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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   South Korea s internet giant   韩国互联网巨头   Now or Naver   机不可失   At home, South Korea s biggest web portal hasthrashed Yahoo and kept Google at bay.   在国内市场,韩国最大的门户网站Naver已经击败了雅虎和谷歌。   Now its owner plans to conquer the world with its messaging service   而现在,这间公司的老板正准备以手中的即时通讯软件去征服世界   Cutesy characters cost extra   可爱的卡通人物则需要额外收费   DOWN jackets are typically stuffed with duck, not chicken, feathers. Why? Ask Naver.   羽绒服里通常以鸭绒作为原料,那为什么不用鸡的羽毛呢?去问Naver就行。   So ran an ad in 2003 for a South Korean web portal of that name featuring an innovative,crowdsourced question-and-answer service.   而这正是2003年韩国门户网站Naver所打出的广告,并且,这广告是以一项革新的聚众问答服务为特点来推广自己。   In spite of such features, Naver s chances looked slim as it was launched into a crowdedmarket dominated by Yahoo of America and Daum, another South Korean company.   尽管有着自己的一些特色,但在一个早已被美国的雅虎和另一间韩国公司Daum所垄断了的市场里,Naver似乎没有什么商机。   Last year Naver indexed its 100-millionth question: a user asking for the title of a particularsong, that begins with a giggle.   去年,Naver录得它的第1亿个提问:一位用户在询问一首以傻笑开头的歌。   An answer took just 14 minutes to arrive: Blow, by Kesha, an American singer.   仅仅14分钟,他便得到了答案:一位美国歌手Kesha所唱的歌曲Blow。   Every day around 18m people visit its homepage.   每天大约有1千8百万人浏览它的主页。   It has almost 80% of the South Korean search market, making the country one of just threewhere Google is not top.   在国内搜索市场中,Naver拥有约80%的使用量,而这让韩国成为了谷歌公司无法称霸的三个国家之一。   Google accounts for just 4% of searches; Yahoo, now trailing behind as the tenth most-visitedportal, stopped producing specialist content for the South Korean market in 2023.   在韩国,谷歌仅占有4%的搜索使用量;目前已经在常用门户网站排行中落到了第十位置的雅虎,在2023年便停止了为韩国市场提供专门的栏目。   When Naver was set up, there were not many web pages written in Korean.   Naver创立之时,韩国还没有太多网站。   So the Q A service was a masterstrokethe users who answered others questionsprovided lots of free content.   所以这套问答服务推出是一个非常绝妙的举动用户们可以在这儿提问并得到免费的回答。   Naver handed out grades, from commoner to superman, to encourage them to keepwriting.   Naver还给用户们进行了从平民到超人的评级,以鼓励他们的持续贡献。   Everyone wanted to be God in cyberspace, says Lim Wonki, the author of The Secret ofNaver s Success, published in 2007.   2007年出版的《Naver的成功秘诀》作者Lim Wonki曾表示:每个人都想做虚拟世界的上帝。   Some Western web portals are suffering declining ad revenues, but Naver s are still rising.   部分西方门户网站正处于广告收益下滑的处境当中,但Naver却仍在增长。   Jay Park of Samsung Securities, a stockbroker, says the portal s online-advertising sales,which provide three-quarters of Naver s revenues, grew by 7.7% last year.   三星证券股票经纪杰?帕克说,去年占该网站总收入四分之三的在线广告业务收入增长了7.7%。   He expects it to keep growing at this sort of rate.   他期望该网站能保持这样的增长比率。   As the money rolls in, it no longer has to rely on free material from users, and can buy up lotsof exclusive content, from encyclopedias to videos, which it blocks rival search engines fromaccessing.   随着现金的增加,Naver不再需要去以来用户们的免费资源,从而可以收购从百科到视频各种类别的专属项目,接着便可以屏蔽其竞争对手的搜索引擎。   Unsurprisingly, this annoys them.   不出所料地,这一行为引起了其竞争对手们愤慨。   In 2023 Kim In-sung, who built up Empas, a search engine, published a critical book, Naver sTwo Faces.   2023年,Empas搜索引擎创始人金贤成出版了1本名为《Naver的两副面孔》的书来抨击Naver。   He says it is heaven for users but a black hole for content providers.   他表示,虽然对用户们来说是天堂,但对于内容提供者来说则是黑洞。   News organisations grumble that Naver pays them a pittance for licensing their stories.   多家资讯组织抱怨Naver仅给予他们微薄的报酬便使用了他们的报道。   