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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   The World Bank   世界银行   Right cause, wrong battle   正确的起因,错误的斗争   Why the World Bank s focus on gay rights ismisguided   为何世界银行对同性恋权利的关注是误入歧途的   JIM KIM, the president of the World Bank, wants itto promote gay rights. He has declared the fight to eliminate all institutionaliseddiscrimination to be an urgent task. He recently put on hold a $90m loan to Uganda shealth sector after its government introduced one of Africa s most draconian anti-gay laws.He has ordered an overhaul of the bank s lending policies to make sure that no loan assistsdiscrimination. At this week s Spring Meetings in Washington, DC, he is conveningdiscussions with gay activists on how best to do so.   世界银行总裁Jim Kim想要提高同性恋的权利。他曾宣称消除所有制度化歧视的斗争是一项紧急的任务。近日,本该流向乌干达健康部门的一项九千万美元的世行贷款由于乌干达政府引入一项反同性恋法而被Jim Kim搁置,该法律称得上是非洲最苛刻的反同性恋法之一。Jim Kim已经下令对世行所有的贷款政策进行检查,以确保没有支持歧视的贷款出现。在本周于华盛顿召开的春季会议上,他召开了一场讨论,与同性恋积极分子商讨最行之有效的方法。   As an early proponent of gay marriage, this newspaper shares Mr Kim s sentiments. Bigotryis abhorrent and laws that entrench it should be condemned. Uganda s new law, whichallows a maximum sentence of life imprisonment for anyone convicted of homosexualityand requires citizens to report anyone suspected of being gay, is particularly awful.Nonetheless, Mr Kim s initiative is misguided. The World Bank is a technocratic developmentorganisation, not a place for political advocacy. Setting up gay rights as a test of its lendingdecisions is likely to make the bank less effective at what Mr Kim himself has emphasised isits core job: tackling extreme poverty.   作为一个早期的同性恋婚姻支持方,《经济学人》与Kim先生感情一致。世界不允许偏见,维系偏见的法律也应当受到谴责。乌干达的新法不仅允许对同性恋实行终身监禁这一最高刑罚,还要求市民对任何可能的同性恋进行举报,这是尤其可怕的。然而,Kim先生发起的行动还是被误导了。世行是一个技术主导的发展组织而不是用作政治倡议的。设置同性恋权利作为其贷款政策的检测关卡可能会使得世行在消除极端贫困问题的效率上大打折扣,Kim先生曾经强调这是世行的核心任务。   The bank s technocratic approach is a big part of its DNA. Its founding documents prohibitpolitical activity, however unpleasant a regime might be. Only economic considerationsshould be relevant to lending decisions. That does not, by itself, preclude it from opposingnasty laws. You can draw a link from fighting bigotry to alleviating poverty. Unfair treatmentof groups of people, whether on the basis of gender, race or sexuality, leads to their socialexclusion, which in turn is likely to harm economic growth and make it harder to alleviatepoverty. By this logic the bank has, rightly, long been pushing for the education of girls. Thefight against other forms of discrimination can be justified on the same economic grounds.   世行的技术解决论在该组织的特色中扮演了一个重要的角色。它的创建文献就写明禁止政治活动,无论哪个国家有多么不高兴。只有经济上的考量应当与贷款决策有关。这本身并不排斥它反对一些龌龊的法律。从反抗偏见到减轻贫困,人人都能看到之间的联系。群体性的不公平待遇,不管是基于性别、种族还是性征,都会导致社会的排斥,这反过来又可能损害经济增长,使得减轻贫困的道路愈加艰难。正是由于这一逻辑关系,世行长期以来正确地推动了女孩教育。对其他形式歧视的抗争也基于同样的经济原理而合乎情理。   