他的所作所为后,给了他一份工作在夏威夷和南极洲拉霍亚的斯克利普斯海洋研究所设立监测站。他一直在那里工作了差不多50年,倾其一生于监测事业。他的儿子拉尔夫现在管理着斯克利普斯的二氧化碳项目。

  In those 50 years measuring carbon-dioxide levels has gone from being a fun problem for apostdoc to a crucial issue for the planet. But the amount of effort put into it remainssurprisingly small. America s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration runsthe biggest network of monitoring sites. A dozen other countries run a few here and there aswell, with an expanded European effort getting under way. However, the scientists involvedhave been pointing out for years that it would take a very small investment, in a scientificworld of satellites and supercomputers, to make such networks a lot more capable. OnJanuary 12th, such an investment was at last revealedbut not by any of the governments towhich the pleas had been addressed.

  在测量二氧化碳含量的这50 年间,二氧化碳含量已不仅是一个博士后感兴趣的问题,而成为了全球至关重要的问题。但让人吃惊的是,为此所做的努力依然很少。美国国家海洋和大气局管理着最大的监测站网络。其它一些国家也在各处零星分布着一些网络,欧洲方面展开的努力正在进行中。然而,参与其中的科学家们几年前就指出,只要一些小额的投资以及科学界的人造卫星和超级计算机,就能使这些网络发挥更大的能力。1月12日,对监测网络的这类投资终于浮出水面但政府方面没出上力,这些要求已得到解决。

  A private company in Maryland, known until recently as AWS Convergence Technologies butnow called Earth Networks, has announced that over the next five years it will spend $25minstalling 100 state-of-the-art carbon-dioxide and methane monitors around the world. Fiftywill be sited in America. According to Pieter Tans, the doyen of the field at NOAA, the countrycurrently has 17 or 18, so that will improve things by a factor of four. In someless-well-covered places things will improve even more.


  This is not pure philanthropy. Earth Networks, which already runs a large system ofweather stations and lightning monitors, is looking to expand, and it believes that thereshould be a market for greenhouse-gas data. American states trying to show that they aredoing something about their emissions might be prepared to pay for inverse modelling work if it were detailed enough to give results for areas assmall as single states. So might countries in Europe, where the company plans to put 25monitors. The new monitoring stations should allow such granularity.

  此举并不纯粹是慈善事业。地球网络已经在运作一个大型气候站点系统,还将扩展闪电监测器,该公司认为温室气体数据应该能有市场。美国各州正试着表明他们现在对排放的气体所做的研究可能为 反转模型 工作做了准备如果数据够完整,将可以得出单个州大小区域的结果。欧洲各国也准备采用这种 反转模型 ,公司计划在欧洲安装25台监测器。新的监测站应该允许这样的范围跨度。

  Although carbon dioxide is the more important greenhouse gas, methane measurementswill be a more practical early application to test the market for this sort of data. Landmasses, and their inhabitants, emit methane without then sucking any of it back up, whichmakes inverse modelling easier than for carbon dioxide .


  Dr Tans probably speaks for many of the scientists involved when he says he is cautiouslyoptimistic about the news. The caution stems in part from concerns about how thecompany s policy on access to its data may change as its business model becomes clearer. Tobegin with, those data will be free to academic researchers. But that could change.


  Another, more selfish worry is that governments which buy Earth Networks products willclose down their existing research programmes. Besides the resulting unemployment, someresearchers fear this would waste an opportunity to use the new data to reveal the trueworkings of the sources and sinks of gases.


  And new data there will bepossibly a lot of themif the business shows signs of profit. EarthNetworks will presumably expand, or competitors will move in, or both. Bob Marshall, thecompany s boss, says he could imagine 1,000 monitoring stations around the world by 2023.Couple such capability with new satellite measurements and better measurements of the mass of plantlife in forests and other ecosystems, and the planet s greenhouse-gas credits and debits willsurely be understood far better.

  如果企业表明了这些数据可以获利的一面,产生的新数据可能会很多。地球网络可能会扩张,或者竞争者加入进来。或者两者兼有。公司老板Bob Marshall说,他的设想是到2023年全世界范围有1000处监测站。新的人造卫星测量器的能力加之对森林和其他生态体系植物质量的更完善的测量,相信人们对地球温室气体的来源和出处会有更深层次的理解。

  Such expansion has risks in itself. Long-term monitoring requires expertise that comesonly with years on the job, so the quality of data from new entrants is always a bit suspect.Here, though, Earth Networks has been canny. As well as working with NOAA, it has apartnership with Scripps to ensure its precision and quality control. There s no betterpedigree.



  Science and Technology Greenhouse-gas monitoring Not hot air

  温室气体监测 而非热空气

  A new, private initiative should help show which gases come from where


  IN 1955 a young man called David Keeling started to measure the level of carbon dioxide inthe Californian air. It seemed of little practical value, but he liked designing and building theequipmentand driving back and forth along the Pacific Coast Highway to his sampling siteat Big Sur was fun. Scientists with a new-found interest in the world s carbon-dioxide levelssoon learned of his work and gave him a job setting up monitoring stations in Hawaii andAntarctica for the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, in La Jolla. He continued to work therefor almost 50 years, devoting his life to the monitoring effort. His son, Ralph, runs thecarbon-dioxide programme at Scripps to this day.

