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英语作文600字 篇1

This post card shows you a picture from my holiday. We got Kunming on Wednesday. On the first day we visited Stone Forest. It’s very beautiful. I love it very much. On Thursday Kathy and I got lost in the city. We asked a policeman for help. He helped us find the hotel. On Friday we went to a small village. We saw folk dances and ate some fresh vegetables from the farm. We enjoyed ourselves. Last day we went shopping ane bought some presents for friends. Tomorrow we will be back home.







英语作文600字 篇2

My hometown is very big. I am going to show you around my hometown. First, here is my house. I live in a small house, we have a garden. My mother grows vegetables and flowers in the garden. Outside the garden the garden is a bus stop. It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.

There are lots of buildings there. There is a shopping mall, a youth center and a cinema. There is also a park near the center of the town. My favorite place is the youth center. I often go there with my friends after school. There are lots of things to do there and I am always busy. I like going into town on my bicycle.

The town is near the sea. I sometimes go swimming in summer when it’s warm and sunny. There is not much pollution in the town because cars cannot go into the center of the town. I have lots of friends here: I think it’s a wonderful place to live in. I hope you can come and visit it soon.

英语作文600字 篇3

im not sure when i first fell in love with you... i guess it could have been as early as that first time we held each other, or the first time i realized that you kind of liked me, too...

im not sure; i just remember thinking of you more and more and getting less and less done in the process!

i remember wanting you to stay so badly - and being so thrilled at the thought.

i remember praying that it was you whenever the phone would ring, but at the same time hoping it wasnt; because i didnt know how in the world i was going to sound romantic and impressive when what i felt was anious and tongue-tied...

sometimes it still amazes me - how i get so anious and thrilled and thoughtful about you; i guess maybe its because i just keep falling wonderfully in love with you... over and over again.

英语作文600字 篇4

Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.

We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.

I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.

We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.They are very delicious.

Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.





英语作文600字 篇5

It was breezy yesterday and the weather was comfortable. My class teacher led our students go to plant trees near the suburbs. We took a bus there and then we started to work. We first weeded the grass together. Then the boys dug pits and girls planted the young trees into the pits. All of us worked very hard. In a short time, we were all wet with sweat. After the young trees planted, we began to water. There is a pond near, so we took water easily. At about four o’clock in the afternoon, we finished all work and took a photo to remember this meaningful day. We were tired but happy.


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