A rainbow of reasons   原因一箩筐   But even if it can be justified in principle, Mr Kim s focus on gay rights is likely to becounterproductive in practice, for three reasons. First, it seems capricious. Uganda ishardly the only country with anti-gay laws on the books; nor is it the only one to haverecently toughened its anti-gay stance. Almost 80 of the bank s member countries, includingmost in Africa, have legislation that discriminates against gays. In many places the laws areignored, but several places, notably Ethiopia and Nigeria, have recently introduced stifferanti-gay statutes. Uganda s behaviour is odious. But it is not alone.   但是,就算大体上合乎情理,Kim先生对同性恋权利的关注还是有可能在实践中事与愿违。这出于三个原因。第一,问题反复无常。乌干达不是唯一将反同性恋法合法化的国家,也不是近期唯一强调反同性恋立场的国家。包括非洲多数国家在内的近80个世行的成员国都有歧视同性恋的法律。这些法律在很多地方被忽视,但是在有些地方尤其是埃塞俄比亚和尼日尼亚,最近都出台了更严苛的反同性恋法令。乌干达的做法令人不齿,但它不是唯一有如此行为的国家。   Second, the stress on gay rights itself seems arbitrary. Of the many forms of bigotry thebank could battle, it is not clear that anti-gay laws are the most harmful to the poor. Thebank lends to plenty of places that discriminate against women under Islamic law. It alsolends to countries with laws that discriminate against minorities. The economic impact ofthese forms of bigotry is far bigger. But if Mr Kim tries to tackle all institutionaliseddiscrimination by withholding lending, he will soon have no customers left.   第二,强调同性恋权利本身看来就很武断。在多种形式的世行可以选择对抗的偏见中,并不清楚反同性恋法对穷人造成的伤害就是最大的。世行为很多在伊斯兰法律下歧视女性的地域提供贷款,它也为存在歧视少数民族法律的国家贷款。这些形式的偏见造成的经济危害更大。然而Kim现实试图通过扣贷款的方式来解决一切制度歧视,他很快就会发现他的客户都所剩无几了。   Third, his approach is likely to backfire. In the short term, it weakens the campaign tolessen poverty. Uganda s loan, designed to support maternal-care clinics, was theequivalent of 20% of its health budget. And it still has a high child-mortality rate.Politically, the pressure from Mr Kim, though winning plaudits in Washington, is havingperverse results, where it matters most. Uganda s government declares itself to be standingup against the arrogant imposition of Western values. The more the World Bank adds suchconditions to its lending, the more African countries will be inclined to seek money elsewhere,not least from the no-questions-asked Chinese.   第三,他的策略可能适得其反。短期来说,它将削弱消除贫困的行动。乌干达的贷款是用来援助当地产科诊所的,它相当于该国卫生预算的20%。现在,乌干达的儿童死亡率还是高居不下。从政治上来说,Kim先生面临的压力正在引发反常的结果。尽管他在华盛顿会议这一举足轻重的场合还是赢得了一片喝彩。乌干达政府声明反对粗鲁傲慢的西方价值观的输入。世行对该国的贷款施加的条件越多,有意从其他渠道寻求资金的非洲国家就会越多,它们尤其可能从不问问题的中国寻求帮助。   The uncomfortable truth is that an economic institution like the bank has to pick itsbattles. There is a limit to how many conditions outsiders can attach to their aid. Its aim is toencourage economic development. Most of the evidence is that the bank is most effectivewhen client countries see it as an economic partner, rather than a boss imposing a Westernagenda.   像世界银行这样的经济机构必须选择好战斗方向,这一事实令人不快。外界在援助同时附加的条件是有限度的。世行的目标是推动经济发展。多数证据表明,会员国将世行看作经济伙伴而不是强加西方思想的老大才会让世行更加有效率。   