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  2023复习正在如火如荼的进行中,考研专家建议可以按考研题型分别进行重点复习,是考研英语中分值最高的,在线小编特地整理了2023理解模拟试题供大家模拟练习,希望大家认真做题,错题着重看解析及译文,经过练习阅读理解能力必能有所提高。   十九、新教育体制   With the extension of democratic rights in the first half of the nineteenth century and the ensuing decline of the Federalist establishment, a new conception of education began to emerge. Education was no longer a confirmation of a pre-existing status, but an instrument in the acquisition of higher status. For a new generation of upwardly mobile students, the goal of education was not to prepare them to live comfortably in the world into which they had been born, but to teach them new virtues and skills that would propel them into a different and better world. Education became training; and the student was no longer the gentleman-in-waiting, but the journeyman apprentice for upward mobility.   In the nineteenth century a college education began to be seen as a way to get ahead in the world. The founding of the land-grant colleges opened the doors of higher education to poor but aspiring boys from non-Anglo-Saxon, working-class and lower-middle-class backgrounds. The myth of the poor boy who worked his way through college to success drew millions of poor boys to the new campuses. And with this shift, education became more vocational: its object was the acquisition of practical skills and useful information.   For the gentleman-in-waiting, virtue consisted above all in grace and style, in doing well what was appropriate to his position; education was merely a way of acquiring polish. And vice was manifested in gracelessness, awkwardness, in behaving inappropriately, discourteously, or ostentatiously. For the apprentice, however, virtue was evidenced in success through hard work. The requisite qualities of character were not grace or style, but drive, determination, and a sharp eye for opportunity. While casual liberality and even prodigality characterized the gentleman, frugality, thrift, and self-control came to distinguish the new apprentice. And while the gentleman did not aspire to a higher station because his station was already high, the apprentice was continually becoming, striving, struggling upward. Failure for the apprentice meant standing still, not rising.   1.Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?   [A] Democratic ideas started with education. [B] Federalists were opposed to education.   [C] New education helped confirm peoples social status. [D] Old education had been in tune with hierarchical society.   2.The difference between gentleman-in-waiting and journeyman is that _____ .   [A] education trained gentleman-in-waiting to climb higher ladders [B] journeyman was ready to take whatever was given to him   [C] gentleman-in-waiting belonged to a fixed and high social class [D] journeyman could do practically nothing without education   3.According to the second paragraph, land-grant College _____.   [A] belonged to the land-owning class [B] enlarged the scope of education   [C] was provided only to the poor [D] benefited all but the upper class   4.Which of the following was the most important for a gentleman-in-waiting?   [A] Manners. [B] Education. [C] Moral. [D] Personality.   5.The best title for the passage is _____.   [A] Education and Progress [B] Old and New Social Norms   [C] New Education: Opportunities for More [D] Demerits of Hierarchical Society   答案:1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C   核心词汇或超纲词汇   extension延长,扩充;普及,推广   ensue随之发生;追求[随]   confirmation证实,确认,批准   upward向上的;上升的;增长的;upwardly在上面地,向上地   mobile流动的;易变的;升降很大的   apprentice学徒;实习生   polish磨光,光泽;优雅,精良擦亮;推敲;使完美或完善   ostentatious装饰表面的;卖弄的,夸耀的;ostentateostentation   liberality慷慨,大方;宽大,磊落   全文翻译   随着19世纪上半叶民主权利的扩展和接踵而至的联邦体制的衰退,一种新的教育观念开始浮现出来。教育不再是对先前存在的地位的确认,而成了获得更高地位的工具。对于不断进步的新一代学生来说,教育的目标不是培养他们在自己出生的环境中舒适地生活,而是教给他们一些新的品德和技能,从而把他们推进一个不同的更好的世界。教育变成了训练,学生也不再是等待的绅士,而成了一些寻求提高社会地位的职业学徒。   在19世纪,大学教育开始被看成是跻身世界前列的一种手段。国家赠予土地的大学为那些来自非盎格鲁.萨克孙血统,工人阶级以及社会中下层的贫穷而有抱负的男孩们敞开了高等教育的大门。那些完成大学学业而获得成功的穷孩子的神话驱使数百万的穷人孩子涌入新的大学校园。随着这种转变,教育变得更加职业化:教育的目标是获取实用的技术和有用的信息。   对于那些准绅士来说,美德首先包括高雅的风度和作风,及符合自己身份地位的表现;教育仅仅是达到优雅的一种方式。而笨拙,粗俗,无礼,招摇等都是恶行的表现。而对于那些学徒来说,美德表现在通过努力获得的成功中。人物必备的品质不是优雅风度而是积极,决心和寻找机会的锐利的眼光。当懒散的自由化及至挥霍浪费成了绅士的特色时,节俭,自制就成了新学徒的标志。绅士的社会地位已经很高,因此不再渴望更高的社会地位,而学徒却一直努力地向上攀登。对于学徒来说,原地不动,没有上升就意味着失败。


