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  Searching for aliens


  The wow factor


  A new citizen-science project will improve thechances of finding ET


  EVER since 1993, when funding from America s space agency, NASA, was cut, the Search forExtraterrestrial Intelligence, which scans the sky looking for radio signals from intelligentaliens, has been inventive in its methods.


  In particular, it was one of the pioneers of the field of citizen science, in which interestedamateurs are recruited to help professionals crunch data.


  In 1999 it started SETIhome, an application that uses spare processing power onvolunteers computers to sift the information generated by its radio telescopes.


  These days, SETIhome boasts more than 1m users.


  On February 29th the SETI Institute launched another citizen-science project.


  This time, though, its researchers are less interested in the digital computers on volunteers desks than in the biological ones between their ears.


  SETILive, as the project is called, hopes to use the pattern-recognition capabilities of brainsto distinguish interesting signals from the cacophony of interference generated by thedenizens of planet Earthand to do so in real time.


  The basic idea behind SETI is to look for distinctive radio-frequency emissions that mightcome from advanced aliens rather than natural sources like stars.


  To do this, the SETI Institute uses an instrument called the Allen Telescope Arraya groupof 42 small radio-telescope dishes in California, partly paid for by the eponymous co-founderof Microsoft.


  Unfortunately, some parts of the radio spectrum are full of signals created by Earthlings,rather than aliens.


  Everything from passing satellites and tumbling space junk to ground-based radar and eventhe ignition systems of nearby cars can generate spurious radio waves that confuse thesoftware.


  Until now, the project has dealt with that by ignoring the more crowded bits of thespectrum.


  But SETILive will bring them into play.


  It will do so by feeding pictorial representations of data from these noisy chunks of thespectrum to its users in the hope that they will be able to filter out the noise and spotpotentially interesting signals buried behind the radio clutter from Earth.


  Those interesting signals will not necessarily have come from alien civilisations, says ChrisLintott,

  这些特别的信号不一定就来自外星文明。Chris Lintott说。

  an astrophysicist at Oxford University who helps to run Zooniverse, a citizen-science websitethat manages several projects, including SETILive.


  But even if they do not, some new astronomical phenomena may be discovered by theproject. And as the various sources of interference become better characterised, the resultswill be fed back into the automated-search algorithms, improving their ability to deal withEarth-generated noise.


  Other citizen-science projects already use the superior pattern-recognition capabilities ofhuman wetware, but SETILive is different from these in one important way.


  Rather than having its users pore at leisure over stored data, aliens are hunted on the fly.


  Users logging on to the project s website view information that is hot from the Allen Array.


  They have to work quickly, though.


  Every 90 seconds, the array switches to looking at a different star, or a different frequencyrange, and a new image is generated.


  If, however, the humans do spot something interesting, the array can be told within threeminutes to switch back to observing the star or range in question, to see if the signal isstill there.


  That is a big advantage, says Dr Lintott.


  Volunteers working on SETIhome have found plenty of interesting signals,


  but because the data they analyse are often months old, those signals have usually vanishedby the time anyone gets around to checking up on them.


  The most famous example of such delayed discovery, though it long predates the start ofSETIhome, is the so-called Wow! signal.


  This signal, which looked exactly like the sort of thing astronomers had theorised aliensmight use to get in touch was spotted in telescope printouts in 1977.


  It was a powerful, finely tuned broadcast at the most important natural frequency for radioastronomersthe one generated by the flipping spin of the electron in a hydrogen atom.


  But by the time astronomers had noticed it and set their instruments up to double-check, thesignal had vanished.


  If a second Wow! signal were discovered by SETILive, astronomers could focus on it almostimmediately.


  First contact with aliens, then, might take place not in a lab full of computers but late onenight in a suburban bedroom. There could be a film in that.



  1.improve v.改善;改进;提高

  Your work will get by, but try to improve it.


  2.extraterrestrial n.外星人

  Extraterrestrial life has often become the subject ofscience fiction films.


  3.amateur n.外行;业余爱好者

  An amateur shouldn t play roulette for high stakes.


  4.application n.应用;申请

  The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usuallyincreases efficiency.


  5.biological a.生物的;生物学的

  Biological warfare is terrible.



