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  Dealing with asteroid strikes


  A close shave


  After a hit and a near miss minds are focusing onthe risks from space rocks


  One close shave with an asteroid is cause for excitement.


  Two on the same day is scary.


  On February 15th planet Earth experienced exactly that, as a hunk of itinerant space rockpassed by extremely close.


  While another exploded spectacularly in the skies above Russia.


  The first asteroid, called 2023 DA14,had been known to astronomers for around a year.

  第一颗小行星名为2023 DA14,天文学家在大约一年前发现。

  They had calculated that there was no risk of collision. But the 30-metre, 190,000-tonnerock came close: 27,700Km above the surface, inside the orbit of some satellites.


  It was the nearest ever recorded for an asteroid that size.


  The second came quite literally out of a clear blue sky, appearing without warning and thendisintergrating about 30 seconds later over Chelyabinsk.


  According to NASA, the 10,000-tonne meteor released about 500 kilotonnes of energy when itbroke apart, equivalent to the yield of a largish nuclear bomb.


  Only the height of the detonation-dozens of kilometers upkept the fatality count at zero,although more than 1,000 people were injured as windows were blown out of buildings.


  This double whammy has focused minds on the threat from asteroids, something thatastronomers have long known is real but which tends to be treated with giggles whenever it isbrought outside the lab.


  Some politicians have nevertheless taken action.


  In 1998 America s Congress ordered NASA to begin cataloguing the very largest, planet killerasteroids-defined as those more than a kilometer across.


  The agency reckons it has accounted for more than 90% of them.


  But as the impact from such a beast would be catastrophic, the few undiscovered rocksstill represent a threat.


  Deep impact


  These days, a mix of national organizations and universities run an alphabet soup ofdetectors.


  But the field is still a bit of backwater, and budgets are tight.


  John Tonry, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii, is building an asteroid-huntingtelescope called ATLAS with $5m from NASA.

  John Tonry, 一位来自夏威夷大学的天文学家,正在建造一个名为ATLAS的小行星搜索望远镜,NASA提供了500万美元的经费。

  Dr Tonry cannot afford to hire a proper telescope engineer, and is having to design thedevice himself.


  ATLAS is intended to spot mid-sized city killers like 2023 DA14.

  ATLAS望远镜的目的是为了辨认出类似2023 DA14这样中等大小的城市杀手。

  Astronomers reckon the risk from these is at least as great as that from the biggest onesbecause there are many more of them.


  Exactly how many more, though, is hard to say because, being small, they are hard to see.


  ATLAS should be able to spot a rock on a collision course a few days before it hits, givingtime to organize a hasty evacuation.


  Of course, rather than evacuating the impact zone, it would be better if there were someway to deal with a threatening asteroid more directly, by nudging it into a different orbit.


  Asteroid deflection suffers from a even greater giggle factor than asteroid detection, butseveral ideas have been proposed. One popular method is to use nuclear weapons.


  Detonating a nuke near an asteroid s surface could boil away some of the rock and-byNewton s third law of motion-impart a shove in the other direction.


  Done early enough, this would shift the object s orbit sufficiently to stop it hitting Earth.


  Alternatively, simply ramming the offending rock might provide enough force to provoke asuitable reaction and change in orbit.


  The European Space Agency plans to launch, in 2023, a spacecraft called Don Quijote thatwill test the feasibility of doing this.


  Other ideas are more elegant: painting the rock white, for instance, will alter the way itinteracts with sunlight, nudging it into a new orbit.


  Or rocket motors might be strapped to it, to propel it in a desirable direction. Or a largespacecraft could orbit around it, where its gravity would alter the asteroid s orbit aroundthe sun.


  The trouble is that many of these ideas rely on having plenty of warning. Even small asteroidsare big, as 2023 DA14 shows.

  问题在于,这里面的很多主意都依赖于充足的预警时间,即使是处理如2023 DA14般的小块头小行星。

  That means shifting them at short notice is going to be difficult.


  When American s National Research Council studied the problem in 2010, it came to theconclusion that even nuclear weapons would require warnings times measured in years ordecades.


  Evacuation, it said, was the only feasible option for dealing with little warning. Others aremore optimistic.


  The day before the explosion over Russia researchers at the University of California, SantaBarbara, proposed putting into orbit a solar-powered laser that could use its beam tovaporize the surface of an incoming asteroid and thus knock it off course, even at a few days notice.


  Bet your life?


  Hard-nosed economists might wonder whether spending money on asteroid research-eitherfor detection or deflection-is really worth it.


  After all, for all their drama asteroid strikes are rare, and there are plenty of other threats toworry about.


  But the relative lack of information makes the true risk difficult to calculate.


  An asteroid strike is an event with a low probability, but a high death toll when it doeshappen.


  That, as Dr Tonry points out, does funny things to risk calculations.


  Our best guess is that you can expect maybe 100 people a year to die from asteroid strikes,he says.


  Of course, what that really means is that you might see 100,000 death every thousand years,or 100m every million.


  After dodging two potential catastrophes in one day, the world may decide it is better to besafe than sorry.



  1.focus on 致力于;使聚焦于

  That s all you want to focus on.


  The project also will focus on key secretedpathogenic proteins.


  2.according to 根据,按照

  They both played the game according to the rules...


  They must take their own decision according to their own legal advice.


  3.tend to 趋向;偏重

  Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life.


  I tend to prefer light colors.


  4.account for 导致,引起

  How do you account for the company s alarmingly high staff turnover?


  He said only 200 of the train s 600 passengers had been accounted for.



