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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Post-office banking   邮政银行   Put your money where your mail is   邮件在哪儿,钱就在哪儿   America s postal service ponders a foray intofinancial services   美邮政业或将涉足金融业   WITH a workforce of just over 491,000 in 2023, theUnited States Postal Service is second only to Walmart among civilian employers in America.But it still employed more than 200,000 fewer people last year than it did just nine yearsearlierwhen it handled nearly 500m more pieces of mail and had almost 2,000 more retailoffices. The rise of e-mail has left America s massive postal service with far less to do, and ithas been scrambling to find ways to raise revenue.   2023年,美国邮政服务公司雇员超过491000人,成为仅次于沃尔玛的美国第二大雇主。九年前美邮需要处理近5亿封邮件,拥有2000多个办事处,和那时相比去年还是减少了超过20万雇员。电子邮件的崛起导致美国大量的邮政服务没什么业务可做,他们开始寻求其他的收入增长点。   Earlier this year its inspector-general released a white paper suggesting that post officesshould begin offering financial services, such as cheque-cashing, small loans, bill payments,international money transfers and prepaid cards to which salaries or benefits could betransferred. The reasoning is simple: a lot of Americans have scant access to banks and alot of post offices have too little to do.   今年初,美邮总监发布的白皮书显示邮政业要开始提供金融服务,这些服务包括支票兑现,小额贷款,账单支付,国际转账以及能够预支的工资卡。这么做的原因很简单:许多美国人对银行的需求得不到满足而一堆邮局又无事可做。   More than one-quarter of American households are unbanked or underbanked, meaning theyeither lack a current or savings account, or they have one but still use alternatives to bankssuch as cheque-cashers and payday lenders. That is an expensive habit: the averageunderbanked household has an annual income of only $25,500 or so, yet spends around 9.5%of that on fees and interest charged by these banking substitutes.   超过四分之一的美国家庭没有银行账户或者没有得到充足的金融服务,这意味着他们没有这种倾向或者没有储蓄账户,也可能他们有账户,但选择如支票承兑人或发薪日贷款人等替代方式。这是种代价很高的习惯:一般来说没有银行账户的家庭年均收入25500美元,而支付给这种银行替代机构的费用和利息达到9.5%左右。   High-street banks find it hard to make money serving poor customers, since they tend tohave little money on deposit that the banks can lend out. Penalties such as overdraft fees arenot always enough to compensate. Since 2008, 93% of bank-branch closings have come inareas where median household income is below the national average.   大型银行为穷人提供服务很难赚到钱,因为他们的存款太少,而银行要把这些钱贷出去。透支费这种惩罚措施并不总是能够偿还成本。自2008年起,93%的支行陷入这样的境地家庭账户收入的中值低于国家平均水平。   These are the distressed customers to whose rescue the USPS hopes to ride. Some 59% ofits post offices are in places with either a single bank or none at all. In rural hamlets they areoften one of very few commercial establishments; even in the postal service s diminishedstate, there are still more than seven post offices for every Walmart in America. Post officesalready sell money orders and provide electronic remittances to nine Latin Americancountries; from 1911 to 1967 the USPS also held personal deposits. Providing small, briefloans at lower interest rates than payday lenders could save low-income consumers hundredsof millions or even billions of dollars in interest and fees. The post office would compete notwith banks, but with their more expensive stand-ins.   正式这些贫穷的顾客点燃了美邮的希望。美邮59%的邮政所周围只有一家或者没有银行。在美国乡下,他们常常是为数不多的商业机构之一;即使是在邮政服务日益萧条的州,邮政所和沃尔玛的数量比也大于7:1。邮政所造就开始向9个拉丁美洲国家卖邮政汇票并提供电子汇款服务;1911年到1967年之间,美邮还有个人存款业务。提供利率比发薪日贷款人低的小额短期贷款,能为低收入客户节省数亿甚至数十亿美元的利息和费用。邮政局不是和银行竞争,而是在和比银行收费高的替代机构竞争。   