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  A) He cant find his new apartment.

  B) He had a bigger apartment before.

  C) He finds the new apartment too big for him.

  D) Hes having a hard time finding an apartment.

  W: How do you find your new apartment?

  M: Well, its quite nice really, although I have a hard time getting used to living in a big place.

  Q: What is the mans problem?

  注:1. dormitory 宿舍

  apartment 公寓




  2. How do you find ...= How do you like...

  3. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 选项中找be accustomed to doing sth.或adapt

  used to do sth 过去常常 选项中找 was always 或找否定句+now


  A) He meant she should make a phone call if anything went wrong.

  B) He meant for her just to wait till help came.

  C) He was afraid something would go wrong with her car.

  D) He promised to give her help himself.

  W: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?

  M: Well, Im sure you wont have any trouble, Mrs. Smith, but if something should happen, just call this number. Theyll see that you get help.

  Q: What does the man really mean?

  注:谈论车的最大话题一定是坏掉 break down。


  A) He has edited three books.

  B) He has bought the wrong book.

  C) He has lost half of his money.

  D) He has found the book that will be used.

  M: Hey, Louise, Ive got a used copy of our chemistry textbook for half price.

  W: Im afraid you wasted your money, yours is the first edition, but were supposed to be using the third edition.

  Q: What has the man done?

  注:used book 二手书,旧书



  orientation 新生培训

  freshman/ fresher 大一新生

  sophomore 大二

  junior 大三

  senior 大四




  A) She wants to return the skirt her husband bought.

  B) She wants to buy another skirt.

  C) She wants to change the yellow skirt for a blue one.

  D) She wants to change the blue skirt for a yellow one.

  M: Now, whats your problem, Madam?

  W: Oh, yes. My husband bought this yellow skirt here yesterday. It is very nice, but its not the colour I want. Have you got any blue ones?

  Q: What does the woman want to do?

  注:1. 蓝色情节

  blue 服装最喜欢的颜色

  dark blue 深蓝

  light blue 浅蓝

  navy blue 海军蓝

  navy 常用这个词表示蓝色

  pink 红色习惯用这个词表示

  2. 羊毛情节wool

  down jacket 羽绒服


  A) Its too windy.

  B) The people there are terrible.

  C) The air is polluted.

  D) The beaches are dirty.

  W: The place Ive heard so much about is Los Angeles. The climate is pretty good. Year-round flowers, year-round swimming. How do you like it?

  M: Well, the beaches are beautiful. But the people there are terribly annoyed by the dirty air. I mean, the combination of fog, smoke and automobile exhaust. There is not enough wind to blow it away.

  Q: What does the man think of Los Angeles?



  A) The apartment is better furnished.

  B) She prefers to live in a quiet place.

  C) Its less expensive to live in an apartment.

  D) She finds her roommates difficult to get along with.

  M: I hear you are moving to an apartment. Can you tell me why?

  W: Actually, I didnt want to move. It would be more expensive to live outside the college. But I just cant bear the noise made by the people living next door.

  Q: Why does the woman want to move?





  注:1. 口语中现在进行时表将要

  2. must 表猜测

  have got to do 表应该,必须


  A) He didnt buy anything.

  B) He got some medicine for his foot.

  C) He was sick and couldnt go shopping.

  D) He bought everything except the football.

  W: Did you go shopping this afternoon?

  M: Yes, but all I got was a sore foot.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  注:sore foot 脚疼

  sore throat 嗓子疼


  A) She didnt know her daughter could sing so well.

  B) She sings better than her daughter.

  C) She doesnt like her daughter.

  D) She herself doesnt have a good voice.

  M: I heard your daughter sing at the school concert last night. She has a lovely voice, I must say.

  W: Thank you, but I dont know where she gets it.

  Q: What does the woman probably mean?


  A) He finds history books difficult to understand.

  B) He has to read a lot of history books.

  C) He doesnt like the history course.

  D) He has lost his history book.

  W: Why are you so tired and upset?

  M: Ive been taking the history course this term. But the trouble is that Ill never get through the reading list.

  Q: Why is the man worried?


  1. paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;文件;纸

  research 查询资料

  2. presentation 口头报告 = report, speech, address


  interview 面试

  3. reading assignment 阅读作业

  reading list 读书清单














  A) He cant find his new apartment.

