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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Language in Taiwan   汉语在台湾   Lost in Romanisation   迷失拼音   Ideological warfare over spelling   拼写上的意识形态冲突   THE policy of dtente with China espoused byTaiwan s president, Ma Ying-jeou, has caused fearsamong some Taiwanese that the island s rowdy democracy will be pushed into Beijing spolitical embrace. Fears of future reunification are even causing some Taiwanese cities toreject hanyu pinyin, the official system for Romanising Chinese words in both China andTaiwan, in favour of an older system.   台湾总统马英九就两岸关系主张缓和政策。这让台湾民众忧心忡忡,生恐岛内吵闹的政治局面将台湾推向大陆的怀抱。对于回归的担忧甚至引发部分台湾城市抵制汉语拼音,转而支持旧有的拉丁化方案。   Mr Ma s government declared more than five years ago that the country would start usinghanyu pinyin. The reasoning is sensible. It is the phonetic system used virtuallyeverywhere in the world, including the United Nations and the International Organisation forStandardisation, for transcribing Mandarin pronunciation of Chinese characters into theRoman alphabet. The one problem: it was developed in Communist China in the 1950s andso, for some Taiwanese, remains suspect.   早在5年多以前,马英九政府就宣布台湾将开始使用汉语拼音。其理由也非常充分,这种拼音方案几乎被全球所有地区用来将汉字发音转化为拉丁字母,包括美国和国际标准化组织。唯一的问题在于:这个方案诞生于19世纪50年代共党治下的中国,因而台湾民众对它疑心重重。   Officials argue that its use will improve Taiwan s economic competitiveness by co-ordinatingwith other Chinese-speaking societies. But some Taiwanese believe this is a ploy by Mr Macovertly to integrate Taiwan more closely with Chinese mainland.   官方认为使用汉语拼音的能够同其他使用汉语的社会统一标准,从而也能提高台湾的经济竞争力。但不少台湾人坚信这这是马英九暗中将台湾和大陆一体化的阴谋。   Hanyu pinyin is now used on street signs in the island s capital, Taipei, but some cities ruledby opposition mayors are staging a boycott. They include Kaohsiung, the island ssecond-largest metropolis, and Tainan, a popular tourist spot filled with charming temples.These cities are clinging to the Romanisation system known as tongyong pinyin, which wasintroduced in 2002 and is closely associated with Mr Ma s predecessor, Chen Shui-bian, apassionate advocate of independence. Tongyong pinyin is unique to Taiwan, and its usewas once lambasted by Xinhua, the mainland s official news agency, as a move to rid Taiwanof Chinese influence.   汉语拼音如今已经用于首都台北的路牌,不过由反对党市长领导的城市仍在进行抵制。其中包括岛内第二大城市高雄和寺庙充盈的旅游胜地台南。这些城市坚持使用通用拼音,该拉丁化方案在2002年开始使用。这套方案的使用同马的前任激进的台独分子陈水扁,有很大关系。通用拼音仅被台湾采用,并且曾被大陆官媒新华社斥责为意图消除台湾的中华传统。   Expatriate newcomers who cannot read Chinese characters easily lose their way. The Altar ofHeaven, a temple in Tainan, is located on a lane off Jhongyi Road on the city governmentwebsite, but is off Zhongyi Road on Google Maps. A lingering third system known asWade-Giles, used before both the others, confuses visitors even more. Mr Ma s officials saythere is no legal requirement for local governments to adopt hanyu pinyin and they arereluctant to push too hard, lest theystir up memories of the harsh martial-law regime thatended over two decades ago. But, even in language, Taiwan remains divided.   不懂汉语的移民后代重回台湾时,很容易就会迷路。比如,台南天坛位于忠义路边上的小巷中,这条路的路牌上写的是Jhongyi Road,而谷歌地图的显示是Zhongyi Road。还有第三种拼音方案叫做威妥玛式拼音法,曾被双方使用,但是却更让游客迷惑。马英九政府的官员表示,法律上并没有要求地方政府接受汉语拼音,政府也不愿意强制推行,以免让他们觉得回到了20多年前残酷的军统时期。即便是从语言上说,台湾仍出在和大陆分离的状态。   词语解释   1.push into 推进,推动   Japanese firms push into emerging markets.   经济学人日本企业推进新兴市场。   The push into brazil and china follows img s successin india.   进入巴西和中国市场之前,img在印度大获成功。   2.in favour of 赞成,支持   The political argument in favour of reform is strong.   支持政治改革的理由是不容小觑的。   There is no consensus in favour of changing this dramatically.   对急剧改变这一模式的支持还没达成一致。   3.fill with 装满   Your lungs become leaky and fill with fluid.   肺部开始渗漏,充满液体。   Select the cells that you want to fill with a pattern.   选择要用图案填充的单元格。   4.associate with 联合,联系   The date and time to associate with the type library.   与该类型库相关联的日期和时间。   Choosing to change career in your 50s is strictly for the rich or the bold, neithercharacteristics I immediately associate with a university academic.   只有富人或无畏的人才会选择在50多岁改变职业,这两者的特征我都不能立即与一位大学老师联系起来。