Ironically, at one level, Mr Kim seems to realise that. He is sponsoring a big managementreform designed to make the bank better at finding the most promising solutions fromaround the world to help countries develop faster. Launching a battle for gay rights maysalve consciences, but will make it harder to achieve that goal.   很讽刺的是,从一种层面上,Kim先生似乎意识到了这一点:他正在发起一个大型的管理改革,用来使世行在寻找全球范围内帮助国家更快速发展的最有希望的解决方案上做得更好。发起针对同性恋权利的斗争可能会安抚人心,但会使得上述目标的实现变得更加艰难。   词语解释   1.focus on 集中于,集中研究   Many of these funds only focus on longer datedfutures contracts.   这些基金很多只关注期限较长的期货合约。   Do entrepreneurs put enough focus on customerrelationships?   创业者给予客户关系的重视足够吗?   2.make sure 确保,确信   Finally, make sure you are living your life.   最后,确定正视自己的生活。   And we all had a tasting because we wanted to make sure people felt okay with that.   而且,我们都尝了尝,想确定所有人都满意。   3.require to 要求   Drain piping may require to be protected against freezing.   泄水管要求有防冻保护措施。   These objects require to be quarantined on the spot.   这些物品需要进行现场检疫。   4.relevant to 有关的   Thus far there are three preliminary stories relevant to the brain.   到现在为止有三个与大脑有关的表述。   And anyway, say employers, appearance is often relevant to the job at hand.   但不管怎样,雇主们说,外表经常与手头上的工作有关。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   The World Bank   世界银行   Right cause, wrong battle   正确的起因,错误的斗争   Why the World Bank s focus on gay rights ismisguided   为何世界银行对同性恋权利的关注是误入歧途的   JIM KIM, the president of the World Bank, wants itto promote gay rights. He has declared the fight to eliminate all institutionaliseddiscrimination to be an urgent task. He recently put on hold a $90m loan to Uganda shealth sector after its government introduced one of Africa s most draconian anti-gay laws.He has ordered an overhaul of the bank s lending policies to make sure that no loan assistsdiscrimination. At this week s Spring Meetings in Washington, DC, he is conveningdiscussions with gay activists on how best to do so.   世界银行总裁Jim Kim想要提高同性恋的权利。他曾宣称消除所有制度化歧视的斗争是一项紧急的任务。近日,本该流向乌干达健康部门的一项九千万美元的世行贷款由于乌干达政府引入一项反同性恋法而被Jim Kim搁置,该法律称得上是非洲最苛刻的反同性恋法之一。Jim Kim已经下令对世行所有的贷款政策进行检查,以确保没有支持歧视的贷款出现。在本周于华盛顿召开的春季会议上,他召开了一场讨论,与同性恋积极分子商讨最行之有效的方法。   As an early proponent of gay marriage, this newspaper shares Mr Kim s sentiments. Bigotryis abhorrent and laws that entrench it should be condemned. Uganda s new law, whichallows a maximum sentence of life imprisonment for anyone convicted of homosexualityand requires citizens to report anyone suspected of being gay, is particularly awful.Nonetheless, Mr Kim s initiative is misguided. The World Bank is a technocratic developmentorganisation, not a place for political advocacy. Setting up gay rights as a test of its lendingdecisions is likely to make the bank less effective at what Mr Kim himself has emphasised isits core job: tackling extreme poverty.   作为一个早期的同性恋婚姻支持方,《经济学人》与Kim先生感情一致。世界不允许偏见,维系偏见的法律也应当受到谴责。乌干达的新法不仅允许对同性恋实行终身监禁这一最高刑罚,还要求市民对任何可能的同性恋进行举报,这是尤其可怕的。然而,Kim先生发起的行动还是被误导了。世行是一个技术主导的发展组织而不是用作政治倡议的。设置同性恋权利作为其贷款政策的检测关卡可能会使得世行在消除极端贫困问题的效率上大打折扣,Kim先生曾经强调这是世行的核心任务。   