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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Social status and health   社会地位与健康   Misery index   贫困指数   Low social status is bad for your health. Biologistsare starting to understand why   社会地位低对身体不好,生物学家开始理解此中的奥秘   ONCE upon a time the overstressed executive bellowing orders into a telephone, cancellingmeetings, staying late at the office and dying of a heart attack was a stereotype ofmodernity.   曾今,人们对现代化的一个根深蒂固的印象是,领导们在巨大压力的折磨之下,对着电话狂吼,下达命令,取消会议,待在办公室到很晚,最后死于心脏病。   That was before the Whitehall studies, a series of investigations of British civil servants begunin the 1960s.   可是,自1960年代开始的英国白厅对英国政治家们展开的一系列调查之后,这种印象开始改变,   These studies found that the truth is precisely the opposite.   因为调查发现事实却完全不是那么回事。   Those at the top of the pecking order actually have the least stressful and most healthylives.   实际上处于社会高层的人们承受的压力最小,生活最健康。   Cardiac arrestand, indeed, early death from any causeis the prerogative of underlings.   心跳骤停而且,确实是,不管是出于什么原因的早死那都是做下属的才有的事。   Such results have since been confirmed many times, both in human societies and in otherprimate species with strong social hierarchies.   在人类社会,还有等级严格的其他的灵长类物种中,都已多次验证这种结果的正确性。   But whereas the pattern is well-understood, the biological mechanisms underlying it arenot.   但是,虽然这种模式很容易理解,潜在的生物学机制却并不这么认为。   A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, however,sheds some light on the matter.   杂志《国家科学院》最新出版的专题里,对此现象有相关阐述。   In it, a group of researchers led by Jenny Tung and Yoav Gilad at the University of Chicagolooked at the effects of status on rhesus macaques.   专题里,詹妮东和要吉拉德领导的研究小组在芝加哥大学,研究地位之于恒河猴的影响。   Experience has shown that these monkeys display the simian equivalent of the Whitehallstudies findings.   实验经过表明,这些猴子所表现出来的是英国白厅研究发现的猴子版本。   The high risk of disease among those at the bottom of the heap in both cases suggests thatbiochemical responses to low status affect a creature s immune system.   社会地位低的患病风险高,这既适用于人类界也同样适用于猴子。这暗示了社会地位低的物种的生物化学反应影响其免疫系统。   Those responses must, in turn, depend on changes in the way the creatures genes areexpressed.   反过来,这种生物化学反应又取决于物种生物基因的变化方式。   To investigate this phenomenon means manipulating social hierarchies, but that would behard if it were done to human beings.   若要调查这种现象,那就意味着需要控制社会等级,在人类身上进行,很困难。   You can, however, do it to monkeys, and the researchers did.   但是,你可以在猴子身上做实验,而且研究人员也是这么做的。   Unhappy minds in unhealthy bodies   不健康的身体,不快乐的心情   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad took 49 middle-ranking female macaques and split them into groups offour or five.   博士东和吉拉德,用49个中等地位等级的女性猴子做实验,并把他们分为四到五组。   The researchers were able to control where in a group an individual ranked by the order inwhich it was introduced into its group.   根据猴子们加入研究群体的时间顺序,研究人员给她们的地位等级编号。   The hierarchies thus established, the team conducted tests on cells in the monkeys blood,in an attempt to determine the effect of a macaque s rank on her biochemistry and, inparticular, on how rank influences the activity of various genes.   等级于是得以建立。研究团队采集猴子血液做细胞研究,试图搞清楚恒河猴的地位等级对其生物化学的影响,特别是地位等级是如何对各种基因活动起作用的。   The answer is, a lot.   研究结果有很多。   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad looked at the expression in each animal of 6,097 genes.   每个动物有6097个基因,博士东和吉拉德观察每个动物的基因,寻找社会等级与基因活动之间的相互关系。   They were searching for correlations between social rank and gene activity, and in 987genes they found one.   