  Dealing with asteroid strikes


  A close shave


  After a hit and a near miss minds are focusing onthe risks from space rocks


  One close shave with an asteroid is cause for excitement.


  Two on the same day is scary.


  On February 15th planet Earth experienced exactly that, as a hunk of itinerant space rockpassed by extremely close.


  While another exploded spectacularly in the skies above Russia.


  The first asteroid, called 2023 DA14,had been known to astronomers for around a year.

  第一颗小行星名为2023 DA14,天文学家在大约一年前发现。

  They had calculated that there was no risk of collision. But the 30-metre, 190,000-tonnerock came close: 27,700Km above the surface, inside the orbit of some satellites.


  It was the nearest ever recorded for an asteroid that size.


  The second came quite literally out of a clear blue sky, appearing without warning and thendisintergrating about 30 seconds later over Chelyabinsk.


  According to NASA, the 10,000-tonne meteor released about 500 kilotonnes of energy when itbroke apart, equivalent to the yield of a largish nuclear bomb.


  Only the height of the detonation-dozens of kilometers upkept the fatality count at zero,although more than 1,000 people were injured as windows were blown out of buildings.


  This double whammy has focused minds on the threat from asteroids, something thatastronomers have long known is real but which tends to be treated with giggles whenever it isbrought outside the lab.


  Some politicians have nevertheless taken action.


  In 1998 America s Congress ordered NASA to begin cataloguing the very largest, planet killerasteroids-defined as those more than a kilometer across.


  The agency reckons it has accounted for more than 90% of them.


  But as the impact from such a beast would be catastrophic, the few undiscovered rocksstill represent a threat.


  Deep impact


  These days, a mix of national organizations and universities run an alphabet soup ofdetectors.


  But the field is still a bit of backwater, and budgets are tight.


  John Tonry, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii, is building an asteroid-huntingtelescope called ATLAS with $5m from NASA.

  John Tonry, 一位来自夏威夷大学的天文学家,正在建造一个名为ATLAS的小行星搜索望远镜,NASA提供了500万美元的经费。

  Dr Tonry cannot afford to hire a proper telescope engineer, and is having to design thedevice himself.


  ATLAS is intended to spot mid-sized city killers like 2023 DA14.

  ATLAS望远镜的目的是为了辨认出类似2023 DA14这样中等大小的城市杀手。

  Astronomers reckon the risk from these is at least as great as that from the biggest onesbecause there are many more of them.


  Exactly how many more, though, is hard to say because, being small, they are hard to see.


  ATLAS should be able to spot a rock on a collision course a few days before it hits, givingtime to organize a hasty evacuation.


  Of course, rather than evacuating the impact zone, it would be better if there were someway to deal with a threatening asteroid more directly, by nudging it into a different orbit.


  Asteroid deflection suffers from a even greater giggle factor than asteroid detection, butseveral ideas have been proposed. One popular method is to use nuclear weapons.


  Detonating a nuke near an asteroid s surface could boil away some of the rock and-byNewton s third law of motion-impart a shove in the other direction.


  Done early enough, this would shift the object s orbit sufficiently to stop it hitting Earth.


  Alternatively, simply ramming the offending rock might provide enough force to provoke asuitable reaction and change in orbit.


  The European Space Agency plans to launch, in 2023, a spacecraft called Don Quijote thatwill test the feasibility of doing this.


  Other ideas are more elegant: painting the rock white, for instance, will alter the way itinteracts with sunlight, nudging it into a new orbit.


  Or rocket motors might be strapped to it, to propel it in a desirable direction. Or a largespacecraft could orbit around it, where its gravity would alter the asteroid s orbit aroundthe sun.


  The trouble is that many of these ideas rely on having plenty of warning. Even small asteroidsare big, as 2023 DA14 shows.

  问题在于,这里面的很多主意都依赖于充足的预警时间,即使是处理如2023 DA14般的小块头小行星。

  That means shifting them at short notice is going to be difficult.


  When American s National Research Council studied the problem in 2010, it came to theconclusion that even nuclear weapons would require warnings times measured in years ordecades.


  Evacuation, it said, was the only feasible option for dealing with little warning. Others aremore optimistic.


  The day before the explosion over Russia researchers at the University of California, SantaBarbara, proposed putting into orbit a solar-powered laser that could use its beam tovaporize the surface of an incoming asteroid and thus knock it off course, even at a few days notice.


  Bet your life?


  Hard-nosed economists might wonder whether spending money on asteroid research-eitherfor detection or deflection-is really worth it.


  After all, for all their drama asteroid strikes are rare, and there are plenty of other threats toworry about.


  But the relative lack of information makes the true risk difficult to calculate.


  An asteroid strike is an event with a low probability, but a high death toll when it doeshappen.


  That, as Dr Tonry points out, does funny things to risk calculations.


  Our best guess is that you can expect maybe 100 people a year to die from asteroid strikes,he says.


  Of course, what that really means is that you might see 100,000 death every thousand years,or 100m every million.


  After dodging two potential catastrophes in one day, the world may decide it is better to besafe than sorry.



  1.focus on 致力于;使聚焦于

  That s all you want to focus on.


  The project also will focus on key secretedpathogenic proteins.


  2.according to 根据,按照

  They both played the game according to the rules...


  They must take their own decision according to their own legal advice.


  3.tend to 趋向;偏重

  Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life.


  I tend to prefer light colors.


  4.account for 导致,引起

  How do you account for the company s alarmingly high staff turnover?


  He said only 200 of the train s 600 passengers had been accounted for.



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