  1955年,一个名为David Keeling的年轻人开始测量加利福尼亚空气中的二氧化碳含量。当时他的这一举动看起来没什么实际价值,但这个年轻人喜欢设计和制造设备乐此不疲的往返于太平洋海岸的高速公路和位于大苏尔的采样点间。新近对全球二氧化碳含量产生兴趣的科学家们得知他的所作所为后,给了他一份工作在夏威夷和南极洲拉霍亚的斯克利普斯海洋研究所设立监测站。他一直在那里工作了差不多50年,倾其一生于监测事业。他的儿子拉尔夫现在管理着斯克利普斯的二氧化碳项目。

  In those 50 years measuring carbon-dioxide levels has gone from being a fun problem for apostdoc to a crucial issue for the planet. But the amount of effort put into it remainssurprisingly small. America s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration runsthe biggest network of monitoring sites. A dozen other countries run a few here and there aswell, with an expanded European effort getting under way. However, the scientists involvedhave been pointing out for years that it would take a very small investment, in a scientificworld of satellites and supercomputers, to make such networks a lot more capable. OnJanuary 12th, such an investment was at last revealedbut not by any of the governments towhich the pleas had been addressed.

  在测量二氧化碳含量的这50 年间,二氧化碳含量已不仅是一个博士后感兴趣的问题,而成为了全球至关重要的问题。但让人吃惊的是,为此所做的努力依然很少。美国国家海洋和大气局管理着最大的监测站网络。其它一些国家也在各处零星分布着一些网络,欧洲方面展开的努力正在进行中。然而,参与其中的科学家们几年前就指出,只要一些小额的投资以及科学界的人造卫星和超级计算机,就能使这些网络发挥更大的能力。1月12日,对监测网络的这类投资终于浮出水面但政府方面没出上力,这些要求已得到解决。

  A private company in Maryland, known until recently as AWS Convergence Technologies butnow called Earth Networks, has announced that over the next five years it will spend $25minstalling 100 state-of-the-art carbon-dioxide and methane monitors around the world. Fiftywill be sited in America. According to Pieter Tans, the doyen of the field at NOAA, the countrycurrently has 17 or 18, so that will improve things by a factor of four. In someless-well-covered places things will improve even more.


  This is not pure philanthropy. Earth Networks, which already runs a large system ofweather stations and lightning monitors, is looking to expand, and it believes that thereshould be a market for greenhouse-gas data. American states trying to show that they aredoing something about their emissions might be prepared to pay for inverse modelling work if it were detailed enough to give results for areas assmall as single states. So might countries in Europe, where the company plans to put 25monitors. The new monitoring stations should allow such granularity.

  此举并不纯粹是慈善事业。地球网络已经在运作一个大型气候站点系统,还将扩展闪电监测器,该公司认为温室气体数据应该能有市场。美国各州正试着表明他们现在对排放的气体所做的研究可能为 反转模型 工作做了准备如果数据够完整,将可以得出单个州大小区域的结果。欧洲各国也准备采用这种 反转模型 ,公司计划在欧洲安装25台监测器。新的监测站应该允许这样的范围跨度。

  Although carbon dioxide is the more important greenhouse gas, methane measurementswill be a more practical early application to test the market for this sort of data. Landmasses, and their inhabitants, emit methane without then sucking any of it back up, whichmakes inverse modelling easier than for carbon dioxide .


  Dr Tans probably speaks for many of the scientists involved when he says he is cautiouslyoptimistic about the news. The caution stems in part from concerns about how thecompany s policy on access to its data may change as its business model becomes clearer. Tobegin with, those data will be free to academic researchers. But that could change.


  Another, more selfish worry is that governments which buy Earth Networks products willclose down their existing research programmes. Besides the resulting unemployment, someresearchers fear this would waste an opportunity to use the new data to reveal the trueworkings of the sources and sinks of gases.


  And new data there will bepossibly a lot of themif the business shows signs of profit. EarthNetworks will presumably expand, or competitors will move in, or both. Bob Marshall, thecompany s boss, says he could imagine 1,000 monitoring stations around the world by 2023.Couple such capability with new satellite measurements and better measurements of the mass of plantlife in forests and other ecosystems, and the planet s greenhouse-gas credits and debits willsurely be understood far better.

  如果企业表明了这些数据可以获利的一面,产生的新数据可能会很多。地球网络可能会扩张,或者竞争者加入进来。或者两者兼有。公司老板Bob Marshall说,他的设想是到2023年全世界范围有1000处监测站。新的人造卫星测量器的能力加之对森林和其他生态体系植物质量的更完善的测量,相信人们对地球温室气体的来源和出处会有更深层次的理解。

  Such expansion has risks in itself. Long-term monitoring requires expertise that comesonly with years on the job, so the quality of data from new entrants is always a bit suspect.Here, though, Earth Networks has been canny. As well as working with NOAA, it has apartnership with Scripps to ensure its precision and quality control. There s no betterpedigree.



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