  Searching for aliens


  The wow factor


  A new citizen-science project will improve thechances of finding ET


  EVER since 1993, when funding from America s space agency, NASA, was cut, the Search forExtraterrestrial Intelligence, which scans the sky looking for radio signals from intelligentaliens, has been inventive in its methods.


  In particular, it was one of the pioneers of the field of citizen science, in which interestedamateurs are recruited to help professionals crunch data.


  In 1999 it started SETIhome, an application that uses spare processing power onvolunteers computers to sift the information generated by its radio telescopes.


  These days, SETIhome boasts more than 1m users.


  On February 29th the SETI Institute launched another citizen-science project.


  This time, though, its researchers are less interested in the digital computers on volunteers desks than in the biological ones between their ears.


  SETILive, as the project is called, hopes to use the pattern-recognition capabilities of brainsto distinguish interesting signals from the cacophony of interference generated by thedenizens of planet Earthand to do so in real time.


  The basic idea behind SETI is to look for distinctive radio-frequency emissions that mightcome from advanced aliens rather than natural sources like stars.


  To do this, the SETI Institute uses an instrument called the Allen Telescope Arraya groupof 42 small radio-telescope dishes in California, partly paid for by the eponymous co-founderof Microsoft.


  Unfortunately, some parts of the radio spectrum are full of signals created by Earthlings,rather than aliens.


  Everything from passing satellites and tumbling space junk to ground-based radar and eventhe ignition systems of nearby cars can generate spurious radio waves that confuse thesoftware.


  Until now, the project has dealt with that by ignoring the more crowded bits of thespectrum.


  But SETILive will bring them into play.


  It will do so by feeding pictorial representations of data from these noisy chunks of thespectrum to its users in the hope that they will be able to filter out the noise and spotpotentially interesting signals buried behind the radio clutter from Earth.


  Those interesting signals will not necessarily have come from alien civilisations, says ChrisLintott,

  这些特别的信号不一定就来自外星文明。Chris Lintott说。

  an astrophysicist at Oxford University who helps to run Zooniverse, a citizen-science websitethat manages several projects, including SETILive.


  But even if they do not, some new astronomical phenomena may be discovered by theproject. And as the various sources of interference become better characterised, the resultswill be fed back into the automated-search algorithms, improving their ability to deal withEarth-generated noise.


  Other citizen-science projects already use the superior pattern-recognition capabilities ofhuman wetware, but SETILive is different from these in one important way.


  Rather than having its users pore at leisure over stored data, aliens are hunted on the fly.


  Users logging on to the project s website view information that is hot from the Allen Array.


  They have to work quickly, though.


  Every 90 seconds, the array switches to looking at a different star, or a different frequencyrange, and a new image is generated.


  If, however, the humans do spot something interesting, the array can be told within threeminutes to switch back to observing the star or range in question, to see if the signal isstill there.


  That is a big advantage, says Dr Lintott.


  Volunteers working on SETIhome have found plenty of interesting signals,


  but because the data they analyse are often months old, those signals have usually vanishedby the time anyone gets around to checking up on them.


  The most famous example of such delayed discovery, though it long predates the start ofSETIhome, is the so-called Wow! signal.


  This signal, which looked exactly like the sort of thing astronomers had theorised aliensmight use to get in touch was spotted in telescope printouts in 1977.


  It was a powerful, finely tuned broadcast at the most important natural frequency for radioastronomersthe one generated by the flipping spin of the electron in a hydrogen atom.


  But by the time astronomers had noticed it and set their instruments up to double-check, thesignal had vanished.


  If a second Wow! signal were discovered by SETILive, astronomers could focus on it almostimmediately.


  First contact with aliens, then, might take place not in a lab full of computers but late onenight in a suburban bedroom. There could be a film in that.



  1.improve v.改善;改进;提高

  Your work will get by, but try to improve it.


  2.extraterrestrial n.外星人

  Extraterrestrial life has often become the subject ofscience fiction films.


  3.amateur n.外行;业余爱好者

  An amateur shouldn t play roulette for high stakes.


  4.application n.应用;申请

  The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usuallyincreases efficiency.


  5.biological a.生物的;生物学的

  Biological warfare is terrible.



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