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03 学术文化篇(一)在当今信息化时代,英语已经成为了我们生活不可或缺的一部分,作为中学生,我们更应该学好英语。请以 “My English Learning”为题,写一篇短文。






关键词:important, subject, progress, listen to, take notes, practice ,take part in ...My English learningEnglish is widely used in the world.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If we do like these, I think we can become a good English learner.【满分范文】English is widely used in the world. I think it’s important for us to learn it well.English is one of my subjects. It plays an important part in my daily study. But at the beginning, I was not good at it, and I felt worried . My English teacher told me not to give it up. And she also gave me some suggestions on how to learn English well. I made much progress in English later.I think it’s important for us to listen to the teacher carefully in class and take notes so that I can go over my lessons later. I also try to catch every chance to practice listening and speaking. Reading more books is also a good way .If we do like these, I think we can become a good English learner.【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,介绍学好英语的重要性,谈谈自己学习英语的经历和感悟。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时和一般过去时,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:
English is……,I think……,My English teacher told……,I also try to……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。

【点睛】本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了我们学好英语非常重要,接下来介绍自己学习英语的经历,最后认为我们可以成为一名优秀的英语学习者。此处at the beginning, be good at, give up, make progress, take notes, practice doing sth等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。




开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【满分范文】Dear Wang Wei,I received your email yesterday. In the email, you asked me how to improve your English. Now I'd like to give you some advice.【高分句型一】(引出话题)First, watching English films and listening to English songs are great ways to learn English! Watch and listen several times, and guess the meaning of the new words.Second, having a conversation with a foreign teacher is also a good way. You'd better start it with greetings or a question.【高分句型二】 Also, smile before you speak and do not feel shy.Third, write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place them in your room. Read the words when you see them, and try to use them.(具体介绍学好英语的建议) These are my suggestions. I hope they are useful to you.(希望)Yours,Zhang Hua(三)如今,越来越多年轻人沉迷网络游戏.请根据下面表格里的内容提示,以“How to Beat the Computer Game Addiction“ (沉迷,上瘾)“为题写一篇英文短文,谈谈网络游戏的危害,并给出如何解决问题的建议.①网络游戏的危害浪费时间危害健康其他危害②解决问题的建议缩短在线时间增加阅读多散步听音乐多参加活动其他建议要求:
80﹣100 (开头和结尾已给出的内容不计入总词数);

卷面书写工整、句式规范、标点符号使用正确.How to Beat the Computer Game AddictionNowadays, many young people like computer games. Some of them are even addicted to playing the games.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________All in all, getting rid of this bad habit and leading a healthy life do help young people to enjoy more.【满分范文】How to Beat the Computer Game AddictionNowadays, many young people like computer games. Some of them are even addicted to playing the games.(点题)It not only wastes time, but also does harm to health.【高分句型一】Some students spend a lot of money on games.Some students even borrow money to play games.This has brought financial hardship to families.(危害)Here are some advice to solve the problem.In your free time, listen to music or go for a walk.It's very relaxing.Take part in some meaningful activities, such as reading activities, speech contests, volunteer work and so on.Besides, I think parents should spend more time with their children.【高分句型二】(建议) All in all, getting rid of this bad habit and leading a healthy life do help young people to enjoy more.(总结全文)(四)请仔细观察下面的图片,并根据所给提示和要求写一篇短文.提示:(1)What are the man and the boy doing?(2)What kind of influence does using mobile phones may bring?(3)What is your attitude (态度) towards this behavior?要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;






focus on (集中注意力在……上)We can see a man and a boy in the picture. The man is ________._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【满分范文】We can see a man and a boy in the picture. The man is teaching a class. The boy is having a class, but he is playing with his mobile phone secretly.(介绍图中的人在干什么)With the fast development of technology, it is natural for students to have mobile phones in hand.【高分句型一】 They can use their mobile phones to do something they like at any time in any place. It seems very convenient. But the mobile phones also bring some bad influences on their study and life. They can't focus on their study. They lose themselves in their own life and don't want to communicate with others.【高分句型二】(使用手机的危害)As students, I think we should pay attention to what our teacher says instead of playing with the phones. What's more, we can't spend too much time playing with the phones in our free time.(我的态度)(五)今年的“史上最长“寒假让同学们有了不同寻常的体验﹣﹣空中课堂、居家自学、居家运动等.或逍遥自在过,或纠结迷惘过,或用心改变过……请根据下图提示,结合自身经历, 写一篇英语短文分享你的心路历程,并发表观点.At firstI felt,laterI started to…NowI…FactOpinion:
I realize that I've changed. …注意:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名与校名;

