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Ring the bronze chimes, thick and clear Zuosus right rhyme is far away, crossing the five thousand years of long years and fifty-three years of colorful flowers season, in the river, the sun, mountains, The sea of u200b u200bsea, the flourishing ripples, sounding the echo, condensed a topic in the hearts of hundreds of millions of yellow descendants: motherland! We use the "Book of Songs " and the sound rhyme of Qu Yuan's "Orange "; with the ancient wind and Yuefu, the poetry and scatter; with the Beijing opera and Qin, the scorpion and the tyrants sings you the glory of the years and magnificent years, sing your magnificent Mountain river bright landscape. We take Yue Fei's "full Jianghong ", with the "righteous song " of Wen Tianxiang, with Lu Xun's "shout ", with Zhu Ziqing's "back " sing your unyielding backbone, sing your unyielding dignity And sacred. We use the bouquet of wild flowers in Qu Qiubai; the poverty of Fang Zhimin; those grass roots in Yang Jingyu; with the patch of Liu Zhidan's chest; with the oil lamp before Jiao Yulu window; The string of footprints, sing your tenacity and tenacity, sing your soul and spirit. Dear motherland, let us use the hand of Cai Kiki to pick up the sang, let us shout the throat of the sea, in the golden season in the golden season, sing the national anthem and fluttering five-star red flag, sing The passion of the DPRK is in the past 100 years.

Yellow River, Yangtze River, Taishan, Kunlun, Wanli Mountain River, hurt from Tianan men, walked through a team of Lei Feng, walked through a team team Xu Honggang, walked through a team team Li Xun, walked through a team of flour - Go out of the pace of the most beautiful scenery of the Chinese people; go out of the most spectacular squares of the Chinese nation! Looking up to the blue sky, "Shenzhou Ship ", space shuttle; overlooking the earth, the Three Gorges Project, the magical of the world. Dear motherland, the implication and accumulation of five thousand years, fifty-three years of abandonment and inheritance. You gathered the most widest of the world's most popular popularity, regardless of the wind blowing waves, peace and development are your enthusiasm! You are not humble, and you will be in the new century! In the "16th National Congress " Dongfeng, the new generation of Chinese leaders are going to lead the Chinese nation to new glories.

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