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  Defining class in Mexico


  Middle worth


  Politicians and statisticians hunt for the middleclass


  IN THE hallowed name of the middle class, Mexico s politicians have been doing a lot ofhuffing and puffing lately.


  The source of their indignation is the president s plan to raise income tax on annual salariesover 500,000 pesos and impose value-added tax on private schooling and mortgagepayments.


  That, the people s representatives complain, would beat the stuffing out of ordinary,hard-working families, so they plan to spare them the tax on schooling and housing.


  If only the middle class were so lucky.


  According to measurements by thenational statistics institute, most of its members earn nowhere near the 500,000-pesothreshold, let alone send their children to private school or pay mortgages.


  Defining the middle class in Mexico has become a subject of fierce debate since two pundits,Luis de la Calle and Luis Rubio, published a book last year called Mexico: A Middle ClassSociety.

  明确在墨西哥的中产阶级成为激烈辩论的一个话题,自从两个学者,Luis de Ia Calle and Luis Rubio,去年出版了一本名为墨西哥:一个中产阶级社会。

  Poor No More, Developed Not Yet.


  It claimed that more than half of Mexico s population had joined the bourgeoisie.


  INEGI s statisticians were sceptical, partly because the book used access to technology as ameasure of social status.


  So the institute set out to develop a new definition, not based on any preconceptions ofwhat a middle-class household should look like.


  First, INEGI looked at spending rather than income.


  It reckoned spending is less likely to be underreported in its household surveys, and may alsoincorporate information about savings and expected future earnings.


  Household spending, however, can be a slippery gauge of social status.


  It may rise in families with many children and fall among the elderly.


  It can be distorted by one-off events, such as illness or funerals.


  So INEGI focused on 17 categories of spending that are recurrent and to some extentdiscretionary, such as the number of rooms in a home, or outlays on chicken, education orhaircuts.


  This allowed INEGI to sort households into seven groups.


  It then analysed these using more typical variables, such as income per head, education,age, family size and type of work.


  The combination of the two forms of analysis allowed it to establish levels of income atwhich consumption patterns tend to change.


  INEGI concluded that Mexico s middle class, at 39% of the population, was much smallerthan Messrs De la Calle and Rubio had estimated, but in keeping with the estimates ofinstitutions like the World Bank.


  Moreover, middle-class Mexicans are not nearly as affluent as the politicians imagine, evenif they are a lot more secure than those beneath them. Annual incomes reach only about120,000 pesosless than a quarter of the sum needed to enter the top tax bracket.


  Only 29% of the middle class have children at private school, and just 9% pay mortgages.


  Politicians, in contrast, earn upwards of 1m pesos a year, which makes them almost tentimes wealthier than a middle-class person as defined by INEGI.


  No wonder they are out of touch.



  1.hunt for 寻找,搜寻

  Online traffic spikes as web users hunt for theimages with gleeful schadenfreude.


  Such hard-luck stories haven t slowed the hunt forthe next great investment.


  2.impose on 把加于;强与为伴

  We have drawn the most controversy by proposing a national fund for local news withmoney the federal government collects from, or could impose on, american telecom users,broadcast licenees or internet service providers.


  By contrast jim yong kim, the american public-health professor whom barack obama wantsto impose on the bank, has at most one.


  3.plan to 打算,计划

  Many plan to stomach more risk.


  Other countries plan to buy or build more.


  4.private school 私立中小学

  She worked in the kitchen of a private school.


  I teach a total of ten pupils in this private school.



  Defining class in Mexico


  Middle worth


  Politicians and statisticians hunt for the middleclass


  IN THE hallowed name of the middle class, Mexico s politicians have been doing a lot ofhuffing and puffing lately.


  The source of their indignation is the president s plan to raise income tax on annual salariesover 500,000 pesos and impose value-added tax on private schooling and mortgagepayments.


  That, the people s representatives complain, would beat the stuffing out of ordinary,hard-working families, so they plan to spare them the tax on schooling and housing.


  If only the middle class were so lucky.


  According to measurements by thenational statistics institute, most of its members earn nowhere near the 500,000-pesothreshold, let alone send their children to private school or pay mortgages.


  Defining the middle class in Mexico has become a subject of fierce debate since two pundits,Luis de la Calle and Luis Rubio, published a book last year called Mexico: A Middle ClassSociety.

  明确在墨西哥的中产阶级成为激烈辩论的一个话题,自从两个学者,Luis de Ia Calle and Luis Rubio,去年出版了一本名为墨西哥:一个中产阶级社会。

  Poor No More, Developed Not Yet.


  It claimed that more than half of Mexico s population had joined the bourgeoisie.


  INEGI s statisticians were sceptical, partly because the book used access to technology as ameasure of social status.


  So the institute set out to develop a new definition, not based on any preconceptions ofwhat a middle-class household should look like.


  First, INEGI looked at spending rather than income.


  It reckoned spending is less likely to be underreported in its household surveys, and may alsoincorporate information about savings and expected future earnings.


  Household spending, however, can be a slippery gauge of social status.


  It may rise in families with many children and fall among the elderly.


  It can be distorted by one-off events, such as illness or funerals.


  So INEGI focused on 17 categories of spending that are recurrent and to some extentdiscretionary, such as the number of rooms in a home, or outlays on chicken, education orhaircuts.


  This allowed INEGI to sort households into seven groups.


  It then analysed these using more typical variables, such as income per head, education,age, family size and type of work.


  The combination of the two forms of analysis allowed it to establish levels of income atwhich consumption patterns tend to change.


  INEGI concluded that Mexico s middle class, at 39% of the population, was much smallerthan Messrs De la Calle and Rubio had estimated, but in keeping with the estimates ofinstitutions like the World Bank.


  Moreover, middle-class Mexicans are not nearly as affluent as the politicians imagine, evenif they are a lot more secure than those beneath them. Annual incomes reach only about120,000 pesosless than a quarter of the sum needed to enter the top tax bracket.


  Only 29% of the middle class have children at private school, and just 9% pay mortgages.


  Politicians, in contrast, earn upwards of 1m pesos a year, which makes them almost tentimes wealthier than a middle-class person as defined by INEGI.


  No wonder they are out of touch.



  1.hunt for 寻找,搜寻

  Online traffic spikes as web users hunt for theimages with gleeful schadenfreude.


  Such hard-luck stories haven t slowed the hunt forthe next great investment.


  2.impose on 把加于;强与为伴

  We have drawn the most controversy by proposing a national fund for local news withmoney the federal government collects from, or could impose on, american telecom users,broadcast licenees or internet service providers.


  By contrast jim yong kim, the american public-health professor whom barack obama wantsto impose on the bank, has at most one.


  3.plan to 打算,计划

  Many plan to stomach more risk.


  Other countries plan to buy or build more.


  4.private school 私立中小学

  She worked in the kitchen of a private school.


  I teach a total of ten pupils in this private school.



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