Some, notably the head of the committee of the House of Representatives that oversees theUSPS, are unconvinced. They see the postal services expansion into financial services asgovernment overreach, and a delay of the necessary right-sizing of a massive agencythat does far less than it used to. Jennifer Tescher, who heads a charity focused on theunderbanked called the Centre for Financial Services Innovation, notes that the USPS haszero capacity, understanding or capability in this arena. The only asset they bring to thetable, she believes, is distribution. Even that is of limited value outside rural areas: MsTescher notes that just because a spot lacks bank branches does not mean it has nocheque-cashers and corner shops selling prepaid cardsmany with longer and moreconvenient opening hours than the post office.   众议院委员会负责人指出美邮的做法明显不具信服力。他们把邮政业扩张到金融领域的行为视作政府的手伸的太长,认为这是在拖延这个远远低于过去功效的大型机构合理精简的步伐。一个专注于那些无法得到充分金融服务的人的慈善团体金融服务创新中心的负责人詹妮弗说美邮不了解这一领域,既没资格也没能力。她相信美邮唯一的优势是渠道,即使这在农村以外地区基本没有价值。Tescher女士提到这些区域缺少银行网点并不意味着没有支票承兑人和贩卖预付卡的小店和邮局相比,他们的营业时间更长、更方便。   Although turning the USPS into a part-time financial institution may seem outlandish inAmerica, roughly 1 billion people in 50 countries rely on their postal systems for financialservices, according to the Universal Postal Union, the United Nations agency that helps thepost arrive on time. The business models vary widely. In some countries post offices act as apayment centre, allowing people to receive remittances, pay bills and top up or tap moneystored on their mobile phones. Some operate full-service banks: Japan Post, for instance, isone of the world s biggest. In other countries, such as Brazil, commercial banks formpartnerships with post offices; in Malawi private banks can rent space from post offices.   根据万国邮政联盟,尽管美邮成为兼职的金融机构在美国看起来很奇怪,但世界上50个国家的10亿人依靠邮政系统提供的金融服务。这种商业模式差别很大。在一些国家,邮局充当支付中心的角色,人们可以接收汇款、支付账单利用移动电话存取款。有一些则成为提供全面服务的银行:比如日本邮政就是世界上最大的银行之一。在像巴西一类国家,商业银行和邮政成为合作伙伴;在马拉维,私人银行能向邮局租借场地。   A World Bank study found last year that postal banks are likelier than conventional ones toprovide accounts to those outside the financial mainstream. The bigger the postal network,the greater the ability to reach such people. That may not convince those who would like tosee the USPS shrink, but for those who want to preserve it, it could help to justify its scale.   去年世界银行研究发现,相对于传统银行,邮政银行更有可能为主流金融区域之外的人提供服务。邮政网络越大,接触到这些人的能力就越大。这也许不足以说服那些希望美邮精简的人,但对于那些想要保持它的人来说,这能帮助他们证明美邮规模的合理性。   词语解释   1.scramble to 争夺   Japanese jets scramble to deal with russian planeincursion.   日本喷气机争夺应对俄罗斯飞机入侵。   This will inflate valuations for funds that scrambleto make investments, and force the more cautiousto sit on their cash piles.   对于那些争相投资的基金而言,这将推高资产估值,而那些更为谨慎的基金则只能坐拥巨额现金而无所作为。   2.access to 有权使用   Apple also would instantly get access to a huge swath of tv and movie content.   苹果还可以立刻获得大量电视和电影内容。   For one, open source hardware projects often require participants to have access to toolsand space.   比如,开源硬件项目往往要求参与者拥有工具和相应的场地。   3.tend to 趋向;偏重   Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life.   小巧的电脑也趋向更长的电池持续时间。   I tend to prefer light colors.   我往往更喜欢淡颜色。   4.enough to 足以   And maybe that s enough to get scale and expand.   或许这个市场空间已经足以容纳汽车P2P的发展和扩张。   It s not enough to have a summer picnic and holiday party and consider your employeesthanked.   感谢员工,光靠举办一场夏季野餐会或假日聚会是不够的。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Post-office banking   邮政银行   Put your money where your mail is   邮件在哪儿,钱就在哪儿   America s postal service ponders a foray intofinancial services   美邮政业或将涉足金融业   WITH a workforce of just over 491,000 in 2023, theUnited States Postal Service is second only to Walmart among civilian employers in America.But it still employed more than 200,000 fewer people last year than it did just nine yearsearlierwhen it handled nearly 500m more pieces of mail and had almost 2,000 more retailoffices. The rise of e-mail has left America s massive postal service with far less to do, and ithas been scrambling to find ways to raise revenue.   