在987个基因中,他们找到了一个。   Some genes were more active in high-ranking individuals; others were more active inlow-ranking ones.   某些基因在等级高的个体中更活跃,而其他的基因则活跃于等级低的个体中。   The relationship was robust enough to work the other way round, too.   这一结果很牢靠,倒过来看也成立。   Given a blood sample and no other information, it was possible to predict an individual sstatus within her group with an accuracy of 80%.   只提供血液样本而没有其他相关信息,就可以预测个体在群体里的地位等级,且精确度达到80%。   The next question was what all these genes actually do.   下一个问题,所有这些基因,真正起的是什么作用。   Sure enough the answer, for a substantial fraction of them, was that they regulateaspects of the immune system.   答案很显然,对大部分基因而言,它们起着调节着免疫系统的作用。   In particular, low-status individuals showed high levels of activity in genes associated withthe production of various immune-related cells and chemical signalling factors, as well asthose to do with inflammation.   这非常明显地体现在,社会地位低的个体,产生各种与免疫相关的细胞和化学信号基因的活动更为明显,还有那些有关于炎症的基因。   Although the researchers did not explicitly examine the health of their simian charges,chronic, generalised inflammation is a risk factor, in people, for a long list of ailmentsranging from heart trouble to Alzheimer s disease.   虽然研究人员没有仔细分析参与实验的猴子们的健康状况,但是慢性的、全身性的炎症对猴子们来说是危险因素,人类的部分,就是从心脏病到老年痴呆症等一大长系列疾病。   Finally, the team investigated the mechanisms behind these differences in gene expression.   最后,研究小组用基因表达调查造成这些不同的机理原因。   In keeping with previous work, they found that high-and low-rank individuals showeddifferent levels of responsiveness to a class of hormones called glucocorticoids, whichregulate immune-system activity and response to stress.   与之前工作结果一致,他们发现地位高和地位低的个体,对被称为糖皮质激素的一组基因,表现出的反应级别不一样。糖皮质激素控制免疫系统活动和对压力的反应。   They also found changes in the mix of cells within the animals immune system itself.   同时他们发现,在动物免疫系统自身,混合细胞有发生改变。   But what is new, and intriguing, is that they discovered, for the first time, evidence that aphenomenon called epigenetic change is at work.   但是最为新奇的是,他们头一次发现了后天改变在起作用的证据。   Epigeneticscurrently one of molecular biology s hottest topicsis a process by which genesare activated or deactivated by the presence or absence of chemical structures calledmethyl and acetyl groups.   表现遗传学目前分子生物学最热的话题之一是这样一个过程,基因的激活或是失效取决于被称为甲基和乙酰基的化学结构的存在或是消失。   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad found that methylation patterns were systematically different in high-and low-ranking animals.   博士东和吉拉德发现甲基模式在地位高级和地位低级的动物之间是不一样的,且这种不一样是系统性的不一样。   Crucially, these changes are generally passed on to the daughter cells produced when a celldivides, and are thus perpetuated throughout an animal s life.   至关重要的一点是,这些变化一般在细胞分裂的同时传递给子细胞,因此这些变化将贯穿动物的一生。   To the extent that epigenetic marking is involved in creating social status, then, statusmay be being maintained by the animal s cells as they replicate.   从此意义上讲,后天标记参与社会地位的形成,社会地位的维持靠动物细胞的复制。   Destiny s child?   命运的产物?   Those who believe in progress will, however, be pleased to know that epigenetics is notnecessarily destiny.   但是,相信事物是发展变化的人们会很高兴,因为表现遗传学并不是上天注定,难以改变的。   Methyl groups may help maintain the status quo, but if that status quo is interrupted byoutside events they can be wiped away and a new lot put in place.   甲基或许可以帮助维持现状,但是如果外来事件打断了它,那么甲基将被移除,新的一批上任。   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad discovered this because a few of their monkeys did change statuswithin their groups.   