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【第1句】: 表示道歉的英语句子

That's all right:不客气,没关系 Never mind:当别人向你表示歉意时可用,意思是没有关系,不要放在心上 “That's all right”作为常用礼貌用语,主要用于以下这些情景中: 一、作为感谢用语的答语。

当你为别人做了好事,别人对你表示感谢时,你常用它来做答语。 意思是“不用谢,不客气。”

例如: 【第1句】:—Thank you very much.非常感谢。 —That's all right.不用谢。

【第2句】:—Thanks a lot. 十分感谢。 —That's all right.不客气。


意思是“没关系,不要紧,没什么。”例如: 【第1句】:—I'm sorry I'm late.对不起,我迟到了。

—That's all right.没关系。 【第2句】:—I'm sorry to trouble you.抱歉,麻烦你了。

—That's all right.没什么。 【第3句】:—I'm sorry I broke the cup.对不起,我打碎了杯子。

—That's all right.不要紧。 。

【第2句】: 英语道歉信有翻译

Teacher, I'm sorry, today I made an unforgivable mistake, I should not have offended you, I know you are good for us, but I was not careful to say bad words, here, I would like to express to you sincere apology, teacher, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me。

【第3句】: 关于道歉与接受道歉的英语对话

"I'm sorry for last time"

"oh, what's wrong? Why is this apologize?"

"Don't you remember that last time。"

"oh that's okay~no problem for that"

"But I'm feeling so bad for it, you need to accept my apologize"

"Of course, I forgive for that, its all right, don't keep it in mind"

"What can I do for you to regret?"

"I don't think that is a good idea, you're forgived"


"Let this off, please, if you keep this going, then I'll not forgive you anymore"

"You're a good friend for me"

"I'm glad for you thinking that"

"Okay then~I'll say sorry for this last time, I sorry"

"You are fine, I will bless you for your honest"

"Thankyou so much"

【第4句】: 英语的道歉信,紧急

Dear Sir,

I am writing express my apology for breaking the rule and using phone in class. I am terrible sorry about that, and I will do that again forever. I will appreciate it if you can accept my apology.

Sorry again。

Thank & best regards

Your sincerely


【第5句】: (十分紧急)请求高手将这段道歉的话翻译成英文(今晚就要)谢谢大




I am sorry for all the mistakes that are beyond repair ever since March this year. Firstly, I would like to say, madam, I am sorry. I shouldn't have lied, even when I was facing you. When you exposed, I looked into your eyes and only then realized I had brought you how much damages. I know you had always trusted me but what I did had hurt all the people who had cared and trusted me. Especially, you still have to worry and take care of you in your pregnancy; come to think of this, it really makes me uneasy and put me in a jam. 我应经认识到了自己的错误,现在,我唯一能做的就是为自己所做的事情承担应有的责任。尽管感到无比的后悔,然而同时我明白,后悔是没有用的。

虽然今天我可能只是会因为我所犯的错而得到处罚,但是以后当我走向社会,一些犯下过错很有可能会很难弥补甚至是无法弥补的,从而可能会给我带来终身的悔恨。I have already realized my mistakes; what I can do now is to take up responsibility for what I had done. I am really overwhelmed with regret, but I know it is of no use. Despite the fact that I may pay for the mistakes I had done today, but when I join the society in future, it may be difficult or even impossible for me to repair the wrongs I would do, and they may cause me lifelong regret. 我也明白了一句话,当你撒下一个谎时你必须用一个更大的谎来弥补。



I have understood the saying, 'When you have committed a lie, you must cover it with a bigger lie'. For the past few months, I was really oppressed by my mistakes. Sometimes, I questioned myself why I did this terrible thing……My father told me today, learning is not as important as to be able to behave decently. I am not qualified to beg for your forgiveness; all I want to do is to spell out what I want to say, just trying to express my inherent apologies. Hopefully I can get rid of this burden after I had crossed this barrier, and calmly start a new lease of my study and living.为了不再跟您添麻烦,也为了我自己好,我向您保证我不会再做出这种愚蠢的事情,让大家都替我担忧,也会保证每天去上学。我知道自己的话对您来说可能可信度不高,但是我会用行动来证明我的改过之心。


In order not to give you more troubles as well as for my benefit, I assure you that I will not again do this stupid thing that worries everybody and I promise I will attend class everyday. Maybe you might not want to believe in me anymore, but I shall prove my repentance with my actions. I truly appreciate your thoughtful concern for me during the past two years.Madam, I am sorry!【英语牛人团荣誉会员】。

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