Naver started out as an in-house venture by the IT division of Samsung, the country slargest industrial conglomerate.   最初,Naver是作为韩国最大的企业联合集团三星IT部门中的一个内部分支。   But Samsung had sold the last of its shares in the company by 2004 and Naver is now thesixth-largest of the companies in the local KOSPI share index.   但三星早已在2004年以前就将全部Naver的股权卖出,与此同时Naver已经是韩国本地股市KOSPI中规模排行第六的公司。   Mr Kim says it has begun to exhibit some of the least attractive traits of the chaebol, inparticular by buying up smaller potential rivals and by using its market power to stop otherportals getting access to content.   金先生说目前Naver已经开始展现出了一些财阀特有的且不受人欢迎的行为,尤其是在收购小型潜在对手以及利用自身的市场力量去妨碍其他门户网站取得资讯方面表现得极为明显。   In 2023 the country s Fair Trade Commission threatened the firm with a big fine, for allegedlyunfair business practices.   2023年,国家公平交易委员会因而警告该公司,声称他们将会对不公平交易行为开出巨额罚单。   Naver persuaded it to drop this in return for it spending 100 billion won on helping smallerinternet firms and on educating consumers about their rights.   为了平复此事,最终Naver拿出1000亿韩元来进行对小型互联网公司的赞助,以及对消费者权益进行推广,从而说服了委员会取消罚款计划。   Naver responds to all this by arguing that users still have a choice of portals:   Naver对以上种种指控,则回应用户依然能够选择自己要使用的门户:   when a nude video of a Korean singer went online last November, visits to Google spikedbecause Naver had blocked it.   去年十一月,当一个韩国歌手的裸体视频被发到网上,由于Naver屏蔽了该视频,谷歌的浏览量随之急剧攀升。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   South Korea s internet giant   韩国互联网巨头   Now or Naver   机不可失   At home, South Korea s biggest web portal hasthrashed Yahoo and kept Google at bay.   在国内市场,韩国最大的门户网站Naver已经击败了雅虎和谷歌。   Now its owner plans to conquer the world with its messaging service   而现在,这间公司的老板正准备以手中的即时通讯软件去征服世界   Cutesy characters cost extra   可爱的卡通人物则需要额外收费   DOWN jackets are typically stuffed with duck, not chicken, feathers. Why? Ask Naver.   羽绒服里通常以鸭绒作为原料,那为什么不用鸡的羽毛呢?去问Naver就行。   So ran an ad in 2003 for a South Korean web portal of that name featuring an innovative,crowdsourced question-and-answer service.   而这正是2003年韩国门户网站Naver所打出的广告,并且,这广告是以一项革新的聚众问答服务为特点来推广自己。   In spite of such features, Naver s chances looked slim as it was launched into a crowdedmarket dominated by Yahoo of America and Daum, another South Korean company.   尽管有着自己的一些特色,但在一个早已被美国的雅虎和另一间韩国公司Daum所垄断了的市场里,Naver似乎没有什么商机。   Last year Naver indexed its 100-millionth question: a user asking for the title of a particularsong, that begins with a giggle.   去年,Naver录得它的第1亿个提问:一位用户在询问一首以傻笑开头的歌。   An answer took just 14 minutes to arrive: Blow, by Kesha, an American singer.   仅仅14分钟,他便得到了答案:一位美国歌手Kesha所唱的歌曲Blow。   Every day around 18m people visit its homepage.   每天大约有1千8百万人浏览它的主页。   It has almost 80% of the South Korean search market, making the country one of just threewhere Google is not top.   在国内搜索市场中,Naver拥有约80%的使用量,而这让韩国成为了谷歌公司无法称霸的三个国家之一。   Google accounts for just 4% of searches; Yahoo, now trailing behind as the tenth most-visitedportal, stopped producing specialist content for the South Korean market in 2023.   在韩国,谷歌仅占有4%的搜索使用量;目前已经在常用门户网站排行中落到了第十位置的雅虎,在2023年便停止了为韩国市场提供专门的栏目。   When Naver was set up, there were not many web pages written in Korean.   Naver创立之时,韩国还没有太多网站。   So the Q A service was a masterstrokethe users who answered others questionsprovided lots of free content.   所以这套问答服务推出是一个非常绝妙的举动用户们可以在这儿提问并得到免费的回答。   Naver handed out grades, from commoner to superman, to encourage them to keepwriting.   Naver还给用户们进行了从平民到超人的评级,以鼓励他们的持续贡献。   Everyone wanted to be God in cyberspace, says Lim Wonki, the author of The Secret ofNaver s Success, published in 2007.   