博士东和吉拉德能够发现了这一点,是因为,参与实验的几个猴子确实改变了她们在群体中的地位等级。   When that happened, changes in gene expression appropriate to the new status quicklyfollowed.   地位等级一旦发生改变,与之相应的基因表达随即改变。   Those who do break free from their lowly station, then, may begin to reap the healthbenefits almost immediately.   那些确实改变了它们之前卑贱地位的猴子们,身体状况几乎都立刻获得改善。   As with any animal study, this one cannot simply be mapped straight onto humans.   不管以什么动物为研究对象,结果都不能直接简单地运用于人类,这个也不例外。   But it does provide pointers that researchers who work on people can use.   但它确实给研究人类的学者们提供了一些建议。   In particular, the experiment ensured that social rank was the only factor being changed,providing strong evidence that the chain of causality runs from low social status, througha disrupted immune system to worse health, and not the other way around.   该实验的独特之处是,它确保了实验中社会等级是唯一发生改变的因素。它为因果关系链的正确模式提供了一个强有力的证据,正确模式是低等的社会等级通过被破坏了的免疫系统损害健康。   The best medicine, then, is promotion. Prosper, and live long.   而不是反过来的顺序。晋升是疗效最好的药物。因为成功,所以活得长久。   词语解释   1.start to 开始   When and why did things start to change?   那么这种情况是什么时候开始改变的?   It was the best start to august trading since 1934.   这是1934年以来8月份最好的股市开局。   2.response to 对的反应   Public response to the discounting appeared mixed.   公众对这次价格战的反应褒贬不一。   Albert oversaw monaco s response to the g20.   阿尔贝亲自负责摩纳哥对g20的回应。   3.depend on 依赖;相信;信赖   Few non-profits pay well and many depend on volunteers.   没有几个非营利机构工资丰厚,很多还要依靠志愿者。   You can depend on this newspaper.   你可以依赖这家报纸。   4.split into 分成   Its evolution can be crudely split into three periods.   它的发展可以大致分成三个阶段。   The group eventually split into three segments, relegating distinct roles and tasks.   帮会最终分裂成三个阵营,归入不同的任务和角色。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Social status and health   社会地位与健康   Misery index   贫困指数   Low social status is bad for your health. Biologistsare starting to understand why   社会地位低对身体不好,生物学家开始理解此中的奥秘   ONCE upon a time the overstressed executive bellowing orders into a telephone, cancellingmeetings, staying late at the office and dying of a heart attack was a stereotype ofmodernity.   曾今,人们对现代化的一个根深蒂固的印象是,领导们在巨大压力的折磨之下,对着电话狂吼,下达命令,取消会议,待在办公室到很晚,最后死于心脏病。   That was before the Whitehall studies, a series of investigations of British civil servants begunin the 1960s.   可是,自1960年代开始的英国白厅对英国政治家们展开的一系列调查之后,这种印象开始改变,   These studies found that the truth is precisely the opposite.   因为调查发现事实却完全不是那么回事。   Those at the top of the pecking order actually have the least stressful and most healthylives.   实际上处于社会高层的人们承受的压力最小,生活最健康。   Cardiac arrestand, indeed, early death from any causeis the prerogative of underlings.   心跳骤停而且,确实是,不管是出于什么原因的早死那都是做下属的才有的事。   Such results have since been confirmed many times, both in human societies and in otherprimate species with strong social hierarchies.   在人类社会,还有等级严格的其他的灵长类物种中,都已多次验证这种结果的正确性。   But whereas the pattern is well-understood, the biological mechanisms underlying it arenot.   但是,虽然这种模式很容易理解,潜在的生物学机制却并不这么认为。   A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, however,sheds some light on the matter.   杂志《国家科学院》最新出版的专题里,对此现象有相关阐述。   In it, a group of researchers led by Jenny Tung and Yoav Gilad at the University of Chicagolooked at the effects of status on rhesus macaques.   专题里,詹妮东和要吉拉德领导的研究小组在芝加哥大学,研究地位之于恒河猴的影响。   Experience has shown that these monkeys display the simian equivalent of the Whitehallstudies findings.   