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【第1句】: 用英语描写苹果

This is an ordinary Apple. Is a red, red Lishu yellow; side is yellow, Huang Li Dai Hung. In its yellow skin, there are several sizes, scattered "freckle" in his face, red Tongtong, a 1,5 cm long scar, coupled with a dark red by the Place broken , in this Apple, the big Shafengjing. In the possession of a short stalk above Au Apple into place, like quagmire trapping people in the poor children, such as shame prevarication, is unwilling to see the girls. It picked up, impulsively, deep breaths time, a hint of fragrance Pubi come Xukuijian was delightful, Dusu the bones of the body. Xiangjiao one, but Burenxinshanghai it.hesitant after I finally made. "Carbazole Chi," a bite on, the sweet taste just right: thick, suspected Tatian; desalination, suspected tasteless. Yiman mouth, memorable. Bite again, the sap like Tianjinjin honey, into my blood of. He put on the table, a "Dongdongdong" sounds like movement of a rapid heartbeat sound, but also about the shaking, like a Budaoweng


【第2句】: 用英语介绍苹果


The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree,species Malus domestica in the rose family Rosaceae.It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits.The tree is small and deciduous,reaching 5-12 m tall,with a broad,often densely twiggy crown.The leaves are alternately arranged simple ovals 5-12 cm long and 3-6 cm broad on a 2-5 cm petiole with an acute tip,serrated margin and a slightly downy underside.Flowers are produced in spring simultaneous with the budding of the leaves.The flowers are white,five petaled,【第2句】:5-【第3句】:5 cm in diameter,white with a pink tinge that gradually fades.The fruit matures in autumn,and is typically 5-9 cm diameter (rarely up to 15 cm).The centre of the fruit contains five carpels arranged in a five-point star,each carpel containing one to three seeds.

【第3句】: 用七句英语介绍苹果

it is a kind of fruit.

it is usually red and round.

it is like a baby's cute face.

it is sweet.

there is a saying, "one * one day, we can keep doctors away."

now i think you know what it is.

bingo! it's my favourite——apple.








【第4句】: 用英语介绍苹果 五句话

Most Apples are red ,but some varieties are green.

Apple is very delicious,and we may juice an apple for drinking.

Before you eat an apple,you must wash your hands and the apple which you will eat.

You may eat apple'core,because it's also helpful.

Eating an apple daily is very good for your health

【第5句】: 有哪些关于苹果的英语句子

【第1句】: The most glorious moment of apple was on Newton's head.

【第2句】: A complete honest man is never in the face of choice, the road will always be clear to show no 2 in front of you, this has nothing to do with your vision, like an apple tree, you are you looking forward to orange, but you still produce apple honestly.

【第3句】: Give up is a kind of intelligence, defect is a boon: when you have six apples, should take the five out for others to eat, on the surface you lost five apples, actually got five personal friendship and goodwill.

【第4句】: Life is not easy, don't worry about it. Your happiness is the real world. The little disciple asked me, master, what have you learned? I told him that many years from now, I would not be allowed to go to the grave empty-handed, at least with a few apples.

【第5句】: It hangs high, is a month white qipao, nails the apple green bead piece, the neckline has several water mark, layer upon layer, is the light shadow of the year.

【第6句】: Sometimes, love is like an apple in a tree. When you walk under the tree accidentally, it may fall down and hit you on the head!

【第7句】: The apples were scattered, but they were all under their own trees.

【第8句】: Want to be an angel in someone else's heart? Want to be valued? You might as well practice setting up obstacles, and don't always play the role of exhalation and swing, and you're not an apple on someone's desk.

【第9句】: Everyone has flaws, like the apple that god has bitten, and some people are more flawed because god loves his fragrance.

【第10句】: No matter how much you like nokia, you will always use apple. No matter how much you like film, you always use digital; Many people miss the classic and lasting appeal of the old car, enjoy it, praise it, and drive home with a new car.

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