2007年出版的《Naver的成功秘诀》作者Lim Wonki曾表示:每个人都想做虚拟世界的上帝。   Some Western web portals are suffering declining ad revenues, but Naver s are still rising.   部分西方门户网站正处于广告收益下滑的处境当中,但Naver却仍在增长。   Jay Park of Samsung Securities, a stockbroker, says the portal s online-advertising sales,which provide three-quarters of Naver s revenues, grew by 7.7% last year.   三星证券股票经纪杰?帕克说,去年占该网站总收入四分之三的在线广告业务收入增长了7.7%。   He expects it to keep growing at this sort of rate.   他期望该网站能保持这样的增长比率。   As the money rolls in, it no longer has to rely on free material from users, and can buy up lotsof exclusive content, from encyclopedias to videos, which it blocks rival search engines fromaccessing.   随着现金的增加,Naver不再需要去以来用户们的免费资源,从而可以收购从百科到视频各种类别的专属项目,接着便可以屏蔽其竞争对手的搜索引擎。   Unsurprisingly, this annoys them.   不出所料地,这一行为引起了其竞争对手们愤慨。   In 2023 Kim In-sung, who built up Empas, a search engine, published a critical book, Naver sTwo Faces.   2023年,Empas搜索引擎创始人金贤成出版了1本名为《Naver的两副面孔》的书来抨击Naver。   He says it is heaven for users but a black hole for content providers.   他表示,虽然对用户们来说是天堂,但对于内容提供者来说则是黑洞。   News organisations grumble that Naver pays them a pittance for licensing their stories.   多家资讯组织抱怨Naver仅给予他们微薄的报酬便使用了他们的报道。   Naver started out as an in-house venture by the IT division of Samsung, the country slargest industrial conglomerate.   最初,Naver是作为韩国最大的企业联合集团三星IT部门中的一个内部分支。   But Samsung had sold the last of its shares in the company by 2004 and Naver is now thesixth-largest of the companies in the local KOSPI share index.   但三星早已在2004年以前就将全部Naver的股权卖出,与此同时Naver已经是韩国本地股市KOSPI中规模排行第六的公司。   Mr Kim says it has begun to exhibit some of the least attractive traits of the chaebol, inparticular by buying up smaller potential rivals and by using its market power to stop otherportals getting access to content.   金先生说目前Naver已经开始展现出了一些财阀特有的且不受人欢迎的行为,尤其是在收购小型潜在对手以及利用自身的市场力量去妨碍其他门户网站取得资讯方面表现得极为明显。   In 2023 the country s Fair Trade Commission threatened the firm with a big fine, for allegedlyunfair business practices.   2023年,国家公平交易委员会因而警告该公司,声称他们将会对不公平交易行为开出巨额罚单。   Naver persuaded it to drop this in return for it spending 100 billion won on helping smallerinternet firms and on educating consumers about their rights.   为了平复此事,最终Naver拿出1000亿韩元来进行对小型互联网公司的赞助,以及对消费者权益进行推广,从而说服了委员会取消罚款计划。   Naver responds to all this by arguing that users still have a choice of portals:   Naver对以上种种指控,则回应用户依然能够选择自己要使用的门户:   when a nude video of a Korean singer went online last November, visits to Google spikedbecause Naver had blocked it.   去年十一月,当一个韩国歌手的裸体视频被发到网上,由于Naver屏蔽了该视频,谷歌的浏览量随之急剧攀升。


信息流广告 网络推广 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 网络营销 招生代理 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 查字典 精雕图 戏曲下载 抖音代运营 易学网 互联网资讯 成语 成语故事 诗词 工商注册 注册公司 抖音带货 云南旅游网 网络游戏 代理记账 短视频运营 在线题库 国学网 知识产权 抖音运营 雕龙客 雕塑 奇石 散文 自学教程 常用文书 河北生活网 好书推荐 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄人才网 考研真题 汉语知识 心理咨询 手游安卓版下载 兴趣爱好 网络知识 十大品牌排行榜 商标交易 单机游戏下载 短视频代运营 宝宝起名 范文网 电商设计 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 经典范文 优质范文 工作总结 二手车估价 实用范文 爱采购代运营 古诗词 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 铜雕 词典 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 河北代理记账公司 文玩 朋友圈文案 语料库 游戏推荐 男士发型 高考作文 PS修图 儿童文学 买车咨询 工作计划 礼品厂 舟舟培训 IT教程 手机游戏推荐排行榜 暖通,电采暖, 女性健康 苗木供应 主题模板 短视频培训 优秀个人博客 包装网 创业赚钱 养生 民间借贷律师 绿色软件 安卓手机游戏 手机软件下载 手机游戏下载 单机游戏大全 免费软件下载 网赚 手游下载 游戏盒子 职业培训 资格考试 成语大全 英语培训 艺术培训 少儿培训 苗木网 雕塑网 好玩的手机游戏推荐 汉语词典 中国机械网 美文欣赏 红楼梦 道德经 网站转让 鲜花 社区团购 社区电商