实验经过表明,这些猴子所表现出来的是英国白厅研究发现的猴子版本。   The high risk of disease among those at the bottom of the heap in both cases suggests thatbiochemical responses to low status affect a creature s immune system.   社会地位低的患病风险高,这既适用于人类界也同样适用于猴子。这暗示了社会地位低的物种的生物化学反应影响其免疫系统。   Those responses must, in turn, depend on changes in the way the creatures genes areexpressed.   反过来,这种生物化学反应又取决于物种生物基因的变化方式。   To investigate this phenomenon means manipulating social hierarchies, but that would behard if it were done to human beings.   若要调查这种现象,那就意味着需要控制社会等级,在人类身上进行,很困难。   You can, however, do it to monkeys, and the researchers did.   但是,你可以在猴子身上做实验,而且研究人员也是这么做的。   Unhappy minds in unhealthy bodies   不健康的身体,不快乐的心情   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad took 49 middle-ranking female macaques and split them into groups offour or five.   博士东和吉拉德,用49个中等地位等级的女性猴子做实验,并把他们分为四到五组。   The researchers were able to control where in a group an individual ranked by the order inwhich it was introduced into its group.   根据猴子们加入研究群体的时间顺序,研究人员给她们的地位等级编号。   The hierarchies thus established, the team conducted tests on cells in the monkeys blood,in an attempt to determine the effect of a macaque s rank on her biochemistry and, inparticular, on how rank influences the activity of various genes.   等级于是得以建立。研究团队采集猴子血液做细胞研究,试图搞清楚恒河猴的地位等级对其生物化学的影响,特别是地位等级是如何对各种基因活动起作用的。   The answer is, a lot.   研究结果有很多。   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad looked at the expression in each animal of 6,097 genes.   每个动物有6097个基因,博士东和吉拉德观察每个动物的基因,寻找社会等级与基因活动之间的相互关系。   They were searching for correlations between social rank and gene activity, and in 987genes they found one.   在987个基因中,他们找到了一个。   Some genes were more active in high-ranking individuals; others were more active inlow-ranking ones.   某些基因在等级高的个体中更活跃,而其他的基因则活跃于等级低的个体中。   The relationship was robust enough to work the other way round, too.   这一结果很牢靠,倒过来看也成立。   Given a blood sample and no other information, it was possible to predict an individual sstatus within her group with an accuracy of 80%.   只提供血液样本而没有其他相关信息,就可以预测个体在群体里的地位等级,且精确度达到80%。   The next question was what all these genes actually do.   下一个问题,所有这些基因,真正起的是什么作用。   Sure enough the answer, for a substantial fraction of them, was that they regulateaspects of the immune system.   答案很显然,对大部分基因而言,它们起着调节着免疫系统的作用。   In particular, low-status individuals showed high levels of activity in genes associated withthe production of various immune-related cells and chemical signalling factors, as well asthose to do with inflammation.   这非常明显地体现在,社会地位低的个体,产生各种与免疫相关的细胞和化学信号基因的活动更为明显,还有那些有关于炎症的基因。   Although the researchers did not explicitly examine the health of their simian charges,chronic, generalised inflammation is a risk factor, in people, for a long list of ailmentsranging from heart trouble to Alzheimer s disease.   虽然研究人员没有仔细分析参与实验的猴子们的健康状况,但是慢性的、全身性的炎症对猴子们来说是危险因素,人类的部分,就是从心脏病到老年痴呆症等一大长系列疾病。   Finally, the team investigated the mechanisms behind these differences in gene expression.   最后,研究小组用基因表达调查造成这些不同的机理原因。   In keeping with previous work, they found that high-and low-rank individuals showeddifferent levels of responsiveness to a class of hormones called glucocorticoids, whichregulate immune-system activity and response to stress.   与之前工作结果一致,他们发现地位高和地位低的个体,对被称为糖皮质激素的一组基因,表现出的反应级别不一样。糖皮质激素控制免疫系统活动和对压力的反应。   