  B) He had a bigger apartment before.

  C) He finds the new apartment too big for him.

  D) Hes having a hard time finding an apartment.

  W: How do you find your new apartment?

  M: Well, its quite nice really, although I have a hard time getting used to living in a big place.

  Q: What is the mans problem?

  注:1. dormitory 宿舍

  apartment 公寓




  2. How do you find ...= How do you like...

  3. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 选项中找be accustomed to doing sth.或adapt

  used to do sth 过去常常 选项中找 was always 或找否定句+now


  A) He meant she should make a phone call if anything went wrong.

  B) He meant for her just to wait till help came.

  C) He was afraid something would go wrong with her car.

  D) He promised to give her help himself.

  W: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?

  M: Well, Im sure you wont have any trouble, Mrs. Smith, but if something should happen, just call this number. Theyll see that you get help.

  Q: What does the man really mean?

  注:谈论车的最大话题一定是坏掉 break down。


  A) He has edited three books.

  B) He has bought the wrong book.

  C) He has lost half of his money.

  D) He has found the book that will be used.

  M: Hey, Louise, Ive got a used copy of our chemistry textbook for half price.

  W: Im afraid you wasted your money, yours is the first edition, but were supposed to be using the third edition.

  Q: What has the man done?

  注:used book 二手书,旧书



  orientation 新生培训

  freshman/ fresher 大一新生

  sophomore 大二

  junior 大三

  senior 大四




  A) She wants to return the skirt her husband bought.

  B) She wants to buy another skirt.

  C) She wants to change the yellow skirt for a blue one.

  D) She wants to change the blue skirt for a yellow one.

  M: Now, whats your problem, Madam?

  W: Oh, yes. My husband bought this yellow skirt here yesterday. It is very nice, but its not the colour I want. Have you got any blue ones?

  Q: What does the woman want to do?

  注:1. 蓝色情节

  blue 服装最喜欢的颜色

  dark blue 深蓝

  light blue 浅蓝

  navy blue 海军蓝

  navy 常用这个词表示蓝色

  pink 红色习惯用这个词表示

  2. 羊毛情节wool

  down jacket 羽绒服


  A) Its too windy.

  B) The people there are terrible.

  C) The air is polluted.

  D) The beaches are dirty.

  W: The place Ive heard so much about is Los Angeles. The climate is pretty good. Year-round flowers, year-round swimming. How do you like it?

  M: Well, the beaches are beautiful. But the people there are terribly annoyed by the dirty air. I mean, the combination of fog, smoke and automobile exhaust. There is not enough wind to blow it away.

  Q: What does the man think of Los Angeles?



  A) The apartment is better furnished.

  B) She prefers to live in a quiet place.

  C) Its less expensive to live in an apartment.

  D) She finds her roommates difficult to get along with.

  M: I hear you are moving to an apartment. Can you tell me why?

  W: Actually, I didnt want to move. It would be more expensive to live outside the college. But I just cant bear the noise made by the people living next door.

  Q: Why does the woman want to move?





  注:1. 口语中现在进行时表将要

  2. must 表猜测

  have got to do 表应该,必须


  A) He didnt buy anything.

  B) He got some medicine for his foot.

  C) He was sick and couldnt go shopping.

  D) He bought everything except the football.

  W: Did you go shopping this afternoon?

  M: Yes, but all I got was a sore foot.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  注:sore foot 脚疼

  sore throat 嗓子疼


  A) She didnt know her daughter could sing so well.

  B) She sings better than her daughter.

  C) She doesnt like her daughter.

  D) She herself doesnt have a good voice.

  M: I heard your daughter sing at the school concert last night. She has a lovely voice, I must say.

  W: Thank you, but I dont know where she gets it.

  Q: What does the woman probably mean?


  A) He finds history books difficult to understand.

  B) He has to read a lot of history books.

  C) He doesnt like the history course.

  D) He has lost his history book.

  W: Why are you so tired and upset?

  M: Ive been taking the history course this term. But the trouble is that Ill never get through the reading list.

  Q: Why is the man worried?


  1. paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;文件;纸

  research 查询资料

  2. presentation 口头报告 = report, speech, address


  interview 面试

  3. reading assignment 阅读作业

  reading list 读书清单













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