2. 词数110词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数.My winter holiday has come to an end this year and it has brought me an unforgettable experience.At first,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【满分范文】My winter holiday has come to an end this year and it has brought me an unforgettable experience.(点题)At first, I didn't use to online classes. I felt so upset because I could only stay at home. 【高分句型一】Later, I began to study online at home.I gradually got used to this kind of life.Now, I keep up having online classes every day.(我的心情变化)In fact,online classes are more convenient, because we don't have to go to school.It can improve students' learning abilities. It's good for students to communicate with excellent teachers online.【高分句型二】 The teachers and students can share better educational resources.(事实)I realize that I've changed a lot.I think online classes are not only interesting but also improve students' learning ability. (我的观点)(六)南京阳光中学每年要接特来自世界各地的交流学生。为了让他们更好地在南京学习生活,校学生会面向全体学生招募“阳光志愿者”。假如你是李明,请根据下面招募广告,用英文写一封自荐信。

Volunteers WantedRequired QualificationsGood English and ChineseHelpful, patient, outgoingGood knowledge of Chinese cultureDutiesTeach Chinese&introduce Chinese cultureShow exchange students around NanjingWorking hours4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Wednesday, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 am. SundayContact Info.Ms. YangEmail: iindayang@163.comJoin us!注意:
1. 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥。

2. 词数80左右,自荐信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数.3. 文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等.Dear Ms. YangI would to be a sunshine volunteer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I will be very happy if I am chosen .to be a volunteer.. I'm really looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerelyLi Ming【满分范文】Dear Ms. Yang,I would like to be sunshine volunteer.First I am good at both English and Chinese.And I am sure I can teach exchange students Chinese well.I am also helpful and I am always ready to help those in need.Besides,I am patient enough everything in detail.i have such a good knowledge of the Chinese culture that can help them know the beauty of it.I can make good plans for their trips because I know Nanjing well.I am outgoing and I think it’s easy for me to make friends with them,I am free from 4:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. on Wednesday.I can teach them Chinese during this time.I can also spend the whole Sunday morning showing them around Nanjing.I will be very happy if I am chosen to be a volunteer.Iam really looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming【解析】这篇书面表达是写一封作学校“阳光志愿者”的自荐信。这是篇材料作文。招募广告即写作的主要内容,考生可从自己是否满足招募要求入手。在写作时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,这样才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体。

(七)现在很多同学使用智能手机(smart phone)。智能手机给我们学习生活带来便利的同时, 也产生许多不好的影响。比如我们身边越来越多的同学成了“低头族”(phubbers)。假如你 是李华,你校的《英语园地》正在征文。请你投稿,谈谈你对智能手机的看法以及你是如何 正确使用智能手机的。

提示词语:advantages, convenient, proper, study提示问题:
What do you think of smart phones?What do you do with your own smart phone?Refuse to be phubbersMore and more people are using smart-phones nowadays. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【满分范文】Refuse to be phubbersMore and more people are using smart phones. Smartphones are helpful to our lives. We can use them to read news, shop online and so on .It is very useful and convenient. In fact, smartphones make our life colorful. However, every coin has two sides. Sometimes some of us spend too much time playing games on the smartphone and get bad results in exams. It has caused bad effects on us. Phubbers can be seen here and there. One Sunday morning, I was looking at my smartphone while walking. A car nearly hit me. How terrible! I won't do it any more. So I think we should use our smartphones properly and don't use them too much. We should pay more attention to our schoolwork. I will use my smart phone wisely and try not to be phubbers.【解析】题干分析:阅读题干,要求谈谈对智能手机的看法以及是如何正确使用智能手机的。智能手机给我们学习生活带来便利的同时,也会产生许多不好的影响。所以在写作文时,我们不仅要写出弊也要写出利,同时要表达自己观点。


短语:be helpful to对……有帮助;
here and there到处;
not any more不再;
pay more attention to注意;
try to do sth努力做某事。

句型:(1)In fact,smartphones make our life colorful.事实上,智能手机让我们的生活丰富多彩。in fact事实上, make +n.+adj. make our life colorful让我们的生活丰富多彩;
(2)Sometimes some of us spend too much time playing games on the smartphone and get bad results in exams.有时我们中一些人花太多时间在智能手机上玩游戏,考试结果很糟糕。and连接两个并列谓语,spend some time doing sth 花时间做某事。