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Language in Taiwan   汉语在台湾   Lost in Romanisation   迷失拼音   Ideological warfare over spelling   拼写上的意识形态冲突   THE policy of dtente with China espoused byTaiwan s president, Ma Ying-jeou, has caused fearsamong some Taiwanese that the island s rowdy democracy will be pushed into Beijing spolitical embrace. Fears of future reunification are even causing some Taiwanese cities toreject hanyu pinyin, the official system for Romanising Chinese words in both China andTaiwan, in favour of an older system.   台湾总统马英九就两岸关系主张缓和政策。这让台湾民众忧心忡忡,生恐岛内吵闹的政治局面将台湾推向大陆的怀抱。对于回归的担忧甚至引发部分台湾城市抵制汉语拼音,转而支持旧有的拉丁化方案。   Mr Ma s government declared more than five years ago that the country would start usinghanyu pinyin. The reasoning is sensible. It is the phonetic system used virtuallyeverywhere in the world, including the United Nations and the International Organisation forStandardisation, for transcribing Mandarin pronunciation of Chinese characters into theRoman alphabet. The one problem: it was developed in Communist China in the 1950s andso, for some Taiwanese, remains suspect.   早在5年多以前,马英九政府就宣布台湾将开始使用汉语拼音。其理由也非常充分,这种拼音方案几乎被全球所有地区用来将汉字发音转化为拉丁字母,包括美国和国际标准化组织。唯一的问题在于:这个方案诞生于19世纪50年代共党治下的中国,因而台湾民众对它疑心重重。   Officials argue that its use will improve Taiwan s economic competitiveness by co-ordinatingwith other Chinese-speaking societies. But some Taiwanese believe this is a ploy by Mr Macovertly to integrate Taiwan more closely with Chinese mainland.   官方认为使用汉语拼音的能够同其他使用汉语的社会统一标准,从而也能提高台湾的经济竞争力。但不少台湾人坚信这这是马英九暗中将台湾和大陆一体化的阴谋。   Hanyu pinyin is now used on street signs in the island s capital, Taipei, but some cities ruledby opposition mayors are staging a boycott. They include Kaohsiung, the island ssecond-largest metropolis, and Tainan, a popular tourist spot filled with charming temples.These cities are clinging to the Romanisation system known as tongyong pinyin, which wasintroduced in 2002 and is closely associated with Mr Ma s predecessor, Chen Shui-bian, apassionate advocate of independence. Tongyong pinyin is unique to Taiwan, and its usewas once lambasted by Xinhua, the mainland s official news agency, as a move to rid Taiwanof Chinese influence.   汉语拼音如今已经用于首都台北的路牌,不过由反对党市长领导的城市仍在进行抵制。其中包括岛内第二大城市高雄和寺庙充盈的旅游胜地台南。这些城市坚持使用通用拼音,该拉丁化方案在2002年开始使用。这套方案的使用同马的前任激进的台独分子陈水扁,有很大关系。通用拼音仅被台湾采用,并且曾被大陆官媒新华社斥责为意图消除台湾的中华传统。   Expatriate newcomers who cannot read Chinese characters easily lose their way. The Altar ofHeaven, a temple in Tainan, is located on a lane off Jhongyi Road on the city governmentwebsite, but is off Zhongyi Road on Google Maps. A lingering third system known asWade-Giles, used before both the others, confuses visitors even more. Mr Ma s officials saythere is no legal requirement for local governments to adopt hanyu pinyin and they arereluctant to push too hard, lest theystir up memories of the harsh martial-law regime thatended over two decades ago. But, even in language, Taiwan remains divided.   不懂汉语的移民后代重回台湾时,很容易就会迷路。比如,台南天坛位于忠义路边上的小巷中,这条路的路牌上写的是Jhongyi Road,而谷歌地图的显示是Zhongyi Road。还有第三种拼音方案叫做威妥玛式拼音法,曾被双方使用,但是却更让游客迷惑。马英九政府的官员表示,法律上并没有要求地方政府接受汉语拼音,政府也不愿意强制推行,以免让他们觉得回到了20多年前残酷的军统时期。即便是从语言上说,台湾仍出在和大陆分离的状态。   词语解释   1.push into 推进,推动   Japanese firms push into emerging markets.   经济学人日本企业推进新兴市场。   The push into brazil and china follows img s successin india.   进入巴西和中国市场之前,img在印度大获成功。   2.in favour of 赞成,支持   The political argument in favour of reform is strong.   支持政治改革的理由是不容小觑的。   There is no consensus in favour of changing this dramatically.   对急剧改变这一模式的支持还没达成一致。   3.fill with 装满   Your lungs become leaky and fill with fluid.   肺部开始渗漏,充满液体。   Select the cells that you want to fill with a pattern.   选择要用图案填充的单元格。   4.associate with 联合,联系   The date and time to associate with the type library.   与该类型库相关联的日期和时间。   Choosing to change career in your 50s is strictly for the rich or the bold, neithercharacteristics I immediately associate with a university academic.   只有富人或无畏的人才会选择在50多岁改变职业,这两者的特征我都不能立即与一位大学老师联系起来。


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