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1 看图写英语作文,聚会上一直玩手机 Today, with the development of hightechnology, we can get access to all kinds of hightech products, such as puter, digital cameras and so on These products make our life more;1 英语看图作文 100 One day, Jack was happily jumping a ropeSuddenly, he found a *** all tree that was broken in the trunk, then he thought he must do something to save the tree, otherwise it。

英语看图作文的写作从整体上可分为两个过程一,感性认识过程,即通过画面直接获得信息的过程究竟画面展示看图写英语作文了一个什么情景二,理性认识过程,即针对画面让学生发挥想象力,挖掘画面间的内在联系融入自己的思想与见解画面的内涵是什么;1 英语看图写作文,要有题目 120字左右 It was winter After a heavy snow, o boyscame out from their warm house They used the snow on the road and made a snowman They used almost o hours to sta。

1 帮忙写一篇大学英语看图作文 It was a very scorching hot day A pair of couples were eating watermelon somewhere in a park When they have finished eating the watermelon, they both left, leaving the fruit peel on;6 看图写英语作文 On a clear day ,I and my friends play soccer on the playgroundwhen we are playing happily,a group of children older than us grab our siteThey robbed us that I feel wronged。

1 英语看图写作文,要有题目 120字左右 It was winter After a heavy snow, o boyscame out from their warm house They used the snow on the road and made a snowman They used almost o hours to stack the snow;The farmers had a harvest time看图写英语作文!我们全心全意,愿您10分满意更多英语问题也欢迎求助百度懂看图写英语作文你英语二团提供 看图写英语作文 自己改动一下就行了·小学英语作文 ·@初中英语作文 ~@高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文 ·。


1、2 看图写英语作文,聚会上一直玩手机 Today, with the development of hightechnology, we can get access to all kinds of hightech products, such as puter, digital cameras and so on These products make our life more。

2、5 2024年高考英语作文范文150词 看图写作文 词典小生·英语行· 2024 高考英语各地作文及范文 1 新课标 I 假定你是李华, 计划暑假间去英国学习英语, 为期六周 下面的广告引起了你的注意, 请给 该校写封信,询问有关情况箭头。

3、1 六年级看图写英语作文 Ita beautiful saturday afternoon and I went to the cinema with my momWe watched a movie called Three Idiots It was funny, and we were both moved by the story because。

4、看图英语作文篇1 根据左面六幅图画,写一篇题目为ldquoAn Interesting Bookrdquo的小 故事 ,词数约120提示1画中人物Mr and Mrs Smith看图写英语作文他们的儿子Mike2故事的开头是It was dinner timehellip3。

5、After Xiao Ming heard the old man,he put the bird back to the tree这是我自己写的,望采纳 5 求写一篇看图英语小作文 In the very early morning, my Dad took me to school by car and I was the second one。


1、3 看图写英语作文 On a clear day ,I and my friends play soccer on the playgroundwhen we are playing happily,a group of children older than us grab our siteThey robbed us that I feel wronged。

2、看图写作英语作文篇1 DirectionsFor this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the i。

3、我吃的是泡面,不太好吃我看了一会电视,然后继续写作业晚上妈妈回来了,我帮妈妈做饭,妈妈很开心 今天,一天很开心 4 四年级英语作文十篇 1Yesterday I went to the countryside The experience of working people So。

4、1 一篇英语作文 看图写话 图弄不出来 跪求 My name is Liping,its six oweather is rainingNow , My father are playing puter now My mother is a teacherShe is cooking nowAnd my。