2023年,美国邮政服务公司雇员超过491000人,成为仅次于沃尔玛的美国第二大雇主。九年前美邮需要处理近5亿封邮件,拥有2000多个办事处,和那时相比去年还是减少了超过20万雇员。电子邮件的崛起导致美国大量的邮政服务没什么业务可做,他们开始寻求其他的收入增长点。   Earlier this year its inspector-general released a white paper suggesting that post officesshould begin offering financial services, such as cheque-cashing, small loans, bill payments,international money transfers and prepaid cards to which salaries or benefits could betransferred. The reasoning is simple: a lot of Americans have scant access to banks and alot of post offices have too little to do.   今年初,美邮总监发布的白皮书显示邮政业要开始提供金融服务,这些服务包括支票兑现,小额贷款,账单支付,国际转账以及能够预支的工资卡。这么做的原因很简单:许多美国人对银行的需求得不到满足而一堆邮局又无事可做。   More than one-quarter of American households are unbanked or underbanked, meaning theyeither lack a current or savings account, or they have one but still use alternatives to bankssuch as cheque-cashers and payday lenders. That is an expensive habit: the averageunderbanked household has an annual income of only $25,500 or so, yet spends around 9.5%of that on fees and interest charged by these banking substitutes.   超过四分之一的美国家庭没有银行账户或者没有得到充足的金融服务,这意味着他们没有这种倾向或者没有储蓄账户,也可能他们有账户,但选择如支票承兑人或发薪日贷款人等替代方式。这是种代价很高的习惯:一般来说没有银行账户的家庭年均收入25500美元,而支付给这种银行替代机构的费用和利息达到9.5%左右。   High-street banks find it hard to make money serving poor customers, since they tend tohave little money on deposit that the banks can lend out. Penalties such as overdraft fees arenot always enough to compensate. Since 2008, 93% of bank-branch closings have come inareas where median household income is below the national average.   大型银行为穷人提供服务很难赚到钱,因为他们的存款太少,而银行要把这些钱贷出去。透支费这种惩罚措施并不总是能够偿还成本。自2008年起,93%的支行陷入这样的境地家庭账户收入的中值低于国家平均水平。   These are the distressed customers to whose rescue the USPS hopes to ride. Some 59% ofits post offices are in places with either a single bank or none at all. In rural hamlets they areoften one of very few commercial establishments; even in the postal service s diminishedstate, there are still more than seven post offices for every Walmart in America. Post officesalready sell money orders and provide electronic remittances to nine Latin Americancountries; from 1911 to 1967 the USPS also held personal deposits. Providing small, briefloans at lower interest rates than payday lenders could save low-income consumers hundredsof millions or even billions of dollars in interest and fees. The post office would compete notwith banks, but with their more expensive stand-ins.   正式这些贫穷的顾客点燃了美邮的希望。美邮59%的邮政所周围只有一家或者没有银行。在美国乡下,他们常常是为数不多的商业机构之一;即使是在邮政服务日益萧条的州,邮政所和沃尔玛的数量比也大于7:1。邮政所造就开始向9个拉丁美洲国家卖邮政汇票并提供电子汇款服务;1911年到1967年之间,美邮还有个人存款业务。提供利率比发薪日贷款人低的小额短期贷款,能为低收入客户节省数亿甚至数十亿美元的利息和费用。邮政局不是和银行竞争,而是在和比银行收费高的替代机构竞争。   Some, notably the head of the committee of the House of Representatives that oversees theUSPS, are unconvinced. They see the postal services expansion into financial services asgovernment overreach, and a delay of the necessary right-sizing of a massive agencythat does far less than it used to. Jennifer Tescher, who heads a charity focused on theunderbanked called the Centre for Financial Services Innovation, notes that the USPS haszero capacity, understanding or capability in this arena. The only asset they bring to thetable, she believes, is distribution. Even that is of limited value outside rural areas: MsTescher notes that just because a spot lacks bank branches does not mean it has nocheque-cashers and corner shops selling prepaid cardsmany with longer and moreconvenient opening hours than the post office.   