The bank s technocratic approach is a big part of its DNA. Its founding documents prohibitpolitical activity, however unpleasant a regime might be. Only economic considerationsshould be relevant to lending decisions. That does not, by itself, preclude it from opposingnasty laws. You can draw a link from fighting bigotry to alleviating poverty. Unfair treatmentof groups of people, whether on the basis of gender, race or sexuality, leads to their socialexclusion, which in turn is likely to harm economic growth and make it harder to alleviatepoverty. By this logic the bank has, rightly, long been pushing for the education of girls. Thefight against other forms of discrimination can be justified on the same economic grounds.   世行的技术解决论在该组织的特色中扮演了一个重要的角色。它的创建文献就写明禁止政治活动,无论哪个国家有多么不高兴。只有经济上的考量应当与贷款决策有关。这本身并不排斥它反对一些龌龊的法律。从反抗偏见到减轻贫困,人人都能看到之间的联系。群体性的不公平待遇,不管是基于性别、种族还是性征,都会导致社会的排斥,这反过来又可能损害经济增长,使得减轻贫困的道路愈加艰难。正是由于这一逻辑关系,世行长期以来正确地推动了女孩教育。对其他形式歧视的抗争也基于同样的经济原理而合乎情理。   A rainbow of reasons   原因一箩筐   But even if it can be justified in principle, Mr Kim s focus on gay rights is likely to becounterproductive in practice, for three reasons. First, it seems capricious. Uganda ishardly the only country with anti-gay laws on the books; nor is it the only one to haverecently toughened its anti-gay stance. Almost 80 of the bank s member countries, includingmost in Africa, have legislation that discriminates against gays. In many places the laws areignored, but several places, notably Ethiopia and Nigeria, have recently introduced stifferanti-gay statutes. Uganda s behaviour is odious. But it is not alone.   但是,就算大体上合乎情理,Kim先生对同性恋权利的关注还是有可能在实践中事与愿违。这出于三个原因。第一,问题反复无常。乌干达不是唯一将反同性恋法合法化的国家,也不是近期唯一强调反同性恋立场的国家。包括非洲多数国家在内的近80个世行的成员国都有歧视同性恋的法律。这些法律在很多地方被忽视,但是在有些地方尤其是埃塞俄比亚和尼日尼亚,最近都出台了更严苛的反同性恋法令。乌干达的做法令人不齿,但它不是唯一有如此行为的国家。   Second, the stress on gay rights itself seems arbitrary. Of the many forms of bigotry thebank could battle, it is not clear that anti-gay laws are the most harmful to the poor. Thebank lends to plenty of places that discriminate against women under Islamic law. It alsolends to countries with laws that discriminate against minorities. The economic impact ofthese forms of bigotry is far bigger. But if Mr Kim tries to tackle all institutionaliseddiscrimination by withholding lending, he will soon have no customers left.   第二,强调同性恋权利本身看来就很武断。在多种形式的世行可以选择对抗的偏见中,并不清楚反同性恋法对穷人造成的伤害就是最大的。世行为很多在伊斯兰法律下歧视女性的地域提供贷款,它也为存在歧视少数民族法律的国家贷款。这些形式的偏见造成的经济危害更大。然而Kim现实试图通过扣贷款的方式来解决一切制度歧视,他很快就会发现他的客户都所剩无几了。   Third, his approach is likely to backfire. In the short term, it weakens the campaign tolessen poverty. Uganda s loan, designed to support maternal-care clinics, was theequivalent of 20% of its health budget. And it still has a high child-mortality rate.Politically, the pressure from Mr Kim, though winning plaudits in Washington, is havingperverse results, where it matters most. Uganda s government declares itself to be standingup against the arrogant imposition of Western values. The more the World Bank adds suchconditions to its lending, the more African countries will be inclined to seek money elsewhere,not least from the no-questions-asked Chinese.   