Selling cars online The TrueCar challenge
网上卖车 TrueCar来势汹汹
A price-comparison website causes ructions in the motor trade
AMERICANS looking for a new car nowadays often use online price-comparison sites such asAutoTrader, Edmunds and eBay to find the best deal.
Most such sites charge dealers a small fee for passing on sales leads from shoppers who havesubmitted their details.
TrueCar, a relative newcomer, does things differently.
It charges dealers $300, but only when its introduction of a customer results in a sale, and itmakes its dealers guarantee to honour their quotes, no excuses.
TrueCar taps into data from state vehicle-registration offices, car-loan providers and othersources to compile what it says are the most accurate figures available for what motoristspay for the same car locally. This can be several hundred dollars less than the sticker price,and is often below invoice the price that, according to the paperwork sent by thecarmaker, represents the wholesale price the dealer paid.
TureCar从车辆登记所、车贷机构和其他渠道得到的数据中总结出其所谓的最精准的当地最低车价,这个价格通常便宜几百美元,甚至经常低于 发票价 ,即汽车厂商给予汽车经销商的纸面批发价。
In fact dealers receive various rebates from carmakers, and make money from such things asloans and service contracts, so a modest profit is still possible.
But such heavy discounting alarms carmakers.
Honda s American arm recently told dealers it would cut off their marketingallowanceswhich can be worth hundreds of dollars for each car soldif they did not stopoffering sub-invoice prices on TrueCar and other sites.
本田的美国车厂近日告知其经销商,如果不停止向诸如TrueCar等比价网站提供 低票价 ,车厂将削减其营销费用,每车大约几百美元。
Honda insists dealers can sell at whatever price they wish, but it will not pay them to marketits products as cheap or low-end cars.
本田表示经销商可以自己定价销售,但厂商不会为了将其产品宣传成 便宜货 或是 低档货 而支付费用。
It also suggests that some dealers use such sites to bait-and-switch , offering tantalisinglycheap cars they do not have, to reel in suckers, a practice many states ban.
TrueCar insists that the contracts it makes dealers sign commit them to deliver the cars theypromise at the price quoted.
David Wilson, who recently told the 16 dealerships he owns in California to stop usingTrueCar, says he has reason to share Honda s scepticism: he plays back to The Economist avoicemail from a rival dealer who had quoted him an attractive price via TrueCar on a newLexus, calling to say that they did not have it in stock but could try to find one for him.
TrueCar says there had been no hiding of the fact that the model concerned might no longerbe available, and thus no question of bait-and-switch that this was a one-off case andthat TrueCar has had few complaints so far.
TrueCar表示就此事而言,如果经销商没有隐瞒网上展示的车型没有存货,也就不构成 掉包诱售 的罪名。上述的事情只是个案,TrueCar表示至今收到投诉寥寥。
But it is awkward that a critic had so little trouble catching a dealer quoting for a car it didnot have.
而且那么容易就能抓到经销商 诈骗 有些不太正常。
Another big chain of dealers, Group 1, has also told its members not to use TrueCar, saying ithad privacy worries over the website s requirement that it have access to showrooms computer systems so as to verify sales.
另一个大经销商Group 1也已经通知其成员不要使用TrueCar,原因是该网站要求通过展厅电脑系统确认其销售情况的举动可能存在侵犯隐私的风险。
Scott Painter, TrueCar s founder, says that so far such publicity has only drawn dealers attention to the attractions of using the website.
TrueCar的创始人Scott Painter解释到,至今这种公开化的做法只会增加经销商使用这个网站的兴趣,而网站所要做的就是把正在做的事情更加公开透明。
All the site is doing, Mr Painter argues, is making more open what is already going on. Hesays his data show that 23% of all the Hondas sold via TrueCar are below invoice price, onlya little above the 22% sold below invoice for all Hondas in America.
Mr Painter says his website is proving so successful at shifting metal that Honda, and thedoubting dealers, will eventually relent: The power of the market will change their mind.
Painter先生认为这个网站的成功,最终会使本田和一些质疑的经销商改变态度,他说 市场的力量会改变他们的想法 。
However, several states regulators are looking into whether the website breaches their laws.
然而已经有好几个州的监管官员在调查该网站是否有违法嫌疑,一些州严禁 指向性营销 。
Some states specifically ban bird-dogging -taking commission for introducing a sale.
然而已经有好几个州的监管官员在调查该网站是否有违法嫌疑,一些州严禁 指向性营销 。
Some also ban using the word invoice in car ads, regarding it as potentially misleading.
一些州则认为在车辆广告中使用 发票 的字样有潜在误导性而禁止此行为。
Colorado s regulator has warned dealers there that they will be held responsible for anyrule-breaking in their TrueCar quotes.
TrueCar says it will shortly make changes to its website to satisfy the regulators concerns.
In September TrueCar raised $245m for expansion. On January 1st it began an exclusivetie-up with Yahoo! to provide car-buying services.
It also provides such services for consumer groups such as the American AutomobileAssociation and the United Services Automobile Association.
It could look forward to a large slice of the $6 billion a year American car dealers spend onadvertising-if it can convince both regulators and dealers that it is operating within the law.
