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My brother is really my good examplemyrolemodel英语作文50字, I would like to learn from himmyrolemodel英语作文50字, as he did peopleI love my brother, he is my role model Three rows, must be my teacher My brother is my teacher, my brother。

生活中,谁是你最尊敬的人呢?如果是myrolemodel英语作文50字我,那应该是我的老师因为老师教会了我很多的知识,而且让我更勇敢以下是收集到的三篇英语作文,希望可以帮到你~案例一全文 The people I respect the most is my father He。

My role model is Kakawho es from Brazil, and I am trying my best to follow him Although I am very young now, I hope there will be one day when my dream es true译文我想成为一名足球运动员 我希望成为一名。

some pop stars or hero, but my role model is my grandpa Grandpa is a simple math teacher when i was a child, i always thought to be weak because ithin and weak in sports and math Not only。

The power of example is infinite While trying to learn from them, I should also be strict with myself and set a good example for the people around me我的榜样英语作文 篇3 What is the role model。

my role model英语作文篇1 my parents First, it is becuase they were hand work to earn maney Second, they will establsih good relationship with neighborthey were look after for children, becuase they were。

she is my example tinkling tinkling steadily curved eyebrow, under eyebrow steadily a pair of black pearl eye, but also some cherry small mouth, always smiles, is very lovable she is very diligent in the。