英语六级听力小对话练习题 第81期

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英语六级听力小对话练习题 第81期

  C) Karen is sure to pass the interview.

  D) The woman should have reminded Karen earlier.

  8.Q: What will the woman probably do?

  A) Ask Joe to apologize to the professor for her.

  B) Skip the class to prepare for the exam.

  C) Tell the professor shes lost her voice.

  D) Attend the lecture with the man.


  7.W: I can t believe Karen is late for such an importance occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday.

  M: You should have known her better by now. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other.

  8.W: Hi, Joe, I wonder if you could do me a favor and tell the professor I ve lost my voice. So I cant attend this morning s class. I need time to study for tomorrow s exam.

  M: I don t think it s wise to say so. Since you re not going to give the lecture, you might as well simply skip the class and apologize to the professor later.





  正确答案为A。 对话中男子说凯伦总是一耳朵进一耳朵出,可见别人跟凯伦说的事情,凯伦并不走心。因此可知A项正确,凯伦非常不走心。B,他现在更了解凯伦了。男子是说女子应该更了解凯伦了,可见男子本来就非常了解凯伦,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,凯伦一定会通过面试的,对话中未提及,排除。D,女子应该早点提醒凯伦的,对话中未涉及,排除。




  正确答案为B。 对话中女子为准备考试,想让男子跟教授说她失声了所以没能来上课,可是男子建议她直接翘课,之后再向教授道歉。可知,女子可能会按照男子的建议去做,因此B项正确,翘课,准备考试。A,让乔代她向教授道歉,对话中未提及,排除。C,告诉教授她失声了。这是女子最先的想法,可是她应该会接受男子的建议,因此C项排除。D,和男子一起出席讲座,与对话内容无关,排除。


  C) Karen is sure to pass the interview.

  D) The woman should have reminded Karen earlier.

  8.Q: What will the woman probably do?

  A) Ask Joe to apologize to the professor for her.

  B) Skip the class to prepare for the exam.

  C) Tell the professor shes lost her voice.

  D) Attend the lecture with the man.


  7.W: I can t believe Karen is late for such an importance occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday.

  M: You should have known her better by now. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other.

  8.W: Hi, Joe, I wonder if you could do me a favor and tell the professor I ve lost my voice. So I cant attend this morning s class. I need time to study for tomorrow s exam.

  M: I don t think it s wise to say so. Since you re not going to give the lecture, you might as well simply skip the class and apologize to the professor later.





  正确答案为A。 对话中男子说凯伦总是一耳朵进一耳朵出,可见别人跟凯伦说的事情,凯伦并不走心。因此可知A项正确,凯伦非常不走心。B,他现在更了解凯伦了。男子是说女子应该更了解凯伦了,可见男子本来就非常了解凯伦,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,凯伦一定会通过面试的,对话中未提及,排除。D,女子应该早点提醒凯伦的,对话中未涉及,排除。




  正确答案为B。 对话中女子为准备考试,想让男子跟教授说她失声了所以没能来上课,可是男子建议她直接翘课,之后再向教授道歉。可知,女子可能会按照男子的建议去做,因此B项正确,翘课,准备考试。A,让乔代她向教授道歉,对话中未提及,排除。C,告诉教授她失声了。这是女子最先的想法,可是她应该会接受男子的建议,因此C项排除。D,和男子一起出席讲座,与对话内容无关,排除。