They also found changes in the mix of cells within the animals immune system itself.   同时他们发现,在动物免疫系统自身,混合细胞有发生改变。   But what is new, and intriguing, is that they discovered, for the first time, evidence that aphenomenon called epigenetic change is at work.   但是最为新奇的是,他们头一次发现了后天改变在起作用的证据。   Epigeneticscurrently one of molecular biology s hottest topicsis a process by which genesare activated or deactivated by the presence or absence of chemical structures calledmethyl and acetyl groups.   表现遗传学目前分子生物学最热的话题之一是这样一个过程,基因的激活或是失效取决于被称为甲基和乙酰基的化学结构的存在或是消失。   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad found that methylation patterns were systematically different in high-and low-ranking animals.   博士东和吉拉德发现甲基模式在地位高级和地位低级的动物之间是不一样的,且这种不一样是系统性的不一样。   Crucially, these changes are generally passed on to the daughter cells produced when a celldivides, and are thus perpetuated throughout an animal s life.   至关重要的一点是,这些变化一般在细胞分裂的同时传递给子细胞,因此这些变化将贯穿动物的一生。   To the extent that epigenetic marking is involved in creating social status, then, statusmay be being maintained by the animal s cells as they replicate.   从此意义上讲,后天标记参与社会地位的形成,社会地位的维持靠动物细胞的复制。   Destiny s child?   命运的产物?   Those who believe in progress will, however, be pleased to know that epigenetics is notnecessarily destiny.   但是,相信事物是发展变化的人们会很高兴,因为表现遗传学并不是上天注定,难以改变的。   Methyl groups may help maintain the status quo, but if that status quo is interrupted byoutside events they can be wiped away and a new lot put in place.   甲基或许可以帮助维持现状,但是如果外来事件打断了它,那么甲基将被移除,新的一批上任。   Dr Tung and Dr Gilad discovered this because a few of their monkeys did change statuswithin their groups.   博士东和吉拉德能够发现了这一点,是因为,参与实验的几个猴子确实改变了她们在群体中的地位等级。   When that happened, changes in gene expression appropriate to the new status quicklyfollowed.   地位等级一旦发生改变,与之相应的基因表达随即改变。   Those who do break free from their lowly station, then, may begin to reap the healthbenefits almost immediately.   那些确实改变了它们之前卑贱地位的猴子们,身体状况几乎都立刻获得改善。   As with any animal study, this one cannot simply be mapped straight onto humans.   不管以什么动物为研究对象,结果都不能直接简单地运用于人类,这个也不例外。   But it does provide pointers that researchers who work on people can use.   但它确实给研究人类的学者们提供了一些建议。   In particular, the experiment ensured that social rank was the only factor being changed,providing strong evidence that the chain of causality runs from low social status, througha disrupted immune system to worse health, and not the other way around.   该实验的独特之处是,它确保了实验中社会等级是唯一发生改变的因素。它为因果关系链的正确模式提供了一个强有力的证据,正确模式是低等的社会等级通过被破坏了的免疫系统损害健康。   The best medicine, then, is promotion. Prosper, and live long.   而不是反过来的顺序。晋升是疗效最好的药物。因为成功,所以活得长久。   词语解释   1.start to 开始   When and why did things start to change?   那么这种情况是什么时候开始改变的?   It was the best start to august trading since 1934.   这是1934年以来8月份最好的股市开局。   2.response to 对的反应   Public response to the discounting appeared mixed.   公众对这次价格战的反应褒贬不一。   Albert oversaw monaco s response to the g20.   阿尔贝亲自负责摩纳哥对g20的回应。   3.depend on 依赖;相信;信赖   Few non-profits pay well and many depend on volunteers.   没有几个非营利机构工资丰厚,很多还要依靠志愿者。   You can depend on this newspaper.   你可以依赖这家报纸。   4.split into 分成   Its evolution can be crudely split into three periods.   它的发展可以大致分成三个阶段。   The group eventually split into three segments, relegating distinct roles and tasks.   帮会最终分裂成三个阵营,归入不同的任务和角色。


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