不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.2.语句连贯,词数 80 个左右.Dear Minister,I hope this email finds you in good health._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am looking forward to your reply.Best regards.Li Hua【满分范文】Dear Minister,I hope this email finds you in good health.Schools and colleges across the country have been forced to delay the start of classes because of controlling the outbreak. Online teaching has been more popular.Here I would like to express my opinion.(写信意图)Online teaching has many advantages.First, students don't have to go to school.They can take lessons at home on computers or mobile phones.Secondly, students can repeat what they don't understand.In addition, online teaching costs less because both teachers and students can share resources.【高分句型一】(好处)There are also problems with online teaching.Some students play games on the Internet instead of studying.Besides, online teaching can't communicate face to face.(问题)I hope parents pay more attention to their children to prevent them from spending time playing computer games.【高分句型二】I also hope to improve online teaching so that teachers and students can communicate better.(建议)I am looking forward to your reply. Best regards. Li Hua(九)2023 年新年伊始,由于受新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus)的影响,全国 人民都在各自的家中进行学习和工作.而作为初三的我们也经历了人生里的第一 次学校线上学习课程.我们的线上学习已经持续了将近两个月的时间,在这段时 间里,你肯定也深有感悟.近期英语学习报邀请你用英文来写一篇文章,介绍你 对线上学习的认识.内容:1.线上学习和在校学习的不同2.可以推荐的线上学习的方法要求:1.内容完整,语言流畅,书写规范.2.短文中不能出现真实姓名,校名.100 词左右.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【满分范文】Affected by a novel coronavirus,online teaching has been more popular.But there are some differences between online learning and school learning.(点题)Online learning is through a computer or mobile phone.Teachers and students communicate through computers or mobile phones.In school, teachers and students are taught and learned face to face.They each have their advantages and disadvantages.(线上学习和在校学习的不同)When students study online, they had better save videos of the class so that they can review what they don't understand.【高分句型一】Besides,students from different areas or schools can share learning resources.(推荐线上学习的方法)I hope parents pay more attention to their children to prevent them from spending time playing computer games.【高分句型二】I also hope to improve online teaching so that teachers and students can communicate better.(希望)(十)假如你是贝贝,你远在澳大利亚的笔友Andrew给你写了一封邮件,告诉了你关于他们读书周的事情,并想了解你的一些情况跟看法.请你根据他的提问,回复一封英文邮件.From:
Andrew@Australia. comTo:
Beibei@Suzhou. comWe will have a Reading Week next month. Every student should read a book and share it with others. I'm not sure which book to read. I remember you like reading very much. Here are some questions I want to ask you.Can you tell me the reasons why reading is important?How much time do you spend reading every day?What kind of book do you like best? Where do you get your books?Can you tell me something about the book you've read recently and what you have learned from the book?I hope to hear from you soon.Yours.Andrew注意:1.词数90左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;

2.回复须包括所有要点,可适当发挥.使全文连贯、通顺.Dear Andrew,I'm glad you will have a Reading Week._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope you will find my answers useful to you. Write to me any time if you have other questions.Best wishes.Beibei【满分范文】Dear Andrew,I′m glad you will have a Reading Week. (引出话题)I think reading is really important because it's really useful.【高分句型一】(我的观点) It can not only improve our knowledge but also make us relaxed.(作用) I usually read for an hour every day. I like reading novels best.高分句型二 And I often borrow books from the school library. (我的做法)I have just finished a book about Robinson. It is a novel about how Robinson successfully survived after spending many years on a little island and finally went back to his family. From him, I learned that whatever we met, we should never give up.(我朗读的书籍及给我的启示)I hope you will find my answers useful to you. Write to me any time if you have other questions.(希望)(十一)初中三年,你在生活或学习中,一定取得过不少进步,比如生活技能的获得、学习方法的掌握、良好习惯的养成.请你任选其中一个方面,结合自身的经历,谈谈你是怎样取得进步的.内容要求:
(1)字数80﹣100字.开头已给出.不计入字数.(2)文中不得出现真实姓名.How time flies! I have made great progress in my past three years._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【满分范文】How time flies! I have made great progress in my past three years.I used to be lazy and wasn't interested in English.(懒惰,对英语不敢兴趣) Last year,my new English,Mrs Liu,had a long conversation with me. She gave me great help and encouraged me not to give up.【高分句型一】She taught me some good ways of learning English.(老师帮助我交给我方法)So I made a decision to study hard at English. For example,I take notes in class. I watch English movies as often as possible.【高分句型二】I spent much time learning English every day.(我用老师教的方法努力学习英语) Now I'm glad that I have made some progress and caught up with others in my class.(取得进步,跟上班上的同学)