众议院委员会负责人指出美邮的做法明显不具信服力。他们把邮政业扩张到金融领域的行为视作政府的手伸的太长,认为这是在拖延这个远远低于过去功效的大型机构合理精简的步伐。一个专注于那些无法得到充分金融服务的人的慈善团体金融服务创新中心的负责人詹妮弗说美邮不了解这一领域,既没资格也没能力。她相信美邮唯一的优势是渠道,即使这在农村以外地区基本没有价值。Tescher女士提到这些区域缺少银行网点并不意味着没有支票承兑人和贩卖预付卡的小店和邮局相比,他们的营业时间更长、更方便。   Although turning the USPS into a part-time financial institution may seem outlandish inAmerica, roughly 1 billion people in 50 countries rely on their postal systems for financialservices, according to the Universal Postal Union, the United Nations agency that helps thepost arrive on time. The business models vary widely. In some countries post offices act as apayment centre, allowing people to receive remittances, pay bills and top up or tap moneystored on their mobile phones. Some operate full-service banks: Japan Post, for instance, isone of the world s biggest. In other countries, such as Brazil, commercial banks formpartnerships with post offices; in Malawi private banks can rent space from post offices.   根据万国邮政联盟,尽管美邮成为兼职的金融机构在美国看起来很奇怪,但世界上50个国家的10亿人依靠邮政系统提供的金融服务。这种商业模式差别很大。在一些国家,邮局充当支付中心的角色,人们可以接收汇款、支付账单利用移动电话存取款。有一些则成为提供全面服务的银行:比如日本邮政就是世界上最大的银行之一。在像巴西一类国家,商业银行和邮政成为合作伙伴;在马拉维,私人银行能向邮局租借场地。   A World Bank study found last year that postal banks are likelier than conventional ones toprovide accounts to those outside the financial mainstream. The bigger the postal network,the greater the ability to reach such people. That may not convince those who would like tosee the USPS shrink, but for those who want to preserve it, it could help to justify its scale.   去年世界银行研究发现,相对于传统银行,邮政银行更有可能为主流金融区域之外的人提供服务。邮政网络越大,接触到这些人的能力就越大。这也许不足以说服那些希望美邮精简的人,但对于那些想要保持它的人来说,这能帮助他们证明美邮规模的合理性。   词语解释   1.scramble to 争夺   Japanese jets scramble to deal with russian planeincursion.   日本喷气机争夺应对俄罗斯飞机入侵。   This will inflate valuations for funds that scrambleto make investments, and force the more cautiousto sit on their cash piles.   对于那些争相投资的基金而言,这将推高资产估值,而那些更为谨慎的基金则只能坐拥巨额现金而无所作为。   2.access to 有权使用   Apple also would instantly get access to a huge swath of tv and movie content.   苹果还可以立刻获得大量电视和电影内容。   For one, open source hardware projects often require participants to have access to toolsand space.   比如,开源硬件项目往往要求参与者拥有工具和相应的场地。   3.tend to 趋向;偏重   Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life.   小巧的电脑也趋向更长的电池持续时间。   I tend to prefer light colors.   我往往更喜欢淡颜色。   4.enough to 足以   And maybe that s enough to get scale and expand.   或许这个市场空间已经足以容纳汽车P2P的发展和扩张。   It s not enough to have a summer picnic and holiday party and consider your employeesthanked.   感谢员工,光靠举办一场夏季野餐会或假日聚会是不够的。


信息流广告 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 网络营销 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 查字典 社区团购 精雕图 戏曲下载 抖音代运营 易学网 互联网资讯 成语 成语故事 诗词 工商注册 注册公司 抖音带货 云南旅游网 网络游戏 代理记账 短视频运营 在线题库 国学网 知识产权 抖音运营 雕龙客 雕塑 奇石 散文 自学教程 常用文书 河北生活网 好书推荐 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄人才网 考研真题 汉语知识 心理咨询 手游安卓版下载 兴趣爱好 网络知识 十大品牌排行榜 商标交易 单机游戏下载 短视频代运营 宝宝起名 范文网 电商设计 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 经典范文 优质范文 工作总结 二手车估价 实用范文 古诗词 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 钢琴入门指法教程 词典 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 河北代理记账公司 文玩 语料库 游戏推荐 男士发型 高考作文 PS修图 儿童文学 买车咨询 工作计划 礼品厂 舟舟培训 IT教程 手机游戏推荐排行榜 暖通,电地暖, 女性健康 苗木供应 ps素材库 短视频培训 优秀个人博客 包装网 创业赚钱 养生 民间借贷律师 绿色软件 安卓手机游戏 手机软件下载 手机游戏下载 单机游戏大全 免费软件下载 石家庄论坛 网赚 手游下载 游戏盒子 职业培训 资格考试 成语大全 英语培训 艺术培训 少儿培训 苗木网 雕塑网 好玩的手机游戏推荐 汉语词典 中国机械网 美文欣赏 红楼梦 道德经 标准件 电地暖 网站转让 鲜花 书包网 英语培训机构 电商运营