  2023复习正在如火如荼的进行中,考研专家建议可以按考研题型分别进行重点复习,是考研英语中分值最高的,在线小编特地整理了2023理解模拟试题供大家模拟练习,希望大家认真做题,错题着重看解析及译文,经过练习阅读理解能力必能有所提高。   十九、新教育体制   With the extension of democratic rights in the first half of the nineteenth century and the ensuing decline of the Federalist establishment, a new conception of education began to emerge. Education was no longer a confirmation of a pre-existing status, but an instrument in the acquisition of higher status. For a new generation of upwardly mobile students, the goal of education was not to prepare them to live comfortably in the world into which they had been born, but to teach them new virtues and skills that would propel them into a different and better world. Education became training; and the student was no longer the gentleman-in-waiting, but the journeyman apprentice for upward mobility.   In the nineteenth century a college education began to be seen as a way to get ahead in the world. The founding of the land-grant colleges opened the doors of higher education to poor but aspiring boys from non-Anglo-Saxon, working-class and lower-middle-class backgrounds. The myth of the poor boy who worked his way through college to success drew millions of poor boys to the new campuses. And with this shift, education became more vocational: its object was the acquisition of practical skills and useful information.   For the gentleman-in-waiting, virtue consisted above all in grace and style, in doing well what was appropriate to his position; education was merely a way of acquiring polish. And vice was manifested in gracelessness, awkwardness, in behaving inappropriately, discourteously, or ostentatiously. For the apprentice, however, virtue was evidenced in success through hard work. The requisite qualities of character were not grace or style, but drive, determination, and a sharp eye for opportunity. While casual liberality and even prodigality characterized the gentleman, frugality, thrift, and self-control came to distinguish the new apprentice. And while the gentleman did not aspire to a higher station because his station was already high, the apprentice was continually becoming, striving, struggling upward. Failure for the apprentice meant standing still, not rising.   1.Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?   [A] Democratic ideas started with education. [B] Federalists were opposed to education.   [C] New education helped confirm peoples social status. [D] Old education had been in tune with hierarchical society.   2.The difference between gentleman-in-waiting and journeyman is that _____ .   [A] education trained gentleman-in-waiting to climb higher ladders [B] journeyman was ready to take whatever was given to him   [C] gentleman-in-waiting belonged to a fixed and high social class [D] journeyman could do practically nothing without education   3.According to the second paragraph, land-grant College _____.   [A] belonged to the land-owning class [B] enlarged the scope of education   [C] was provided only to the poor [D] benefited all but the upper class   4.Which of the following was the most important for a gentleman-in-waiting?   [A] Manners. [B] Education. [C] Moral. [D] Personality.   5.The best title for the passage is _____.   [A] Education and Progress [B] Old and New Social Norms   [C] New Education: Opportunities for More [D] Demerits of Hierarchical Society   答案:1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C   核心词汇或超纲词汇   extension延长,扩充;普及,推广   ensue随之发生;追求[随]   confirmation证实,确认,批准   upward向上的;上升的;增长的;upwardly在上面地,向上地   mobile流动的;易变的;升降很大的   apprentice学徒;实习生   polish磨光,光泽;优雅,精良擦亮;推敲;使完美或完善   ostentatious装饰表面的;卖弄的,夸耀的;ostentateostentation   liberality慷慨,大方;宽大,磊落   全文翻译   随着19世纪上半叶民主权利的扩展和接踵而至的联邦体制的衰退,一种新的教育观念开始浮现出来。教育不再是对先前存在的地位的确认,而成了获得更高地位的工具。对于不断进步的新一代学生来说,教育的目标不是培养他们在自己出生的环境中舒适地生活,而是教给他们一些新的品德和技能,从而把他们推进一个不同的更好的世界。教育变成了训练,学生也不再是等待的绅士,而成了一些寻求提高社会地位的职业学徒。   在19世纪,大学教育开始被看成是跻身世界前列的一种手段。国家赠予土地的大学为那些来自非盎格鲁.萨克孙血统,工人阶级以及社会中下层的贫穷而有抱负的男孩们敞开了高等教育的大门。那些完成大学学业而获得成功的穷孩子的神话驱使数百万的穷人孩子涌入新的大学校园。随着这种转变,教育变得更加职业化:教育的目标是获取实用的技术和有用的信息。   对于那些准绅士来说,美德首先包括高雅的风度和作风,及符合自己身份地位的表现;教育仅仅是达到优雅的一种方式。而笨拙,粗俗,无礼,招摇等都是恶行的表现。而对于那些学徒来说,美德表现在通过努力获得的成功中。人物必备的品质不是优雅风度而是积极,决心和寻找机会的锐利的眼光。当懒散的自由化及至挥霍浪费成了绅士的特色时,节俭,自制就成了新学徒的标志。绅士的社会地位已经很高,因此不再渴望更高的社会地位,而学徒却一直努力地向上攀登。对于学徒来说,原地不动,没有上升就意味着失败。


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