翻译句子汉译英高考 翻译句子汉译英(高中)

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翻译句子汉译英高考 翻译句子汉译英(高中)

【第1句】:As a matter of fact,all parents don't want their kids to be in trouble

【第2句】:After Mandela came to power and became the president,his goverment had tried their best to change the unfair situation for the black

【第3句】:Robert was sentenced to 3 years in prison for stealing,and was released a month ago

【第4句】:He begged me for letting him enter the club (which) we had just set up

【第5句】:The Blake has to turn to relatives for help, because they were out of work

【第6句】:John wanted to reward the taxi driver 100 yuan for finding his wallet

【第7句】:Even you failed,you shouldn't lose your heart

【第8句】:Since the attack has happened,her eyes are filled with terror every time she sees a dog





1999 六、翻译 用括号内所给的词语,把下列句子译成英语。这首迷人的民歌深受学生的喜爱,尤其是女学生。(popular) 据报道,1998年中国很多地区发生了严重的水灾。(occur) 充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停地看书。(keep) 他在实验中多次失败,但他相信失败是成功之母。(fail) 你及时通知我那件事,真事考虑得太周到了。(inform...of) 在过去得几年里,这家工厂用塑料代替木头来降低成本。(substitute...for)

汉译英 句子


The shop faces north ( shop 也可以用store代替,都是“商店”的意思)


Oh,man! I am getting fat recently. I ought to lose some weight after matriculation! Mountain, I am coming!突然发现我最近有点胖了!!高考完后要减肥了!登山!


1 一些人认为上大学应首先考虑专业,学自己感兴趣的东西,这样便于将来从事自己喜欢的工

Some people think the university should first consideration, learn their interest in the future, so as to work in their favorite

2 另一些人认为应选择名牌大学。因为学习环境对人的成长很重要,毕业后容易找工作。

Other people think should choose the famous university. Because of the growth of learning environment, who is very important to find job after graduation.

3 我认为考虑这些事还太早,高考考好了再说

I consider these things before the examination, the exam again.


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Congratulations on your successfull entrance examination , Congratulations on your successful admission to the good college.

Wish you success and enjoy in college!