Selling cars online The TrueCar challenge
网上卖车 TrueCar来势汹汹
A price-comparison website causes ructions in the motor trade
AMERICANS looking for a new car nowadays often use online price-comparison sites such asAutoTrader, Edmunds and eBay to find the best deal.
Most such sites charge dealers a small fee for passing on sales leads from shoppers who havesubmitted their details.
TrueCar, a relative newcomer, does things differently.
It charges dealers $300, but only when its introduction of a customer results in a sale, and itmakes its dealers guarantee to honour their quotes, no excuses.
TrueCar taps into data from state vehicle-registration offices, car-loan providers and othersources to compile what it says are the most accurate figures available for what motoristspay for the same car locally. This can be several hundred dollars less than the sticker price,and is often below invoice the price that, according to the paperwork sent by thecarmaker, represents the wholesale price the dealer paid.
TureCar从车辆登记所、车贷机构和其他渠道得到的数据中总结出其所谓的最精准的当地最低车价,这个价格通常便宜几百美元,甚至经常低于 发票价 ,即汽车厂商给予汽车经销商的纸面批发价。
In fact dealers receive various rebates from carmakers, and make money from such things asloans and service contracts, so a modest profit is still possible.
But such heavy discounting alarms carmakers.
Honda s American arm recently told dealers it would cut off their marketingallowanceswhich can be worth hundreds of dollars for each car soldif they did not stopoffering sub-invoice prices on TrueCar and other sites.
本田的美国车厂近日告知其经销商,如果不停止向诸如TrueCar等比价网站提供 低票价 ,车厂将削减其营销费用,每车大约几百美元。
Honda insists dealers can sell at whatever price they wish, but it will not pay them to marketits products as cheap or low-end cars.
本田表示经销商可以自己定价销售,但厂商不会为了将其产品宣传成 便宜货 或是 低档货 而支付费用。
It also suggests that some dealers use such sites to bait-and-switch , offering tantalisinglycheap cars they do not have, to reel in suckers, a practice many states ban.
TrueCar insists that the contracts it makes dealers sign commit them to deliver the cars theypromise at the price quoted.
David Wilson, who recently told the 16 dealerships he owns in California to stop usingTrueCar, says he has reason to share Honda s scepticism: he plays back to The Economist avoicemail from a rival dealer who had quoted him an attractive price via TrueCar on a newLexus, calling to say that they did not have it in stock but could try to find one for him.
TrueCar says there had been no hiding of the fact that the model concerned might no longerbe available, and thus no question of bait-and-switch that this was a one-off case andthat TrueCar has had few complaints so far.
TrueCar表示就此事而言,如果经销商没有隐瞒网上展示的车型没有存货,也就不构成 掉包诱售 的罪名。上述的事情只是个案,TrueCar表示至今收到投诉寥寥。
But it is awkward that a critic had so little trouble catching a dealer quoting for a car it didnot have.
而且那么容易就能抓到经销商 诈骗 有些不太正常。
Another big chain of dealers, Group 1, has also told its members not to use TrueCar, saying ithad privacy worries over the website s requirement that it have access to showrooms computer systems so as to verify sales.
另一个大经销商Group 1也已经通知其成员不要使用TrueCar,原因是该网站要求通过展厅电脑系统确认其销售情况的举动可能存在侵犯隐私的风险。
Scott Painter, TrueCar s founder, says that so far such publicity has only drawn dealers attention to the attractions of using the website.
TrueCar的创始人Scott Painter解释到,至今这种公开化的做法只会增加经销商使用这个网站的兴趣,而网站所要做的就是把正在做的事情更加公开透明。
All the site is doing, Mr Painter argues, is making more open what is already going on. Hesays his data show that 23% of all the Hondas sold via TrueCar are below invoice price, onlya little above the 22% sold below invoice for all Hondas in America.
Mr Painter says his website is proving so successful at shifting metal that Honda, and thedoubting dealers, will eventually relent: The power of the market will change their mind.
Painter先生认为这个网站的成功,最终会使本田和一些质疑的经销商改变态度,他说 市场的力量会改变他们的想法 。
However, several states regulators are looking into whether the website breaches their laws.
然而已经有好几个州的监管官员在调查该网站是否有违法嫌疑,一些州严禁 指向性营销 。
Some states specifically ban bird-dogging -taking commission for introducing a sale.
然而已经有好几个州的监管官员在调查该网站是否有违法嫌疑,一些州严禁 指向性营销 。
Some also ban using the word invoice in car ads, regarding it as potentially misleading.
一些州则认为在车辆广告中使用 发票 的字样有潜在误导性而禁止此行为。
Colorado s regulator has warned dealers there that they will be held responsible for anyrule-breaking in their TrueCar quotes.
TrueCar says it will shortly make changes to its website to satisfy the regulators concerns.
In September TrueCar raised $245m for expansion. On January 1st it began an exclusivetie-up with Yahoo! to provide car-buying services.
It also provides such services for consumer groups such as the American AutomobileAssociation and the United Services Automobile Association.
It could look forward to a large slice of the $6 billion a year American car dealers spend onadvertising-if it can convince both regulators and dealers that it is operating within the law.