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【第4句】: The “this is what makes you special to me” text短信:“对我来说,这就是你的特别之处。”

If there’s one thing women will always love – aside from diamonds – it’s a compliment. Along these lines, if there are certain aspects about your girl you’re specifically into, don’t be afraid to let her know.除了钻石、如果有一种东西是女人永远喜欢的,那就是恭维。按照这个思路,如果你的女朋友哪方面特别吸引你的话,不要害怕让她知道。

If anything, you should be more afraid of what you don’t say. A lot of times, men will try and play it cool, and women will mistake that for apathy.正相反,你更应该害怕的`是有什么东西你没说。很多时候,男人会试着耍酷,可女人会误以为你对她冷漠。

A random text letting her know you think she’s pretty or like the way she dresses can go a long way in letting her know you’re interested.随便发条短信让她知道你觉得她很漂亮,或者你喜欢她那样穿衣服,这可以让她知道你对她感兴趣。

【第5句】: The “I miss you” text短信:“我想你”

If you do miss your significant other, it can’t hurt to let her know. Your girl will always love hearing you’re yearning for her, wherever you might be, and it will always make her feel special. You want your girl to feel special, don’t you?如果你真的想念对你的另一半,那就告诉她。无论你在哪儿,你的女朋友永远都喜欢听你说你想她,这也总能使她感觉很特别。你想让你的女朋友感觉很特别,不是吗?

【第6句】: The “I love you” text短信:“我爱你”

Once you and your girl are on firm “I love you” terms, be generous with your application of the phrase.一旦你和女朋友到了稳定说“爱你”的阶段,一定不要吝啬说出这句话。

I can’t really think of a time of the day when a lady wouldn’t enjoy being told she’s loved, especially by someone who she’s expected to love, in return.我真想象不到有哪个女人会不喜欢别人说爱她,尤其是从她喜欢的人嘴里说出来。

【第7句】: The “how was your day” text短信:“你今天过得怎么样?”

Usually, this text istossedaround in casual conversation with people you don’t really care about. 通常,这类短信被用在和你不太在乎的人随意聊天中。

When you send this text to a girl you like – and your intentions are genuinely to find out how her day went – suddenly this text takes new shape.而当你给喜欢的女孩发这条短信时——你是真的想知道她这一天过得怎么样——突然,这条短信有了新的意义。

When you ask how her day went, it’s one of the realest methods of showing a girl you actually care. After all, if you didn’t, I’m sure you wouldn’t care to know how her day went.当你问她一天过得怎么样的时候,这是表达你真在乎她的最真诚的方法之一。毕竟,如果不在乎的话,你不愿意知道她一天过得如何。

【第8句】: The “I’m sorry” text短信:“对不起。”

When you’re invested in a relationship with someone, disputes are bound to arise. Hey, we’re humans, and humans are entitled to their own opinions – it’s just the nature of the business.当你投入一段感情的时候,你们之间一定会有争执。嘿,我们是人,人就会有自己的想法——这就是争吵的本质。

Once conflict arises, however, it’s important to extinguish it properly, so to speak.然而可以这么说,一旦矛盾产生了,以合适的方式清除掉矛盾很重要。

If you have feelings for a woman, it’s best to try and take control over these conflicts yourself, as to not leave anything to chance.如果你对一个女人有感觉,你最好试着控制这些矛盾,不要为任何冲突创造机会。

If you’re feeling uncomfortable about an argument the two of you might’ve had earlier, just take theinitiativeand apologize – even if there’s been some awkward silence for the past few hours.如果你对之前你们之间的争论感觉不舒服,那你就主动一点,道个歉——即使在过去的几个小时内可能是令人尴尬的沉默。

This will show her you’re mature enough to swallow your pride for the good of your relationship, and she’ll always appreciate that.这将向她表明你足够成熟,能为了你们之间的爱情放下你的骄傲。她会永远欣赏你这一点的。