第三,他的策略可能适得其反。短期来说,它将削弱消除贫困的行动。乌干达的贷款是用来援助当地产科诊所的,它相当于该国卫生预算的20%。现在,乌干达的儿童死亡率还是高居不下。从政治上来说,Kim先生面临的压力正在引发反常的结果。尽管他在华盛顿会议这一举足轻重的场合还是赢得了一片喝彩。乌干达政府声明反对粗鲁傲慢的西方价值观的输入。世行对该国的贷款施加的条件越多,有意从其他渠道寻求资金的非洲国家就会越多,它们尤其可能从不问问题的中国寻求帮助。   The uncomfortable truth is that an economic institution like the bank has to pick itsbattles. There is a limit to how many conditions outsiders can attach to their aid. Its aim is toencourage economic development. Most of the evidence is that the bank is most effectivewhen client countries see it as an economic partner, rather than a boss imposing a Westernagenda.   像世界银行这样的经济机构必须选择好战斗方向,这一事实令人不快。外界在援助同时附加的条件是有限度的。世行的目标是推动经济发展。多数证据表明,会员国将世行看作经济伙伴而不是强加西方思想的老大才会让世行更加有效率。   Ironically, at one level, Mr Kim seems to realise that. He is sponsoring a big managementreform designed to make the bank better at finding the most promising solutions fromaround the world to help countries develop faster. Launching a battle for gay rights maysalve consciences, but will make it harder to achieve that goal.   很讽刺的是,从一种层面上,Kim先生似乎意识到了这一点:他正在发起一个大型的管理改革,用来使世行在寻找全球范围内帮助国家更快速发展的最有希望的解决方案上做得更好。发起针对同性恋权利的斗争可能会安抚人心,但会使得上述目标的实现变得更加艰难。   词语解释   1.focus on 集中于,集中研究   Many of these funds only focus on longer datedfutures contracts.   这些基金很多只关注期限较长的期货合约。   Do entrepreneurs put enough focus on customerrelationships?   创业者给予客户关系的重视足够吗?   2.make sure 确保,确信   Finally, make sure you are living your life.   最后,确定正视自己的生活。   And we all had a tasting because we wanted to make sure people felt okay with that.   而且,我们都尝了尝,想确定所有人都满意。   3.require to 要求   Drain piping may require to be protected against freezing.   泄水管要求有防冻保护措施。   These objects require to be quarantined on the spot.   这些物品需要进行现场检疫。   4.relevant to 有关的   Thus far there are three preliminary stories relevant to the brain.   到现在为止有三个与大脑有关的表述。   And anyway, say employers, appearance is often relevant to the job at hand.   但不管怎样,雇主们说,外表经常与手头上的工作有关。


信息流广告 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 网络营销 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 查字典 社区团购 精雕图 戏曲下载 抖音代运营 易学网 互联网资讯 成语 成语故事 诗词 工商注册 注册公司 抖音带货 云南旅游网 网络游戏 代理记账 短视频运营 在线题库 国学网 知识产权 抖音运营 雕龙客 雕塑 奇石 散文 自学教程 常用文书 河北生活网 好书推荐 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄人才网 考研真题 汉语知识 心理咨询 手游安卓版下载 兴趣爱好 网络知识 十大品牌排行榜 商标交易 单机游戏下载 短视频代运营 宝宝起名 范文网 电商设计 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 经典范文 优质范文 工作总结 二手车估价 实用范文 古诗词 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 钢琴入门指法教程 词典 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 河北代理记账公司 文玩 语料库 游戏推荐 男士发型 高考作文 PS修图 儿童文学 买车咨询 工作计划 礼品厂 舟舟培训 IT教程 手机游戏推荐排行榜 暖通,电地暖, 女性健康 苗木供应 ps素材库 短视频培训 优秀个人博客 包装网 创业赚钱 养生 民间借贷律师 绿色软件 安卓手机游戏 手机软件下载 手机游戏下载 单机游戏大全 免费软件下载 石家庄论坛 网赚 手游下载 游戏盒子 职业培训 资格考试 成语大全 英语培训 艺术培训 少儿培训 苗木网 雕塑网 好玩的手机游戏推荐 汉语词典 中国机械网 美文欣赏 红楼梦 道德经 标准件 电地暖 网站转让 鲜花 书包网 英语培训机构 电商运营